Friday, September 12, 2008

I Did It To Myself

I have the WORST stomach ache right now. I woke up in agonizing pain, used the bathroom (I know, a little TMI) and still am keeled over sitting here. Pain pain pain.

I think it has to do with my 'late night' snacking. It was girls' night, and we had birthday cake for Sin. We also had Peanut M and Ms, and Real Fruit Gummies. mmmm, but today I'm paying for it. Owwie.

Sucky on top of sucky, my throat is sore. Like, getting-a-yucky-cold sore. And my right nostril is plugged. And this sucks. I havent' been 'sick' in a while, and I'm sure if I was out exercising more lately I'd be healthier. Bad diet and no exercise = yucky Debbi.

I WOULD run-- I even got all 'done up' the other night. X-weighted on the TV, the TWO sports bras on and holding me in so tight I'm sure my breasts were popping out my BACK!! Runners double-knotted... I pulled the treadmill out from the wall where I 'stored' it for the summer, and plugged it in. Nothing. Oh, then I remembered the power switch. On. ????? Nothing still. After trying other plugs, and jiggling cords and whatnot, still nothing. GRRRR.. Actually, not even GRRRR. I was sooooo mad, as winter is FAST approaching and I was treadmillless!! I was livid. ROAR!!

So I called my sister and cleaned. LOL I'm such a girl.

Bear HATED Beavers last night. Sat on the side of the gym and pouted. The WHOLE time. Wouldn't do anything, talk to anyone, play any games... nothing. ???? I don't know why, but he's my shy boy. And this was a colony with LOTS of kids, so I think it was a bit overwhelming to see that many people he didn't know. We'll try again next week, and see what happens.

For girls' night, I had a rough time. We watched a chick flick, which, to anyone in ANY relationship issues, isn't usually a good idea. It kinda depresses me sometimes. Not in a big way, but I went to bed kinda sad. I heard some things last night that confirmed my insecurities, and although it's NOTHING, it's hard to hear. That's what insecurities are: something absolutely stupid that's usually only in your head, and the SLIGHTEST thing sets you into this freak-out. You know?

In boob news, I am OUT of bandages now. No more wearing a bra to sleep! It's very very liberating!!!!! I went and got properly sized at a reputable bra-fitting store. I am NOT the "D" the nurses at the clinic told me to expect to be. But whatever. Good to know.


Becka. said...

Curious...what size ARE you?

Unknown said...

You mean Mom's advice to take a pooh didn't make you feel better? Sorry. :(


holymotherofgod said...

Dude I had stomach issues today too! WEIRD! Hmm maybe all I needed was a pooh... LMAO

Debbi said...

no, Marci, Mom's advice is for when you have a HEADACHE, not a tummy ache. Which is why I find it even funnier.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to send you some online loving..... the good kind!! LOL!! Sorry I'm not there for you in the way I usually am.... Love ya, honey... xoxoxo and :)