Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Thousand Word Thursday

Just a few pics of random things to tell my Thousand Words.

Bear Lost his first tooth last week. Will and I tried to get him to let us pull it out, but, alas, the bite into the apple won the favour. And the toothfairy messed up the first night. OUCH. Silly Toothfairy!

Each night I read scripture stories to the kids before family prayers and bedtime. I'm really thankful for Will's inspiration to catch it on camera while he was here, as it's a special moment I'm glad to have tangible evidence of. And, might I add, I'm learning some pretty interesting things about the Old Testament that I honestly never knew! hm.

I'm just glad that Little bunny Foo Foo didn't eat ALL my bulbs, because I took pictures yesterday of these beauties in my yard. And I know they won't be there tomorrow-- either bunny or dayhome fingers will ensure they aren't enjoyed for long! >:oI


Unknown said...

I LOVE the family photo reading together. So sweet. You are a rockin' single mama, Deb. Totally love it.

Hehe.....word verification is Kings. Enough said. ;)

Unknown said...

don't forget the alberta frost getting your pretty flowers debbi!

we still have may long weekend to get through:)

you are such an awesome mom.

kudos to you.


Everyday Goddess said...

Beautiful children, thoughts and flowers. I feel better already.

Grand Pooba said...

Aren't your kids actually looks interested in what you're teaching them! That is an amazing thing right there!

Love that pic, and the flowers just brightened my day!

Rhonda said...

what a great photo! it's priceless!`