Monday, June 16, 2008


"I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken -- and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived."

Margaret Mitchell

So, having a blog is fun-- I get to vent, and get to share my life, and best yet-- people who I don't know have found this blog and commented, which expands MY world. And I like meeting new people, making new friends, and seeing other's lives. Let's face it, I'm nosey like that. ;) So, HolyMotherOfGod commented, and on HER blog, I found that quote. I like it. Especially at this time of my life. How true= I'm happy to look at the 'broken' pieces of my life and remember it at it's best than to see the broken-ness for the rest of my life. I really connected with this quote today.

My weekend, you ask?
IT ROCKED. nothing short of fantastic! Seriously! I'm LOVING the support from friends and family, but more importantly, I'm loving the inner support from above! I don't even BEGIN to take credit for the peace and joy I'm feeling lately- I don't quite get it, and anticipate one day just hitting the wall, but so far, I see positives and light.

Friday, once the kids were packed into the car with Chris, I went o ut for dinner with Sin and her kids. For some reason, I got total 'sick-feeling' RIGHT as dinne r ended, and so our grocery shopping trip got nixed so I could go home and be sick. I chilled on the couch, then went to bed. No sickness.

Thankfully, Saturday morning I was 100% back to normal (HAHAHAHAHAHA, normal!!!!) . I got ready for the eye-Dr appointment. A few hours later, and a whopping 650$ later- I can see! AHHHH!! Raped at the eye-Dr! grr. After that, I was NOT in a shopping mood, so I ditched my house-stuff shopping list, and took off for home. The sun was out, so I decided to stop off at Stupidstore so I could get ahead of my gardens. Another hefty price-tag later, I got home.

My garden looks MUCH better now, although there's still work to be done. But I got so much done without kids bugging me for food or whatever. After my girlfriend Kare came over for a bit, I took off on a run. For some reason, my knee started to hurt. That bit. No matter, I ran through the pain, and went for my walk with Sin after. We DIDN'T laugh as hard as usual-- what is WRONG with us!? lol I think we were too busy walking up a nd down the killer hill at Fish Creek. uhh, my butt!

Came home, chilled, went to bed.

And then Father's Day. I was really worried about it, but it was a GREAT day. I wore a new dress, which always makes me feel better. I got to church, sat down with JUST MY SCRIPTURES! Do you know how much I DIDN"T miss the diap er/quiet bag? Cha~ loved it.

Sat with Sin, had a GREAT day actually LISTENING to every talk. And didn't feel emotional in a bad way at all! I had THREE dinner invitations, which are SOOO considerate and I love everyone who thought of me. After church, I went to Becka's place for dinner with her family. It was great, amazing food!~ Beck, your family is so cute.

Got home, where Chris was in the driveway. MAD. Turns out he had planned a golf-game and thought I'd be home at a certain time. *I* thought we agreed on a DIFFERENT time than he did, so the communication got mixed up on that one. First weekend like this, I guess that's slightly expected. He yelled at me, but I was happy to see the kids so I stayed positive. When they got into bed, I calmly told him how I didn't think that it was appropriate, and I was sorry for the miscommunication. He agreed and will try not to get angry w ith me if the kids are around. Reminds me-- I have a "Parenting After Separation" course tomor row and Thursday. Blah blah blah-- how lame. Whatever... just get it done.

Wanna know a few cool things today?
  • LL has an intake interview for FFCA, that school Bear got into. I'm hoping this is as positive as his! YAY.
  • I won a trip for 4 for a river rafting expedition! Woo. I did it during the TV show with my GV friends, and we had a blast. So I'm hoping this next time will be just as fu n.

  • Mimi decided to take one of my favourite bowls/dishes off the counter and drop it too the tile floor, breaking it in peices. :( Okay, so this isn't part of the "cool things" of the day. It's just good she's still alive and I didn't kill her. I loved that bowl. Good thing I'm a Pampered Chef consultant (albeit an inactive one!) who can replace it a bit cheaper than buying it straight-out! Oooooh, I didn't even think of it, but the broken bowl issue ALSO matches my quote from the beginning of this blog. MAN I'm Smarter than you look! ;P

    And, because Broken Things is a GREAT Song.. here's the words I love so much... hope you love them too!
Broken clouds give rain
broken soil grows grain
broken bread feeds man for one more day.
Broken storms yield light,
break of day heals night,
broken pride turns blindness into sight.

Broken souls that need his mending,
broken hearts for offering,
Could it be that God loves broken things?

Broken chains set free,
broken swords bring peace,
broken walls make friends of you and me.
To break the ranks of sin
break the news of Him,
put on Christ, 'till His name feels broken in.

Broken souls that need His mending,
broken hearts for offering,
I believe that God loves broken things.

And yet our broken faith, our broken promises
sent Love to the cross.
And still that broken flesh, that broken heart of His
offers us such grace and mercy, teaches us with love undeserving.

That broken soul that cries for mending.
That broken heart for offering.
I'm convinced that God loves broken me.
Praise His name! My God loves broken things.


Nikki said...

Yay...I'm glad your weekend was stellar! I loved the words to the song at the end, man they are so true. I hope that the real meaning of perfection takes the beauty of the broken bits into consideration. Because I'm not all about shiny and new. I can appreciate the chips in the dinner ware.

Cheryl and Bob said...

Hey Debbi!

I love the blog--I am now a regular lurker...I mean reader. I loved the "broken" song. I think often people look at "broken" as bad but really it's part of a process to make things better. We (actually I) fight to break the cycle of bad habits, break in new shoes (especially really hot expensive ones) and break free from the weight of the world (which usually involves hanging out with girls).

Thanks for all the amazing and uplifting posts! I appreciate how honest and real you are. I admit I lack the courage to completely express myself through my own blog but maybe one day your inspiration will motivate me to break my fear!