Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday Ws

Who: Cyndi, Regan and her 2 monkeys
What: Ate dinner
Where: at my house, in my kitchen, at my kitchen table
When: last night- they were VERY patient too, as we didn't eat until nearly 7 pm because of soccer and jobs and such
Why: because I still haven't figured this out-- I don't need to make 5 times the food I normally did when Chris was here. I knew I'd have A LOT of food left over, and since they had no dinner plans and they're lots of fun to hang out with, I figured who better to share my mistake!? lol

Who: ME (it's all about me anyways, right!? lol)
What: getting cabin fever
Where: well, obviously at said "cabin"... la casa a la ME!
When: For the past 2 weeks, nearly!
Why: because this darned rain hasn't stopped! I haven't mowed the lawn for TWO weeks today because it's been so crappy for so long. It's looking BAAADDD!! I have had dayhome kids in the house for over a WEEK, we're all DYING to get some sunshine. I think my skin is flourescent white now! I looked at the forecast for the weekend- shocking-- RAIN!! RRRRRRRR.
I am SOOOOO grateful for a day yesterday of laughing and laughing. Of good conversations and of LOTS of love.

Who: Me (again, we know, it's all about me anyways!)
What: Looking for ideas!
Where: It doesn't really matter WHERE the ideas take place
When: Friday night, Saturday and possibly Sunday this weekend
Why: I am childless, as this is the first weekend I have without my kids. I have an eye-Dr appointment Saturday morning, and I COULD go cheer on a girlfriend on her 1/2 marathon. I need things to do. Sunday's church, but that's the only 'planned' thing on the weekend. I COULD drive down to visit with Dad for Father's Day (and Mom). Just not sure how I'll feel this weekend. THoughts? What ideas can you give me!?

I wanna know what YOUR Ws are... so add your OWN Ws to the comment page!


Unknown said...

Who: Braeden
What: won't stop CRYING!
Where: inside, outside, eating, sleeping, playing, watching tv
When: allllll morning
Why: how should I know?!? i've tried food, and naps, and TV, and toys, and outside, and walking....but he's a crabby boy today.

*sigh*'s been a long morning!

Debbi said...

awww, sorry to hear that, Marce. :( Days like that SUCK the life right out of ya!

The Bullknitter said...

I guess you could always knit...