Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Selllll- ibate Good Times, Cummon!

The most common sentence I've heard in the past few days is, I don't know how you do it.

Unfortunately, we're NOT doing it! lol

Being LDS there's a few things that differ from part of the "regular" world.

Premarital sex.

(okay, smartalec, do NOT do the math on LL's birthday and my wedding to Chris. I didn't say I FOLLOWED all the rules ALL the time.)

In the past few days, people have talked a lot to me about a few certain topics. One- moving to Will's town. And Two- having Will move into 'mine'. (he he he)

Anytime someone finds out that we're NOT sleeping together, most of the reactions are the same... jaws drop, there's a slight gasp, and then, ...


Yah yah. Laugh it up you all. Har har, Debbi and Will are currently celibate.

But, might I just remind you of THIS post?
And, if you check out the comment, TechMonkey said, "Wait until it's three MONTHS!". yah. We're passed three months now. Will is even longer. (he he heh, I have such a childish mind!!)

This, sadly to say, is the longest I've dated someone since..uh..deflowering my ..uh... flower without it. Will's too. And it sucks. And it's hard! (and here I am, still giggling.. I'm an idiot.)

Another divorcing LDS friend of mine was talking to me yesterday, and we dubbed ourselves the "celibate BFFs". Having a CBFF is a good thing to have in, well, QUITE desperate times! She and I were talking about how tough it is to not be gettin' any, but then I had the unfortunate pleasure of assuring her that not getting any is hard for a regular person. But not getting any when you have the ABILITY to get some--

lemme just say.
This is a road untravelled, my friends. My own Golgotha!! lol


genkibond said...

you spelt "come on" incorrectly.
....or did you?


Grand Pooba said...

Ah yes, the dilemmas! My mom is LDS too and she has been divorced for 15 years. You know what that means, 15 years without IT (insert your giggle here)

But she is dating a guy right now and they desperately want to get married but they have to wait due to school, and living situations and children moving out of houses and such, so they are having a really hard time living without IT (...)

I know, I can't believe I just told you that about my MOM!

I apologize, the point I was getting to is that you can do it!!!

Debbi said...

ew. Don't say that! 15 years?!?!?! I'd give up! ;)

My Many Coloured Days said...

Stay strong!

This post is so Ensign worthy by the way.

Things we "married" people don't think about... geesh :)

EmmaP said...

i will join your CBFF club and raise you... dec 26, 2006... yep that was the last time, er, um, my flower, er, um. yes. it's true. i am a born-again virgin. lol!

patty said...

is not the only, I for many months ... as they say in my country: you do not see God's face!!!!

Alison said...

So, here's a funny story. I'm sitting at my computer and thinking I want to blog about a *ahem* particular itch, but my mom reads my blog as does my brother and I just don't know if I could/should. Then I remembered that my CBFF said she was going to blog about that very issue today and so I stopped in. Great post btw - but just to comment above - 15 YEARS!?!?! - that woman is going STRAIGHT to heaven fo' sho'!! And I'm with you - there is just no freaking way... FIGHT THE URGE!! hahaha ;) Still going to blog about it though...

Debbi said...

Alison-- my mother and father read this blog too! And my siblings. And my bishopric's wives! lol

Still blog about it. That's just what CBFFs do. And Patti and Emma, you can TOTALLY join our club. Although, it isnt' something many of us are HAPPY to be members of! lol

Dorienne said...

Haaa ha!! True true, your bishopbrics/clerks wives DO read this blog. But I'm sure if they are like me, they don't pass on the info. You are a brave/bold woman. Stay strong. I'm learning more about you day by day!!!

Alison said...

My solution? Two blogs :) One for my kids to read someday and the other one for all of my inner thoughts and emotions that just gotta come out SOMEWHERE or else I'll just flip out. That one - the second one comes with a warning for those who don't want TMI!! Hahaha....