Friday, June 6, 2008

Hard Habit To Break

I'm not kidding...
last night's GV night was SOOOO what I needed. I didn't even KNOW I needed it that bad, until everyone was here and we were laughing and talking and (yes, crying MAY have happened ;) )..

People keep asking me if they can help me in some way. And really, I can't think of anything I particularly need help with just yet. But, I need my girls. They ground me, they lift me up, and they hear me.

ONLY bad thing-- I didn't get to bed until 3 am! lol. Needless to say, I am SLEEPY! THANKFULLY, I only have ONE kid today, LL has a half-day and I don't have anything I have to do. So, being tired today isn't a hindrance on my day.

I was so glad that for a rare 2 hours or so the other day where the rain and thunder stopped, I was able to finally get a run in. Like I mentioned-- I'm NOT hardcore and will not run in the rain or cold. Cyn joined me for my cool-down walk after, but we ended up walking fast enough and laughing hard enough that I may have burned MORE calories on the walking part than the running!! lol my butt still hurts (cue Cyn's laughter AGAIN!)

Yesterday Chris' aunt and uncle were in town from BC. They came over for dinner, and although they hadn't heard about him and I before they got here, it wasn't awkward when they did. Chris' family is great, and I know I won't have the same relationship with them now, which is too bad. I'm blessed that they want to keep in contact anyways. They're great people who have loved me and welcomed me into their family like I was always part of it.

Wanna know what WAS awkward yesterday??? Chris and I cooking dinner together in the kitchen- soooo many times it felt so natural to just lean in and kiss or spank his butt or something like that-- LUCKILY I didn't, but after 8 years, it's a hard habit to break. Oooh, I should listen to my Chicago cd! lol He and I laughed about it-- in time I hope that 'desire' to be affectionate like that goes away.


Debbie Jo said...

Last night was a definate hoot...I just with I had the stamina to survive the next day.