Monday, June 23, 2008

The Final Countdown

Haha, I'm so dorky-- that title makes me think of that song!

7 days left in June. Then it's officially "play time".

6 days until next Sunday, where I sit alone, enjoying no cheerio mishaps, no crayon peelings, no spilt sacrament cup water all over my dress! (And that's usually Mimi's doing, but not always! lol) Hmm... maybe hot guy will be there again! LMBO!

5 more days ... uh.... nothing exciting happens on Saturday. I'm hoping I will be able to help out a friend's garage sale, then take off with her for the evening, as she's moving to MEXICO next week!!! SO we're trying to get together one of these days before she moves!

4 more days until I can wash these carpets!! Until my house has the ability to stay clean for a few days!!! IN A ROW!!! Until I don't have to be conscience of 'when the hand is up' (the clock) for snacks or lunch or naptimes or whatever. Until there's no more soccer for the year, unless I put them in the Baptist Church program at the local soccer field. We've done that for three years, and it's FANTASTIC!!! This night is also the night Chris takes my three monkeys to Nelson, camping for a week with his family.

3 days until school is officially done for the year. Until I don't have to make lunches, and ensure that there's enough bread and such for said lunches. Until I don't have to be home at certain times for LL to come home from school.

2 more days until Sports Day at school.. I used to LOVE sports day. I hope it's good weather for them.

Today. Last day of being in charge of snack for soccer. I have to buy/make/think of an End-Of-The-Year gift for LL's teacher, the bus driver, soccer coaches...ect. Gah. Laundry, packing clothes for the camping (now that they're cleaned! lol) and general cleaning. AND EXERCISE!!!!