One Year (Tomorrow) I've Lived Alone.
(for more Six Word Saturday, visit the link of Cate's on my sidebar)
I love looking back on this past year of living on my own since Chris left. SOOO many lessons and changes, feelings, experiences and friendships along the way. Just reading past entries from that time in my life, and I can't help but shake my head at where I was and where I've come to since then. It was a HUGE change in my life, and I'm SO grateful for it in so many ways. It was tough, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I've been so blessed. I can't wait for more milestones and moments in this coming year.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
six word saturday- Anniversary
Labels: Chris, life a la Debbi, Make The Change, Six Word Saturday
Friday, May 29, 2009
I'm only 54% cool
Directions - Italic/star the ones you've done & post on your blog!
1. *Started your own blog (ah, no, I started someone else's and they happen to be EXACTLY like me, so I pretend to use theirs!!)
2. *Slept under the stars
3. *Played in a band (Elementary School isn't that cool, though. French horn and Drums. Not at the same time. THAT woulda been cool!)
4. Visited Hawaii
5. *Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. *Performed in Disneyland (With my baton corps a few times, and once I was picked out of the crowd to be in a part of the parade)
8. *Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. *Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch (I'm working on the guitar)
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. *Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. *Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. *Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. *Built a snow fort
25. *Held a lamb
26. *Gone skinny dipping (shhhh, my parents read this blog!)
27. Run a Marathon (don't start me on this one)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. *Seen a total eclipse (Mimi gives me a full-moon every night!)
30. *Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. *Hit a home run
32. *Been on a cruise (I don't know if it REALLY counts, but we had a dry-grad cruise overnight on our 'prom' night around the Vancouver Harbours)
33. *Seen Niagara Falls in person (many times. It's awesome)
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (uh, my ancestors are Canadian for a really long time, though, so I could KINDA say yes to this one!)
35. Seen an Amish community (nope, but a Hudderite and Menonite one)
36. Taught yourself a new language (taught myself how to read one of the Japanese alphabets, if that counts)
37. *Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. *Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. *Sung karaoke (in Japan, at that! Doesn't get more authentic!)
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. *Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. *Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. *Been transported in an ambulance (more than once, neither time was 'an emergency'.)
47. *Had your portrait painted (done horribly in Quebec city.)
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. *Kissed in the rain
53. *Played in the mud
54. *Gone to a drive-in theater
55. *Been in a movie or on a TV show
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. *Started a business
58. *Had an encounter with a wild animal (do rabid rabbits and 'wild' mice count?!)
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. *Sold Girl Scout Cookies (girl GUIDE cookies, but yah)
62. Gone whale watching
63. *Got flowers for no reason
64. *Donated blood, platelets, or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. *Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. *Saved a favourite childhood toy (my children still play with them)
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. *Eaten Caviar
72. *Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. *Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. *Broken a bone
78. *Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. *Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. *Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. *Killed and prepared an animal for eating (fish. Not that adventurous)
88. *Had chickenpox
89. *Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. *Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. *Lost a loved one
94. *Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. *Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. *Been involved in a law suit (car accident isn't really a law suit, though.)
98. *Owned a cell phone
99. *Been stung by a bee
100. *Taken a martial arts class
Labels: life a la Debbi, meme, Pretty Much Nothing
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Still Laughing
Okay.... Shut. The. Front. Door.
This is hilarious. I guess it's been a while since I've watched TV, and maybe this is sooo old news. I don't care. I just 'found' it last night. But honestly people, if you didn't want to laugh, you definitely don't want to watch this! Ellen cracks me up. But in case you're not an Ellen fan, you can still find the humour in THIS too!
Yes, I'm still self-medicating with humour. It's not fixing the..uh..urge I mentioned sometime last week or so... but at least it makes me laugh at myself. Or others. Cuz, laughing at others is WAY more fun. Clearly. And I know there's quite a few of you readers who are also having harder days lately, and maybe, just maybe, you'll smile with me.
I know, I know, these posts, as my friend informed me yesterday, are boring. Well, what I REALLY want to blog about, I can't. And what I DON'T want to blog about, I still can't. So, frankly, until I figure my stuff out or find alternate blog fodder, we get humour.
And, it only took me all night to find this commercial, but does anyone else remember this? I loved it as a child. I don't know WHY. Watching it now is almost scary. But it brings me back and makes me happy. :)
Labels: Humour, life a la Debbi, Pretty Much Nothing
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Watch This!
