Friday, May 15, 2009

Um. Yah.

Worst thing EVER?????

Buying church shoes for three kids on a Friday long-weekend!

HAVING to buy church shoes because Clever You decided to throw the old, ratted ones away so that, come Sunday morning, you wouldn't repeatedly try to shove the kids' toes into shoes and end up with a fighting match and blisters. And this would FORCE you to remember to buy them before Sunday. Yah. Clever Me.

Not a fun outing to endeavor upon.

Just so you know.


deb@virginia blue said...

Is it EVER fun to shop with all 3 kids? (um, not usually)

Anonymous said...

I am laughing so hard right now because I just did the same thing...except that I have yet to haul 4 kids with me to find some new ones. Hope you found what you were looking for in one stop!!!!

Rhonda said...

I will NEVER. Take. All. Of. Them. At. The. Same. Time. Not. Ever.

lol but with four boys I get ya bigtime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grand Pooba said...

Um. Yah. is right!

Hey, at least you got it done right?