Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Another MEme.

1. What do you believe is the greatest unsolved mystery of all?
Well, the Caramilk bar thing, of course!

2. Which of the seven dwarfs personifies you best – Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, Bashful, Grumpy, Happy, or Doc?
Dopey. I mean.. not only does Dopey's personality somewhat match mine, but SERIOUSLY, have you SEEN my ears!???

3. If you could pick any two people in the history of the world to be your parents (besides your real ones) who would those two people be?
I think my parents are pretty great. So picking other ones is tough. But I think my sister and her hubby are pretty great parents. Their kids are smart, polite, spiritual and beautiful. That seems like they've done SOMETHING right.

4. What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for anyone?
I'm not sure. One that comes to mind was my one-year anniversary with a boyfriend. He had this place he loved, but it was owned by someone. So, no short of a miracle, I got a hold of the owners (long, drawn-out story on how) and asked if I could take him to that spot for a picnic. We sat on the grassy knoll, under the big tree, and ate his favourite foods that I cooked. I gave him a present. And then we broke up.
I'm a heartless person, I know!

5. If you could possess one supernatural ability, what would it be?
I'd like to fly. I think just to jump into the air and go. More like floating, though-- I don't really want to have to raise my arms like Superman or anything. That's just ostentatious.

6. What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
fashion. This is NOT hot. It wasn't hot in the 80s, either!

7. Is it easier to forgive or to forget?
I find it WAY easier to forgive. That's not a hard one to answer. Forgetting, not as easy for me.

8. If you could read the private diary of any person in the world, whose would it be?
This varies by day. I feel insecure in at least ONE relationship of mine every day-- friends, exes, family... so, depending on that, it would be the answer for who's journal I'd want to read.
Actually, I kinda change my answer. I think ANYONE'S journal would be 'good' to read. you'd get to know them, you'd find humility and pureness that only journals possess. And I'd like to be that involved in someone's thoughts. I find the unpretentiousness refreshing.

9. You have accomplished a difficult task and hear someone else taking the credit. How do you deal with the situation?
Gripe to girl friends or family. Then shrug my shoulders and think that the retard taking credit is pathetic and obviously needed that pat on the back. So kudos to their lame-ness. (haha)

10. If you could spend one year in perfect happiness but afterward would remember nothing of the experience, would you do so?
no. Happiness doesn't exist if you can't have the counterbalancing sadness with which to compare it to. I would rather be as happy as I am today and remember every thorn amidst every rose for the rest of my life!11. What is the most imaginative thing you ever did as a child?
Where to start? I did lots of imaginative things. I had sisters and brothers I played with non-stop. But making grass-forts in Red Deer is a happy memory.12. If you could star in a love scene with any living actor or actress, whom would you want to act with, and where would you want it filmed?
Ryan Gosling. He's cute. Where would I want it filmed? um. Somewhere public where I can get proof of the encounter! lol

13. If you could take a one-month trip anywhere in the world and money were not a consideration, where would you go?
That's hard, but I'd probably go touring through Europe. Everywhere possible. And see everything. And taste the best breads and cheeses and chocolates. mmm.

14. What is the most important thing in any relationship?
Honesty. That's a given, now. With honesty, I think most communication can be met, and most problems worked through.

15. If you could teach your mate to do one thing, what would it be?
HAHA, does being monogamous count!? LOL. Kidding. My 'mate', seeing as I'm still legally married... I'd teach him how to be decisive in life and find peace on one side of the fence.. because the grass isn't always greener.

16. What is the best example of “perfection” that you can think of?
besides the obvious? me! lol

17. If you could eliminate one habit your mate has, what would you have them stop doing?
He does this thing with clipped fingernails. And I won't elaborate, because that's just not nice to talk rudely about his habits.... but it drives me nuts.

18. You are given the power to see the solution of one of history's "unsolved mysteries." What secret would you pick to uncover?
Some child's disappearance. I think closure for the family would be a nice thing to receive.

19. You're driving your car late at night and come to a red light. If there are no cars in either direction, would you stop?
I would stop. yes. I might be really really annoyed and seriously consider going through the light if it took too long to change to green. But no, I'd still follow the rules in this case.

20. If you could, in retrospect, thank one person for what they taught you, who would it be, and what would you thank them for?
Too many to list. I mean that genuinely. How is one lesson in life more important than another?

21. Do good things come to those who wait?
Ever waited for icecream? Or waited for the perfect breath of air? Waiting for things sometimes makes you miss out on the things right in front of you. But, in general, patience is a virtue. To a point. Being picky-- not a virtue!

22. If you had to choose someone to sleep with your mate, whom would you pick?
SERIOUSLY!? uh, me. I guess. LOL. Okay okay. uh.... a guy. because then I could tell myself that, after me, he couldn't bear the thought of being with another woman! ROFL!!!!

23. What is the worst vacation you ever took?
hm. How does 'vacation' and 'worst' make it into the same sentence!? Uh. Can't think of one off hand!

24. Do you dress the same when you are depressed as you do when you are very happy?
yes and no. I dress in jeans and a T-shirt on a basic day. I dress in sweats when I feel like it. Happy or not. The only thing that dictates my 'mood' is usually my hair. If it's done, I'm in a great mood. If it's not, I'm in a lazy mood. If it's dirty, I'm borderlineing depressed/sad.

25. If the statement, 'You are what you eat' was true, I would be
nothing. lol I skipped both breakfast AND lunch today-- not on purpose, just busy with the dayhome kids and getting LL off to school. I've snacked today. So, in that case, I'd be cheesy, off-the-wall (redbull) and slightly hot! lol (pepperoni sticks!) (wow.. that looks really unappetizingly sick!)


Unknown said...

I hope you didn't break up with him that night!! Way to ruin the romance. ;)

And that picture of Ryan looks like he's 12. And hungry.

And pepperoni sticks?? NASSSSY!

Debbi said...

nope,, really *DID* break up that night. I'm heartless, I know. I admit that now. It made sense in my head at the time, but now it's just mean.

Ryan probably WAS 12. But he's cute anyways.

nope. Pepperoni sticks are yummy. They just LOOK nassy!

Unknown said...

What a heartbreaker!!