The best way to beat a crappy mood? Talk with friends. Take a long rollerblade. Have a shower where NO ONE is bugging you. And, when all else fails, try these:
There is nothing more heartwarmingly charming and cute than this. In 60 years, I want you to find me at my retirement home-- and make sure that me and my super-cute husband are THIS in love and THIS full of fun! *YOU MUST CLICK!*
Now this is totally awesome. Sometimes, it takes someone like this to break stereotypes. When the band teacher asked this kid what instrument he wanted to play, I'd venture to guess that THIS wasn't the answer he expected to get! I'll bet this dude was beaten up in elementary school. *clickage*
And, seriously, this guy's mouth. TALENTED! Watch the whole 2 minute thing, cuz, SERIOUSLY, each time I think he's reached his 'abilities', he does something new and I sit here going, "Whoa".
*Click heeeeeeeere*
Labels: Humour, Pretty Much Nothing
Monday, May 25, 2009
I Get Up On The Same Side of the Bed Everyday, So What Gives?
I'm cranky.
At first, I thought it was because I was tired. I was up late all weekend (long-distance relationships require a lot of phone time, running a luminary run and hanging with sisters and girlfriends, long drives in cars through BORING-country) but after taking naps and having easy work-days, I realize it's not because I'm sleepy.
Emotional stresses make me cranky too. Dealing with a snappy Ex-husband is annoying. Dealing with kids AFTER Dad's weekend is tough too. Yes, I may get a weekend to myself, but I pay for it all week. Careful what you wish for.
Maybe I'll take a blog-break. Until I'm more fun and happy.
I May Not Be American
Yes, it's Memorial Day in the USA. And, no, I'm not American.
But, I figure that a post about this weekend is in line with the whole 'remembering lost loved ones', seeing as that's what I did.
Saturday I drove out to Edmonton with my sister and nephew. Driving up there, might I just say, is NOT fun. I would rather drive to Lethbridge, which is pretty much the same distance (a tiny bit less) than up to Edmonchuck. Really. Something about that drive is BORING!
We stopped in Red Deer, where my big brother is buried. I've never driven to the cemetery, so I had NO idea how to get there. But my sister had, once or twice, and so we went PURELY off her 'spidey senses'. She claimed she could feel it in her 'guts'. gross. people shouldn't feel the way to a cemetery in their guts. Amazingly, she was exactly right. We got to the cemetery, and she was so excited to see it! "There it is!! Dead ahead!!". I gave her the 'har har' look, and she realized what she had said.Graveyards are pretty cool to genealogists like us. We looked at other people's epitaphs, at their birth and death dates, speculated over who was buried beside whom, (of course, made fun of those less fortunate whose names sounded funny!) and took a few more pictures. Found a few tombstones of people that may or may not be in my family line (the Barber side), so I'll be looking those up today online. FUN!
Off to Edmonton, where we joined up with Kiki and Ken and my BFF MC, and went to the Relay For Life. There was a luminary 5K run in my cousin's name, so we were happy to go support my family and remember him. We also remembered other family members that were affected by cancer. There were deeply moving moments where I choked back a tear or two, but it was a SUPER experience, and one I would HIGHLY recommend. Next year, I plan to join the relay part.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Six Word Saturday- a few to chew on
- Running for Cancer. Hoping for Cures. Other than spending time with family whom I seldom get to visit with, I get to also see one of my bestest girls. And I get to run for cancer whilst remembering family members who are missed. Yay for me, I have a new iPod, so I'll have my tunes too!
- Masticating on elephants, morsel by morsel. I'm not letting my 'peace' go. I know how to get what I need and want, and I know that, when I need to, I'll know what path to follow.
- Missing my profusely attractive, hand-holding inamorato. First weekend in a while I don't get to see Will. :( that sucks. Just in case you wanted to know what I think about that. ;)
- House is a mess. Don't care. Besides, maybe, if I have to sell it and move into a cardboard box because of Chris' no-job sichee-ayshun, I could sell the house with
grimy hand prints'custom artwork' andmoldy diapers'one-of-a-kind aromatherapy'. Or burn it. Yah. That'll be better for EVERYONE involved!
Friday, May 22, 2009
How Do You Eat An Elephant?
The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.
