Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This Day is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life... or something equally thought-provoking and eloquent

You'll have to forgive me. I'm kinda outta sorts.

With the long weekend, I have that whole "today is technically Tuesday but my head still functions in Monday mode and I've lost a day!! AHHH" mentality. On top of that all, I'm pent up somethin' fierce! ;) But, in most seriousness, I know that TODAY will be a changing day for me, and a changing day for Will. For two completely unrelated reasons that I don't want to get in to right now. So, excuse the mental clutter- I doubt this post will be too fluid in my writing.

The weekend was uneventful. Saturday I spent weeding the yard and noticing how many of the stupid bulbs and plants the rabbits have ruined/eaten/dug up, and got a sunburn in the process. Which sucks a lot. I did NOT get my mother's genes for tanning even just LOOKING at the sun. Nope. I'm my father's daughter, through and through-- white on white on white. With sunburns. and freckles. Blasted, annoying, so un-fun freckles.

Then, Saturday night, Will arrived in town to spend Sunday and, unexpectedly, Monday as well. And I'm sunburnt. Which makes even hugging not so much fun!

It was a regular weekend, other than the fact that the kids were home on Monday. They're ALSO home today (pro-d day) so it STILL doesn't feel like a Monday, and DEFINITELY not like a Tuesday.

Said goodbye to Will this morning as he headed back to his home town to work- it'll be a few weeks before we are together again, as this weekend I'm headed north to Edmonton for a Relay For Life Cancer run. It's a simple, 5 k luminary run, named after my late cousin, so I'm happy to go there to honour his (and my other family-member's) memory. If you're in the area, you should definitely apply to run with me! This run will also ensure that I get a few nights of 'training' this week-- something I'm craving lately. I'd like the weather to cooperate a bit more, and get some outdoor running in. When Chris arrives a few nights a week, I'm going to try to take that hour or so and get out again. The scale, albeit unchanging, is... as I just said... UNchanging! I feel yucky and flabby and out of shape again. Even if round and chunky are shapes.

But, today is a blah day. It's blah outside, and too many people I know are going through their OWN blah-ness. Including me. Blah.

So, I leave you (and, mostly me) a few pics worth smiling at! Even if I'm the only one who finds them cute. Too bad- my blog! (sounds like a fun mantra! "Too bad, my blog". lol)


Unknown said...

my fave pic is the first one. Love how you're biting your lip. so cute!

"Too bad, my blog"...love that too! haha

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Blah days are just so... blah. But those pics should brighten your spirits - so sweet. :)

Grand Pooba said...

Aww you guys are darling! You're not the only one feeling blah lately. I seriously can't get any motivation to do anything. When I'm at work I want to be home. When I'm home I can't get my butt up to do anything productive. I'm so bored out of my mind but too lazy to do anything about it!

My Many Coloured Days said...

Isn't "too bad, my blog" why we write at all?! Welcome to "blah" by the way!

deb@virginia blue said...

Aww, Deb...those pics are just beautiful! Blah or not, I can see the happiness in your face...and that makes me so happy for you!

EmmaP said...

those pics sure brightened up even MY BLAH mood! hehehe... totally somethiing I would do/have done... taking pics of me kissing Big-D. my cell phone is full of them... here's waiting for my next "window" to open.