Thursday, May 28, 2009

Still Laughing

Okay.... Shut. The. Front. Door.

This is hilarious. I guess it's been a while since I've watched TV, and maybe this is sooo old news. I don't care. I just 'found' it last night. But honestly people, if you didn't want to laugh, you definitely don't want to watch this! Ellen cracks me up. But in case you're not an Ellen fan, you can still find the humour in THIS too!

Yes, I'm still self-medicating with humour. It's not fixing the..uh..urge I mentioned sometime last week or so... but at least it makes me laugh at myself. Or others. Cuz, laughing at others is WAY more fun. Clearly. And I know there's quite a few of you readers who are also having harder days lately, and maybe, just maybe, you'll smile with me.

I know, I know, these posts, as my friend informed me yesterday, are boring. Well, what I REALLY want to blog about, I can't. And what I DON'T want to blog about, I still can't. So, frankly, until I figure my stuff out or find alternate blog fodder, we get humour.

And, it only took me all night to find this commercial, but does anyone else remember this? I loved it as a child. I don't know WHY. Watching it now is almost scary. But it brings me back and makes me happy. :)


Carla McDaniel said...

okay...since i've been in bed most of the day, sleeping a lot, i wake up and have nothing to do at almost 4am. so i check out your blog and noticed you posted.
love it...Ellen is the best. so funny!! i needed to laugh tonight or is it this morning :)
and that retro commercial we sang and danced to growing up...
"a log driver's waltz pleases girls completely." can't believe you found it. brings back a ton o memories!!!

deb@virginia blue said...

Humor is how I deal with everything in life...

Ellen is a freakin riot! :)

Debbie Jo said...

OMGosh! The log driver's waltz!!! I haven't seen that since I was a wee lass....good ol' BC commercials! LOL

Debbie Jo said...

Ok, I just HAD to post again...those other two videos were HILARIOUS!!! Can you imagine a girls night on one of those chairs?!!!! Ooo-da-lallie!!

Jillene said...

BWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Thanks for the great laughs!!

Kristi said...


You found that!! Seriously that just made my DAY, and I barely got out of bed!!!! that's actually news i'm sharing with my fiance, it's SUPERB!!!!
Ooh my word verification is fun today!! essesse. It's like spelling mississippi!

Unknown said...

I have never, ever seen that log waltz thing before. Is it because I grew up in California? Did they ban good old waltzing commercials like that?