~Ben Stein
I find it interesting that I had those two dreams the other night, before being faced with a few choices the next day (or two) later.
Right now, I feel like there's two distinct choices in my path. I guess, technically, there's more than two, but I don't really like to entertain any of the others. Two choices I can live happily with. Two choices that get me to my goal in the long run.
How do you pick between two choices where neither of them are exactly what you wanted? They're both GOOD choices, not being better than the other. If both choices get you to the end result, but in a different path altogether and seemingly not too different of a time-period, but both have aspects that don't appeal to you, what do you choose?
And, when other things (like Chris losing his job) happen in the background, is Someone trying to show me a path I don't recognize? Is it coincidental that I've had the same Sunday School class THREE times (which, NEVER happens) in the past month? What is the message Someone is trying to get through to me? Or, how I don't EVER remember my dreams, and then I'm given these two dreams on one night RIGHT before a few things change my perception of 'future'?
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time, right? So, I'm taking things one step at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time. I would believe the easy answer is to ask God in prayer and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost. But in all honesty, I believe that this HAS been asked. And that I've gotten to the point where Heavenly Father wants me to use my agency. To make a decision based on what others know, on what my Bishop councils and on what will eventually make me happiest in the end. I believe that neither choice will disappoint Him.
I will be getting a blessing. Some things shouldn't be left to my determinations.
Labels: life a la Debbi, Make The Change, religion
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I Dreamed a Dream
I don't know why I held my passport in my hand. No bags. Just a passport. I knew I was in a rush to get somewhere.. not a panicked rush, but that time was of the essence.
As I'm heading down the long halls of the airport, I go through a set of glass doors to another set of glass doors, and end up in a room. All glass doors and latches- lots and lots of them. But I can't figure out where the door is-- all the walls look the same and I can't find the right door. When I find a door, it's locked. And the next one. And the next one. And that one looks like a door, but it's just another glass wall. There's someone on the other side of the door- a female, a family mother or sister. Waiting, but not impatiently. They know I'll figure out how to get out.
Somehow I'm in a race. Like an Olympic race, but not. And the sport is like a marathon with tobogganing... or, like, an Iditarod! I have my toboggan in my hand, (which, oddly, changes from a crazy carpet to an old-fashioned wooden and sturdy type) and everyone else in the race has gone on way ahead of me. I know they're up there, but I'm not worried about coming in last. I'll get there. I walk up the hill, following the footprints of the people gone on. At the top of the hill, still carrying the toboggan, I start to walk down. Silly me realizes I can SLIDE down the hill, like MOST people would. So I hop on the toboggan and descend. I wasn't going too FAST down the hill, and it was easy since the tracks from everyone else were there. But, near the bottom of the hill, the tracks aren't as easy to follow. There's three distinct directions people went in. No one is around (no guides, no markers) to ask for help. I can tell from the path on the left that not many people went that way, and it is obvious from their footprints that they kinda walked around in circles, avoiding trees and tall shrubs and getting stuck. The path on the right is a bit more travelled. I knew this one was a shortcut. But there were a lot of footprints again, an indication I knew to be of an incorrect, cheaters path. Then, AFTER seeing these two paths, I see the path straight in the middle. The hard-packed snow of previous toboganners, and it was smooth from their tracks. No footprints. It was the longer way, but it was the right way.
Labels: dreams
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Windows Of Heaven
Good ol' Fraulein Maria quoted it most famously:
Where God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.
Right now, I'm putting my faith in that window.
Chris called me yesterday morning, and asked how I was doing. "Fine, how are you?" "Well, I could be better....I just got laid off."
Needless to say, if Chris doesn't make money, he doesn't pay child support. And the dayhome doesn't bring in enough revenue right now to cover my bills. SO. He arrived first thing yesterday morning and spent the day on the computer working on resumes and searching job listings. He even had a business-meeting for a few hours, too. He'll be back this morning. (He doesn't own a personal computer)
I am SO grateful that he isn't sitting on his butt, moping.
It's just part of the economy right now. I'm not alone in this venture, LOTS of people are losing jobs. But, oddly enough, I'm not that stressed. Even odder, Chris said he's not that stressed either. I guess we're just given a new type of peace amidst this, and again, I'm grateful.
