Monday, June 16, 2008

47 questions of Me

Time for a dumb meme,

1) Were you named after anyone?
kinda-- my aunt has Debbi(e), and my other Aunt has Ann... voila: Debbi Ann

2) When was the last time you cried?
The afternoon of the email from Anonymous. Before that, probably a week or so.

3) Do you like your handwriting?
Yes, actually. I don't often WRITE, though, so I guess I should more accurately state that I like my printing.

4) What's your favourite lunch meat?
Tandori chicken or something like that. I'd say bologne, but Paul would keel over, I'm sure of it! ;)

5) Do you have kids?
Yep, three monkeys whom I love to pieces.

6) If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Yah, I think I would. It's always good to have hot friends! ;P

7) Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Do you KNOW me!? Yes, alllll the time!!! When I'm cranky, when I'm flirty, when I'm happy... everything.

8) Do you still have your tonsils?

9) Would you bungee jump?
I suppose i WOULD, but I'm not in a huge rush to get in line. It's not something that appeals too much to me. But I would if I HAD to, yes.

10) What is your favourite cereal?
mmmm, tough one. Probably granola-- but a reallllly yummy one. I also like "LIFE". As for sugary type, I like honeycomb and Sugar Crisp.

11) Do you untie your shoelaces when you take off your shoes?'
No, not always. Depends on the shoes.

12) Do you think you're strong?
Physically: I'm working on it
Emotionally: I'm working on it.

13) What's your favourite ice cream?
Something with YUMMY nuts in it. Or vanilla, if that's the other option.

14) What's the first thing you notice about someone?
Probably their hair. I'm also a 'mouth' person, so I'd notice their lips and teeth and smile.

15) Red or Pink?
Red, all the way.

16) What is the least favourite thing about yourself?
Physically: Thighs
Emotionally: The need to be right

17) Whom do you miss the most?

18) Do you want everyone to send this back to you?
Well, I suppose they can tag themselves if the mood so strikes, but no pressure.

19) What colour pants and shoes are you wearing?
haha, my pants are pink Mickey Mouse jammie pants, my socks are inside-out, white with blue toes.

20) What was the last thing you ate?
Dinner at Becka's house-- so, technically it was dessert- sherbet. mmmmmmmmm

21) What are you listening to right now?
Treehouse TV, and the kids somewhat arguing over who's pen is who's.

22) If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Probably orange.

23) favourite smell?
vanilla and men's cologne

24) Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Becka, actually.

25) Do you like the person who sent this to you?
First off, if I didn't like them, would they send it to me? And then, would I pass it on? And then, would I SAY I didn't like them? No matter, I like both of them (Miner and MC)

26) Favourite sports to watch?
hockey, hands down.

27) hair colour?

28) eye colour?
Brownish hazely green

29) Do you wear contacts?

30) favourite food?
I like all food, but not tapioca or bread pudding-- those are NOT pudding.. they're vomit.

31) Scary movies or happy endings?
Both. Don't scary movies usually have happy endings anyways?

32) Last movie you watched?
School of Rock on TV last night with Kannie and Uncle.

33) What colour shirt are you wearing?
My black X-weighted hoodie.

34) summer or winter?
Summer, all day every day (except for Christmas day! ;) )

35) hugs or kisses?
Both, but hugs preferred. Depends on whom I'm giving hugs and kisses to!

36) favourite dessert?
Creme brulee, sherbet

37) Most likely to respond?
Who knows!

38) Least likely to respond?
people who don't read my blog! lol

39) What book are you reading right now?
Well, I'm in the middle of that "Power of Now" book, but it's too hard to follow and not doing too much for me.

40) What's on your mouse pad?
Taz, from Tiny Toons (or whatever he was from)

41) What did you watch on TV last night?
I told yah, School Of Rock.

42) Favourite sound?
Birds (but not "cawing" birds... the pretty little songbirds)

43) Rolling Stones or Beatles?
Beatles all the way

44) What's the furthest you've been from home?
I spent a year in Japan.

45) Do you have a special talent?
I guess I have a few-- depends on what people consider 'special'.

46) Where were you born?
Dead Rear, Alberta

47) Whos answers are you looking forward to?

48) What type of test ends the questions at the lucky number 47!?!!!!


mcdltdsy said...

I'm wearing white socks with blue toes too!!! YAY. Thanks for participating :)

holymotherofgod said...

love your blog ! I've done this quiz before and I got to the sarcasm question I answered NO (I'm being sarcastic) LOL !!

The Bullknitter said...

Dead Rear, Alberta???? I've never heard of it. Gonna go Google.

Debbi said...

lol.. Dead Rear = Red Deer

dont' google it, Jaqueline.. LOL

Life is Majik said...

You are an inspiration. Thanks for allowing me in your world!