Thursday, June 26, 2008

I'm Not Ignoring You

I may not post too much for the coming week for a few reasons--

  • My kids are gone with Chris now, so there's no funny stories to share. This one, however, is cute:
Chris: Do you want soup or beans for supper, Bear?
Bear: Soup or Beans!? WHAT ARE SUPER BEANS!???

haha, he's so cute.

  • I only have a few dayhome kids tomorrow and then 4 whopping days of NO kids. Which is slightly good because yesterday was the first day I had to administer first aid to a child, and I feel slightly sick about it! :( Will blog about that later (I'm off to pick up Bear's soccer pictures and medal, and register the monkeys for that Baptist Church Soccer camp)

  • I'm dealing with a few things emotionally (Chris related, obviously) that I'm not quite ready to blog about. But I will. I just want to own my feelings first, to really know what it is I'm feeling and be able to express myself accurately.

  • On top of that, I have a million things I wanna do while my house is (mostly) empty.. wash carpets, stain decks, clean house, garden,..all those things I need to get on top of and have all the time in the world to do them in. And hopefully good weather for!

New song I love:
Realize- Colbie Caillat

I think I'm gonna buy her album tonight. My 'weekend alone' album. Her music is all great, and I like her sound.


Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie, I was introduce to you casually once at church in the past 2 months, as I'm new in this ward. I found your blog through Becka's site, and glad that through your site, was able to find her again! I've sat behind you by a few rows the last 2 Sundays, and was just wondering what your situation might be (as the first Sunday, I don't think I saw your children, and then the next I did). By the way, Awesome job, in singing...I would love to have the guts to do that!
I just wanted to let you know, that when you might feel that you're being judged or finding it hard to deal with life, that you have an additional supporter routing for you! You can consider me as an "imaginary friend" (because, I guess I am!), but I promise I wouldn't lurk on your blog and stalk you! (I recently discover I like to find blogs, that have music, so I can listen as I make jewelry, as I don't have my own blog).
Also, my kids have gone to FFCA for 6 years now, we first started at AmC, but now go to Southwood, Andrew Davidson, and in the fall the Highschool! It's been a good school for them.

You are so positive with a great sense of humor!! You see the good amongst the thorns! I wish I had your determination, you will stand strong amongst any storms that will come along the way! I'm
rooting for you! You can do it!
You're awesome, must be hard, but you can Do it!!
Christina (Chris) Parker

Unknown said...

Colbie is brilliant. I've loved her for a while. Let me know how her CD turns out--I love all her music!

We'll miss ya over the weekend ;) but enjoy accomplishing things around the house. That's always a good feeling. :) Love you!