I know it is prepping me for a new path-- something is gonna happen because of this, and even if it's a hard path, I know it leads somewhere better. Odd, because I can't think of WHAT it leads to, or even WHY I feel that way. It's just another feeling of 'peace' that came from out of nowhere. I'll take it, though.
Labels: Chris, religion, sob stories
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
This Day is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life... or something equally thought-provoking and eloquent
You'll have to forgive me. I'm kinda outta sorts.
With the long weekend, I have that whole "today is technically Tuesday but my head still functions in Monday mode and I've lost a day!! AHHH" mentality. On top of that all, I'm pent up somethin' fierce! ;) But, in most seriousness, I know that TODAY will be a changing day for me, and a changing day for Will. For two completely unrelated reasons that I don't want to get in to right now. So, excuse the mental clutter- I doubt this post will be too fluid in my writing.
The weekend was uneventful. Saturday I spent weeding the yard and noticing how many of the stupid bulbs and plants the rabbits have ruined/eaten/dug up, and got a sunburn in the process. Which sucks a lot. I did NOT get my mother's genes for tanning even just LOOKING at the sun. Nope. I'm my father's daughter, through and through-- white on white on white. With sunburns. and freckles. Blasted, annoying, so un-fun freckles.
Then, Saturday night, Will arrived in town to spend Sunday and, unexpectedly, Monday as well. And I'm sunburnt. Which makes even hugging not so much fun!
It was a regular weekend, other than the fact that the kids were home on Monday. They're ALSO home today (pro-d day) so it STILL doesn't feel like a Monday, and DEFINITELY not like a Tuesday.
Said goodbye to Will this morning as he headed back to his home town to work- it'll be a few weeks before we are together again, as this weekend I'm headed north to Edmonton for a Relay For Life Cancer run. It's a simple, 5 k luminary run, named after my late cousin, so I'm happy to go there to honour his (and my other family-member's) memory. If you're in the area, you should definitely apply to run with me! This run will also ensure that I get a few nights of 'training' this week-- something I'm craving lately. I'd like the weather to cooperate a bit more, and get some outdoor running in. When Chris arrives a few nights a week, I'm going to try to take that hour or so and get out again. The scale, albeit unchanging, is... as I just said... UNchanging! I feel yucky and flabby and out of shape again. Even if round and chunky are shapes.
But, today is a blah day. It's blah outside, and too many people I know are going through their OWN blah-ness. Including me. Blah.
So, I leave you (and, mostly me) a few pics worth smiling at! Even if I'm the only one who finds them cute. Too bad- my blog! (sounds like a fun mantra! "Too bad, my blog". lol)
Labels: Fit or Fat, life a la Debbi, Will
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Six Word Saturday- Growth

I have a three week Countdown.

Long weekend is upon us, and I'm with child. (er, with three, actually). No super plans for this Canadian holiday, but I may get out and weed gardens, fertilize and mow grass, wash outside walls and garage floors....etc. At least, before the snow returns on Wednesday. (grumble)

yep. In my city, planting has to be done AFTER the May Long weekend, which, seems to me, to come about a week earlier this year. Alas, in spite of having a garden-related gift certificate burning a hole in my wallet, I will not be buying or planting flowers until June. :( The buying part is fine-- everyone and their dogs will be at the garden centres this weekend. But the planting part-- we're expecting to get into +25'C territory!! (for all you USA folk, that's about 77' F)
June. Wonderful, flowery June.
It's taking soooooo long! And June can NOT come fast enough!
Labels: Holidays, life a la Debbi, Six Word Saturday
Friday, May 15, 2009
Um. Yah.
Worst thing EVER?????
Buying church shoes for three kids on a Friday long-weekend!
HAVING to buy church shoes because Clever You decided to throw the old, ratted ones away so that, come Sunday morning, you wouldn't repeatedly try to shove the kids' toes into shoes and end up with a fighting match and blisters. And this would FORCE you to remember to buy them before Sunday. Yah. Clever Me.
Not a fun outing to endeavor upon.
Just so you know.
Labels: life a la Debbi
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Love Is-
When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and
paint her toenails anymore.
So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his
hands got arthritis too. That's love."
Rebecca- age 8
"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is
You just know that your name is safe in their mouth."
Billy - age 4
"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving
cologne and they go out and smell each other."
Karl - age 5
"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your
French fries without making them give you any of theirs."
Chrissy - age 6
"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a
sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."
