Thursday, May 21, 2009

I Dreamed a Dream

I don't know why I held my passport in my hand. No bags. Just a passport. I knew I was in a rush to get somewhere.. not a panicked rush, but that time was of the essence.
As I'm heading down the long halls of the airport, I go through a set of glass doors to another set of glass doors, and end up in a room. All glass doors and latches- lots and lots of them. But I can't figure out where the door is-- all the walls look the same and I can't find the right door. When I find a door, it's locked. And the next one. And the next one. And that one looks like a door, but it's just another glass wall. There's someone on the other side of the door- a female, a family mother or sister. Waiting, but not impatiently. They know I'll figure out how to get out.


Somehow I'm in a race. Like an Olympic race, but not. And the sport is like a marathon with tobogganing... or, like, an Iditarod! I have my toboggan in my hand, (which, oddly, changes from a crazy carpet to an old-fashioned wooden and sturdy type) and everyone else in the race has gone on way ahead of me. I know they're up there, but I'm not worried about coming in last. I'll get there. I walk up the hill, following the footprints of the people gone on. At the top of the hill, still carrying the toboggan, I start to walk down. Silly me realizes I can SLIDE down the hill, like MOST people would. So I hop on the toboggan and descend. I wasn't going too FAST down the hill, and it was easy since the tracks from everyone else were there. But, near the bottom of the hill, the tracks aren't as easy to follow. There's three distinct directions people went in. No one is around (no guides, no markers) to ask for help. I can tell from the path on the left that not many people went that way, and it is obvious from their footprints that they kinda walked around in circles, avoiding trees and tall shrubs and getting stuck. The path on the right is a bit more travelled. I knew this one was a shortcut. But there were a lot of footprints again, an indication I knew to be of an incorrect, cheaters path. Then, AFTER seeing these two paths, I see the path straight in the middle. The hard-packed snow of previous toboganners, and it was smooth from their tracks. No footprints. It was the longer way, but it was the right way.


Jillene said...

Maybe this dream is letting you know that you are on the right path in life. And even though it is a longer path--it will lead you in the right direction. Stay on the path Debbi--it will lead to more joy and happiness!!

Unknown said...

i don't usually dream profoundly.

more often my dreams @ night includes things like me giving birth to triplets but then all of a sudden it turns into just one baby and then the boyfriend wants me to go get him some A & W.

what a man jerk, eh?

it's shit like that which makes me angry at him before i even wake up.


My Many Coloured Days said...

Okay, so are you going to write deep books for kids like Max Lucado now?! Or perhaps you'll dream about vampires and become the next Stephanie Meyer. Seriously... screw child support, you've got talent. Just follow your dreams!

Unknown said...

Isn't it weird how dreams can be so random, with strange details, but yet the feeling of it all makes sense? I love that it was all right....

Grand Pooba said...

So was this a real dream? It reminds me of that footprint poem. If it is real, I wanna dream poetry too!

Anonymous said...

Hold to the rod- The straight and narrow - Follow the council of those who have been there- or know better- Its not a race , just as long as you finish With your head held high and surrounded by loved ones cheering you on -
Passport = T recommend -You dont have to use your passport for the dream vacation that you saved up for YEARS or your whole life. Sometimes its just good to say you've used it and not let it go to waiste.
The question is what path or option WILL you choose???

EmmaP said...

ok - i dont know why, but this post didnt show up in my little thingy-ma-jigger. so i didnt know about it until i read your saturday post. anyway - it is good timing for me as well. here are a few thoughts...take 'em or leave 'em...

1) the airport. someone is patiently watching; perhaps waiting. this person is on the OTHER side. could be a reference to genealogy or temple work. could also mean that someone who has left this earth before you, one of your ancestors perhaps, is watching over you... one of my fav talks last october was this one... The Ministry of Angels. Could be a reminder that you are not alone on your journey to figure out what it is you are supposed to be doing.

2)the snowy paths and the tobogan. This dream reminds me of Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken"...
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
taking the "road less traveled" can mean so many things. it could be an affirmation that you *are* making the right choice by following the promptings and not simply doing what everyone else thinks you should or should not do; (the more-traveled path). It also alludes that the path less traveled is a smooth, though long path; perhaps a prompting to enjoy the "scenerey" - take your time - be patient...

i dont know much about dreams, but my counselor once told me not to waste time buying a dream dictionaries as dreams usually only mean something to the person having them. so - i think you are on the right track with what you think it means.

geesh... i, too, have a dream posst coming up. but mine was gonna be a little about [whispers]s-e-x...nothing as good as this.