Friday, June 13, 2008

Feeling Loved

In lieu of yesterday's post, I'm not really in a "blogging" mood. That being said, I have things to be grateful for and want to ensure that they're acknowledged.

First off. Chris came over for soccer again. We didn't end up going. Instead, I let him read the comment and my reply. He was as dumbfounded as I was as to who would think of writing those things, and although he was upset that I put everything out there for the world to see, he seemed to understand why I did it. He assured me that he does NOT feel as Anonymous thinks he feels. He does not want this to slow down. He was surprised on that Sunday morning, but knows this is the best choice. It was good to feel loved- as he was really upset that I had had to read that and that it was obviously causing a lot of pain for me. His genuine concern for me was validating. I'm upset that an outsider had such an effect on my personal perception of my marriage for those brief hours.

After he left for the night, I got a phone call from a friend. It put me in a much better mood, so I went to GV night-- even though I had previously decided not to since I was so upset. Girls night was good- we watched 27 Dresses, chatted, ate and just laughed at the silly things we do or say.

I'm glad the evening turned out better after all.


Debbie Jo said...

I'm glad you came out Debbi. Such good memories are made at 8GV night. More and more, I wish I was a 'Cranston Girl'

Itworksforbobbi said...

Wow. seriously. I'm always amazed at these people who post annonymously (it's happened to a few friends, though not me...YET!). Why bother commenting at all? If you have something to say, own up to it. So sorry that happened, but I'm happy to see that you didn't let it stop you from finding joy anyway! You go girl!

Anonymous said...

JUST got caught up on your blog...sorry. Brutal comment...I agree with Bobbi-Jo....and the point is...? I love your positive attitude. See you tomorrow for dinner...? Um...this is Becka. My blog is locked and I can't access it. BRUTAL!