Danny - age 7
"Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."
Terri - age 4
"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears
it everyday."
Noelle - age 7
"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are
still friends even after they know each other so well."
Tommy - age 6
"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him
alone all day."
Mary Ann - age 4
"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and
little stars come out of you." (what an image)
Karen - age 7
Labels: meme, Pretty Much Nothing
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Selllll- ibate Good Times, Cummon!
The most common sentence I've heard in the past few days is, I don't know how you do it.
Unfortunately, we're NOT doing it! lol
Being LDS there's a few things that differ from part of the "regular" world.
Premarital sex.
(okay, smartalec, do NOT do the math on LL's birthday and my wedding to Chris. I didn't say I FOLLOWED all the rules ALL the time.)
In the past few days, people have talked a lot to me about a few certain topics. One- moving to Will's town. And Two- having Will move into 'mine'. (he he he)
Anytime someone finds out that we're NOT sleeping together, most of the reactions are the same... jaws drop, there's a slight gasp, and then, ...
Yah yah. Laugh it up you all. Har har, Debbi and Will are currently celibate.
But, might I just remind you of THIS post?
And, if you check out the comment, TechMonkey said, "Wait until it's three MONTHS!". yah. We're passed three months now. Will is even longer. (he he heh, I have such a childish mind!!)
This, sadly to say, is the longest I've dated someone since..uh..deflowering my ..uh... flower without it. Will's too. And it sucks. And it's hard! (and here I am, still giggling.. I'm an idiot.)
Another divorcing LDS friend of mine was talking to me yesterday, and we dubbed ourselves the "celibate BFFs". Having a CBFF is a good thing to have in, well, QUITE desperate times! She and I were talking about how tough it is to not be gettin' any, but then I had the unfortunate pleasure of assuring her that not getting any is hard for a regular person. But not getting any when you have the ABILITY to get some--
lemme just say.
This is a road untravelled, my friends. My own Golgotha!! lol
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Ex-tra Tough.
Chris's Ex:
- sometimes has a hard time defining for herself what her role is in his new life. Friend? Confidante? Sounding board? This is only efficient when the issue of conversation doesn't revolve around how much he hates having an ex. Or being divorced. Because, when that type of stuff emerges from his mouth, oddly enough, his Ex doesn't really want to hear it. And seldom cares.
- Doesn't miss him. Doesn't want him back. Worries that maybe she should have shed a tear or two this weekend when she knew her divorce was 100% finished, but honestly doesn't feel even the slightest bit remorseful or lugubrious.
- Is thankful for that.
- has a few scars still needing to heal from completely, mostly centred around trust and fidelity and body-image. A bit of 'baggage' she's still sorting through and getting ready to 'check' at the nearest baggage-claim. However, she's doing a pretty good job, if she says so herself. And is thankful for a boyfriend who understands.
- found it interesting that Chris felt threatened by her new boyfriend's interactions with their daughter. Not because he's worried about Will or who he is, but because he's worried that his bond with LL will be severed if LL's bond with Will increases. He feels like he's losing his 'job' as Dad. His Ex tried to remind him that the goal is (and always has been) to remember that they're not 'breaking up LL's family', they're just adding more people to it. That more people who love her is only a good thing for everyone. Chris knows this, but his insecurities got the better of him.
- found it more interesting that his next comment centred around her possibly moving away. And that she would never understand how that thought could and currently DOES hurt him. She reminded him that she DOES try to understand, (with her boyfriend's help,) and she's working on easing that pain in him with further sympathies. And had to state the obvious-- that he knew she wouldn't stay in this house forever. And would/could move away for school.
- then had to tell Chris that he's confiding in the wrong person. And felt mean for saying it, but reminded him that that's the nature of the divorce. Sometimes it sucks. And he was lucky he and she had such a great relationship, because he knows darn well that his Ex could be a bag about everything and he'd see his kids MUCH less than he does. But asked him to talk to his current girlfriend about such insecurities, because his Ex really can't help him fix his issues in any way. And, in this instance, doesn't really want to.
