Monday, May 25, 2009

I Get Up On The Same Side of the Bed Everyday, So What Gives?

I'm cranky.

At first, I thought it was because I was tired. I was up late all weekend (long-distance relationships require a lot of phone time, running a luminary run and hanging with sisters and girlfriends, long drives in cars through BORING-country) but after taking naps and having easy work-days, I realize it's not because I'm sleepy.

Emotional stresses make me cranky too. Dealing with a snappy Ex-husband is annoying. Dealing with kids AFTER Dad's weekend is tough too. Yes, I may get a weekend to myself, but I pay for it all week. Careful what you wish for.

Maybe I'll take a blog-break. Until I'm more fun and happy.


Itworksforbobbi said...

I heard eating a banana can stave off the crankies.

I hope you're feeling happy soon! You're not alone, though - me and many others I've talked to have been feeling quite blah, too. Maybe it's the late arrival of Spring!

deb@virginia blue said...

I should have known it was your fault that I've been so blahhhhh for the past few days! This parallel life thing is getting old.


EmmaP said...

mmm... a banana? not exaclty what I had in mind... hehehe. basically hon, you just have a lot going on right now. i think if you wanna take a bloggy break, it's ok. but we WILL miss you... maybe you can just give us a daily "headline" or something. anyway, take it easy...remember, you're not alone. ;)

zipbagofbones said...

Vodka. Oh, wait. Ummm...maybe OJ will work without it?

Hope you feel better.

Jillene said...

I'm so sorry!! I hope that life gets back to normal and you feel better soon!!

Alison said...

Haha - we love you - cranky or not :)

Grand Pooba said...

I'm with ya! This past weekend I was so cranky! The hubster had to leave the house because I was just not in a good mood and didn't want to be messed with!

What is going on?