Monday, June 2, 2008

I'm Okay

Yesterday sucked.

plain and simply. It was a tough day. I'm sure it won't be the last one. But now I'm on my way to a new life.

I told Chris yesterday that June isn't a trial. We won't be getting back together. I have reasons. I won't defend them, but trust me, I have reasons. So, those people can now say 'I told you so' as they're dying to say, and the rest of you, I truly have felt your love and support.

I am so blessed. I have prayers from all over, I have had a blessing, and I will be fine.

If I don't answer the phone when you call, I'm not purposely ignoring you. I just don't want to talk just yet.


Nikki said...

Thinking and praying for you and with you...

David and Cheryl said...

HEy Deb, I know we just chatted by I wanted you to know that you are loved. With all your family and friends around you, you will get through this time. Please use me, call me, anything! Love ya..
ps. Do you still live in the same place, that I last visited you?

The Bullknitter said...

I don't know what to say. I shall add you to my prayers. Always here if you need me.

Unknown said...

Thinking of you and praying for you. If I could get through it I know you can to!