- is a lot mad that he lost her garage door opener somewhere on the road when he came to the house this weekend (while she was with her boyfriend) to pick up his motorcycle. He put the garage door opener in his backpack, and lost it. His Ex feels a bit insecure in her own home now-- and knows it's not likely that her safety is at risk, but still doesn't appreciate the feeling that it COULD be. When she complained to him about that feeling (in her slightly angry tone) he told her to call a repair guy and get quotes and find out how much it will cost to change the code and get another opener and set up the appointment and he'll pay the bill. She is more annoyed that she has to do the 'hard' work with all the phoning. :(
Will's Girlfriend:
- is learning that dating someone with an Ex is tough. It's not like before, when her previous boyfriends had Exes that didn't 'stick around' once they started dating. No, these post-marital Exes have a need (and a right) to be around all. the. time. Being an Ex herself, she also remembers that there are children involved who need stability and both parents. She only has a hard time with TWO Exes. Sometimes she has moments of anger or bitterness, moreso with regards to the Exes of Will's than her OWN Ex who hurt her so badly! Dating someone with prominent Exes isn't easy. Even though she encourages him to embrace his feelings for them, still sometimes feels like she's trying to fill shoes she can't quite officiate.
- doesn't like feeling inadequate.
- was probably asked 10 times in the past week if she would or was planning to move to his hometown. And had a realtor try to 'sell her' a home when she was there this weekend. She did entertain the thought, seeing as how much she hates not being near Will. Isn't opposed to the idea, and in fact believes that someday she WILL end up further south, but she knows the timing isn't right just yet. And yesterday she looked at houses on MLS in his area... but she's not so sure that small-town living is what she wants. Beside that, she's DEFINITELY not sure that small-MORMON-town living is what she can HANDLE! Trust her, there's a whole other subculture in that town with it's own set of 'rules' and expectations. It's a bit nuts!
- kinda hopes that Will will move to HER city someday, but also DOESN'T want that because he's got a good job and clientele where he is currently living and would feel kinda bad for making him uproot all his security there just to be near her. And would worry that, if he were around more, he'd see more of her pathetic life and run in the opposite direction as fast as his hot legs could take him! ;)
- (speaking of running) LOVE LOVE LOVED going for a 5 mile run with him the other day in and around his town. Loved that he didn't get annoyed with her being so slow. Loved the thought of doing that each night together if they lived in the same area.
- Did NOT love when he ran behind her just so he could watch her butt. Ew.
- DID love that he loved watching her butt.
- Totally loved when he couldn't catch up to her at the end 'sprint' around the temple.
- Is thankful for her mother's Cross Country training! ;)
- Still thinks he's pretty awesome.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Weekend Wecap

This weekend had a few interesting lessons within its pages. I'll touch on a few this week, if I find the time and motivation to write about them.
I spent the weekend again with Will. He had his children too, so the *9* of us spent lots of time laughing and playing and enjoying each other.


My sister and I met up with Will and his family, and the *19* of us practically overtook the whole place! There were draws for lots of free things, and let me just say, that when there's 19 people from 3 families, it's hard not to clean up on the prizes! ;)

They had a blood-typing station, and a hamburger/hot dog BBQ, and a carseat test to ensure proper installation. Which, might I just say, I passed!

Then, Will and I took our blended brood to the park.

We played, went for a walk, spat loogies over the side of the bridge (by the way, that's SO a guy fascination! lol) and just in general had a relaxing afternoon together.

Sunday was wonderful. Went to church, home to his parents' house for a great lunch, and cuddled with the kids and Will.
Going home is always tough- I enjoy being with Will so much and watching him and his children interact with mine in such a heartwarming way.

I always look forward to the next time.


Saturday, May 9, 2009
Six Word Saturday, and, By The Way, Time Flies When You Really Could Care Less About What Day It Is!
Six Word Saturday:
I Trip Up Stairs Too Often!
And, for those paying close attention:
The Court renders a Judgement of Divorce between (Chris and I) be effective on the 31st day after the day that this Judgement is rendered, unless this Judgement is appealed before that 31st day.
The spouses are not free to remarry until this Judgement takes effect, at which time either spouse may obtain a certificate of divorce from this court.
THAT, my friends, would be today. It is officially over.
Labels: Chris, Exes, Six Word Saturday
Friday, May 8, 2009
I'd Like To Thank The Little People- And By That, I'm Not Being Politically Correct for 'midgets', I Mean, All Those People Lesser Than Me! ;)
Yep, it's true. Sorry for all you runner ups.
*clickety click here*
Maybe next year!
