Saturday, May 30, 2009

six word saturday- Anniversary

One Year (Tomorrow) I've Lived Alone.

(for more Six Word Saturday, visit the link of Cate's on my sidebar)

I love looking back on this past year of living on my own since Chris left. SOOO many lessons and changes, feelings, experiences and friendships along the way. Just reading past entries from that time in my life, and I can't help but shake my head at where I was and where I've come to since then. It was a HUGE change in my life, and I'm SO grateful for it in so many ways. It was tough, but I wouldn't want it any other way. I've been so blessed. I can't wait for more milestones and moments in this coming year.


dyanna said...

I like your blog.I'm waiting for your new posts.

Call Me Cate said...

It's always interesting for me to look back and see how things have changed over a period of time. Some people don't like to look at the past but it keeps me moving forward.

Thanks for playing!

Annelie said...

I've read along with you for a while and it has been so great to see you go forward through it all come to such a great place.
Here's to a brilliant future!

Alison said...

Didn't really know you 'before' but I think you are doing an amazing job at keeping it real and being that you're a few months in front of me in 'life changing events' (6 1/2 mo. and counting) you're giving me incredible hope that it will all work out and there is happiness to be had :) Keep it up girl!!

Tanis, said...

I like how you deal with things. you have such a good attitude! Hope this next year is a good one for you!

Rach and Tay Campbell said...

HEY, I love you and how far youve come...and how you have let me stalk you untill this point!



Megan said...

I didn't read back then, but congrats on coming so far. =)

EmmaP said...

I remember my 1st divorce-a-versary. I'm at 1 1/2 years now. Mine wouldn't move out until the divorce as final... He did agree to separate the BASEMENT - for the ENTIRE year that he dragged the divorce out. And you are absolutely right...You have come far. and i too wouldn't have it any other way!