Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's Not You, It's Me.

Yesterday was another example of Chris just not 'getting it'. After he left, I just sat there, dumbfounded and shaking my head. The only thing I could do was laugh to myself. At the same time, I feel bad for him-- I HONESTLY don't think he gets it!! This is over.. Seriously!

Something's wrong with our generation. What is happening to the sanctity of marriage? Why are so many of my friends unhappy in their marriages-- are we all disillusioned into what we think marriage is, when reality tells us it's not? Coming from SO many different backgrounds and beginnings, families and beliefs, why are all the marriages suffering? Okay okay, not everyone is going through this- but many. Many of my close friends. Even many of my not-close friends. SOOOO many women are dealing with an unhappy marriage.

Seriously. Is it us females? Or is it the men? It seems that it's the men with the 'issues', but did we bring those issues onto them, or did we just pick guys we didn't know had such issues? Are we gluttons for 'punishment'? Does everyone have these issues, but not everyone has troubles dealing with them? Did our parents have the same problems or is the world just getting worse and worse? Are there men who feel like I feel, and believe that marriage is for EVER?


Nikki said...

Dude, there are so many questions in the post and I can't say I have the answer to one of them. Marriage is dang hard. It is unlike any other relationship that exists. It is the only commandment that you can't keep by yourself. So it is something that we can't control and dude, there are lessons learned from this truth, that all us lovesick girls are completely unprepared for.

I do believe that a key element that is lacking in many relationships, besides communication (cuz that's the easy answer) is honor. I (try to) honor my husband. I don't talk behind his back, I happily tell it to his face. ;) I would never pursue something with another man, because I honor our relationship too much to disregard it in such a way. In return I expect to be honored in the same ways.

Other than that, let's just put the blame on the men, k? lol.

Debbi said...

haha "I don't talk behind his back, I happily tell it to his face".. You're funny.

yah, it's WAY easier to blame the guys. haha

Anonymous said...

I think this Debbi:

You say over and over that it is Chris that does not want to be married and that he is the cause behind all of this. Yet, he is the one who seems to be wanting to slow this down and does not want to move forward with a full blown divorce right away, and you do. You decided the moment he moved out that it was over for good... that was quick. Maybe it's time for some tough love here: you need to take responsibility for this. You have taken none so far, and you are a part of this too.