Labels: Humour, life a la Debbi, Pretty Much Nothing
I'm Technically a 64%/64% Hermaphrodite!
> [x] You love hoodies.
> [x] You love jeans.
> [ ] Dogs are better than cats.
> [x] It's hilarious when people get hurt. [sometimes]
> [ ] Shopping is torture
> [ ] Sad movies suck.
> [x] You own a car racing game.
> [x] You played with Hot Wheels cars as a kid.
> [ ] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
> [x] You owned a DS, PS2, N64,or Sega.
> [ ] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
> [x] You have watched sports on TV
> [x] Gory movies are cool.
> [x] You go to your dad for advice.
> [ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
> [ ] You used to collect hockey cards.
> [x] Baggy sweats are cool to wear.
> [ ] It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
> [x] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favourite colours.
> [x] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
> [x] Sports are fun
> [x] You talk with food in your mouth.
> [x] You sleep with your socks on at night.
> [x] You have fished at least once
> [ ] You are/were obsessed with video games.
Total: 16
Mutipy by 4: 64%
> [x] You love to shop.
> [x] You wear eyeliner
> [x] You wear the color pink. [not usually]
> [ ] You go to your mom to talk.
> [x]You consider cheerleading a sport.
> [ ] You hate wearing the color black.
> [x] You like going to the mall.
> [x] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures
> [x] You like wearing jewelry.
> [x] You cried watching The Notebook.
> [x] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
> [x] Shopping is one of your favourite hobbies.
> [ ] You don't like the movie Star Wars
> [x] You are/were in gymnastics
> [ ] It takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up
> [ ] You smile a lot more than you should.
> [x] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
> [x] You care about what you look like. (sometimes)
> [ ] You like wearing dresses when you can.
> [XX] You like wearing high heel shoes.
> [x] You used to play with dolls as little kid.
> [ ] You like putting make-up on others.
> [x] You like being the star of everything. (sometimes)
> [ ] Pink is one of your favorite colors.
> [ ] You have so many purses/bags
Total: 16
Multiply by 4: 64%
Labels: meme, Pretty Much Nothing
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Thousand Word Thursday
Just a few pics of random things to tell my Thousand Words.
Bear Lost his first tooth last week. Will and I tried to get him to let us pull it out, but, alas, the bite into the apple won the favour. And the toothfairy messed up the first night. OUCH. Silly Toothfairy!
Each night I read scripture stories to the kids before family prayers and bedtime. I'm really thankful for Will's inspiration to catch it on camera while he was here, as it's a special moment I'm glad to have tangible evidence of. And, might I add, I'm learning some pretty interesting things about the Old Testament that I honestly never knew! hm.
I'm just glad that Little bunny Foo Foo didn't eat ALL my bulbs, because I took pictures yesterday of these beauties in my yard. And I know they won't be there tomorrow-- either bunny or dayhome fingers will ensure they aren't enjoyed for long! >:oI
Labels: A Thousand Words, Bear, life a la Debbi, religion
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Word Verification Wednesday, and I'm NOT Blogging About Recent Drama!
It's Wednesday today. I have nothing noteworthy to blog about. I considered blogging about my weekend 'drama' with Chris and "Kay" (his girlfriend) and how Chris wanted to stay in my house while I was out of town this past weekend so that he didn't have to deal with his roommate who is anal retentive and doesn't really like kids and when I asked him if Kay and her kids would be here too, he said yes and I was a bit uncomfortable about that but reluctantly agreed but when they got to the house I was still here because I hadn't left yet and Kay didn't come in to meet me when she had the chance and so I felt disrespected because who in their right mind asks to stay in someone's home that they aren't willing to meet the hostess first and seriously, I'm supposed to meet her before the kids did, but so much for that theory and what the heck happened to Chris and my agreements regarding all of that and yes I know things with Will didn't exactly go as planned either but that's not a reason to make two wrongs into an attempt at a right and how when I told Chris I was annoyed by the fact that she didn't want to come in to meet me and that she was no longer invited to stay here because I can't handle the immaturity and he stormed away from me without acknowledging he heard me or defending himself or her or ANYTHING and seriously if she was worried about it being awkward then she's got another thing coming for her when she DOES decide to meet me because if you ask me it's already awkwardER now and then I find out that he never even ASKED her if she wanted to meet me but simply assumed it was what she'd say but turns out she ended up asking him about it later too which makes me wonder if in reality HE didn't want us to meet which only bugs me further and when I called him on that he apologized and things are all better now and worked out with all parties involved so, NO, I won't be blogging about that afterall! ;)
Instead, I'll remind you all that it's Wednesday and time to play along with Jillybean at Thou Shalt Not Whine. Define your word verification, and have a GREAT Chocolate Wednesday!
Labels: Chocolate and Candy, Chris, Verification Explanation
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I Could Probably Share MORE, But Then I'd Have Nothing To Share At The Dinner Table!
Guess what? I'm not a very secretive person! (yah, whouda thunk!?)
For one- you only have to read this blog to know there isn't MUCH I don't share. Sure, some entries are a bit more cryptic than others, and some don't even get into HALF of the gory details (you can thank me for that, by the way!) but in general, I just don't see the point to being more secretive or private.
I figure some way or other, people are going to find out anyways-- uh, have you MET my family!?! Or the Mormon Grapevine!? And, seeing as how 'the truth shall set you free', what better a policy to adapt into everyday life?
So. Here I am in a new relationship. Gone from being 100% open in my marriage to Chris to DATING. Dun dun duhhhhhhh. In marriage, you SHOULD be open and honest and revealing and vulnerable. But, in dating, there's a whole new "game" I've somehow forgotten about.
The game:
Don't share EVERYTHING. Keep the mystery.
What is with people and wanting that "mystery"? Do all guys want that, or do all girls want that? Did Will and I kinda miss that memo? Cuz, maybe it's a bad thing, but I kinda think there's nothing off-limits with him and I.
Sometimes I tend to lean to the side that maybe that's not a GREAT idea. But I think most of the reasons for being so open are the divorces that we are coming out of and not wanting to have any stone unturned before committing to any other relationship.
I think the "let's keep some mystery" game changes when you're divorced.
Not that I'd play it anyways.
Labels: Dating, life a la Debbi, Will
Monday, May 4, 2009
NOT Not Me Monday
I do NOT want to confuse people today, so I am NOT going to do Not Me Monday today. ;)
So, I get it, guys. So many of you are hilarious-- Um, blogging is NOT an obligation. But I'm flattered so many of you feel the need to tell me you miss me in emails or whatever! I can't help it, I was BUSY! Thanks for missing me.
Will is back home and I am back to 'real life' now. He's busy working hard for the month, so I may not see him much anyways. Until June. >:( I thought, after spending so much time together for the first time in our relationship that we'd be sooooo tired of spending time together by the end of it all. But having him around so much was great, and I already miss him! And I mean, let's be honest, we're only one day into 'alone', and my 'honey-do' list is expanding! ha.
We had an eventful (non-eventful) weekend. Our first bigger 'fight'. Since both of us are coming from previous relationships, there's always a bit of 'residual habits' based on how we were in our marriages. He fought often with his ex, and Chris and I never fought. Growing up, he saw his parents fight a certain way, where I NEVER saw my parents fight at all. He says he didn't learn how to fight properly, and technically (on the FAR side of the spectrum) I didn't either. These types of things have an impact on how you fight in the NEXT relationship, and we do NOT fight the same way. But we're learning.
Fighting in a relationship (work, marriage, sibling... ANYTHING) takes a level of maturity to do it right. And don't all raise your eyebrows at me-- fighting is a SKILL! It takes WORK to fight. Bigger yet, it takes work to make up. It takes humility to apologize, to take ownership of your part in the misunderstanding. It includes NOT reacting. It includes NOT getting attacking and defending mixed up.
I'm not the Dean of Mean, or the Princess of Pugnacity, but I tend to think I do not too poorly in explaining my opinion during an argument without being infantile. Of course, in this instance, I was more at fault for one of our arguments, where he was more at fault for a different one.
Most people fight because of a lack of communication. And most people get defensive FIRST, since it's human nature to fight back. Keeping that in mind when I fight is a good way for me to not be who I'm GOING to be, but to be whom I WANT to be, and to DENY the "natural man" in us all.
Fighting in a relationship is inevitable. HOW you fight is up to you. Even if they don't fight like you do, you don't have to fight like they do!
And the best part of fighting, of course, is the making up! :)
Labels: Dating, life a la Debbi, Make The Change, Will