Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm Canadian. ca???

Okay, so a while ago I was contacted by a random person who found this blog. They were looking for people from Calgary who blog who'd be willing to come to the University and be part of a research project/thesis paper.

First off, cool. I love that people can find this blog at anytime and from anywhere. I love meeting new people that way- what a way to feel closer connected to family, friends and fellow human beings around the world.

Secondly, I'm all FOR being part of research teams, etc. So much so, that I want my body to be donated to science when I die-- I think knowledge is truly power (not in the George Orwell's way, of course), and how cool is it that somehow I can help someone gain further knowledge. I always say yes to those things. My kids are registered in the University ECE program for research subjects. They've done it a few times, and it's super easy. A small thing, but I hope, when I'm in school, or my kids are, that someone will be willing to take a few hours to help us in our quests for further knowledge.

So. On Thursday last, I went. I took the "test". I conquered.

The questions stemmed from being Canadian and how my internet usage is part of that.
????? Just me, or does that question seem confusing!?

I don't think of my internet usage and my Canadian heritage as linked things. They're not synonymous with each other in any way. At least, not to me.

So, find it funny that in the past few days, I've had friends who've done these politically-inspired blogs:
Bloggin with Bobbi
and there's always people on my blogroll who make Canadian comments (whether about trips they're on, or people they're visiting, ect)

I gotta admit, I don't have a lot of Canadian content in my blog. Not that I don't feel Canadian, or proud to be such, but I don't see the link of internet and citizenship pride.
Just me?

What makes me Canadian? Other than a love of hockey, lineage of family and the crest on my passport? The relief that I don't have THIS guy as my president/Prime Minister!! LOL

"Amigo! Amigo!" --George W. Bush, calling out to Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in Spanish at the G-8 Summit, Rusutsu, Japan, July 10, 2008

"And so the fact that they purchased the machine meant somebody had to make the machine. And when somebody makes a machine, it means there's jobs at the machine-making place." --George W. Bush, Mesa, Arizona, May 27, 2008

There is a definite pride to being Canadian. It's not the same as American Pride. It's much.. uh.. subtler.

So, I pose this question to you readers..
What makes you Canadian? Or, if you're NOT Canadian, what do you think of when you think of Canada?


Itworksforbobbi said...

I remember my German teacher in high school telling us that if we ever travel in Europe to be sure to sew a Canadian flag somewhere on our luggage/backpack. She said Canadians are loved and respected there, so much so that you'll receive preferential treatment if you make it obvious your'e Canadian. She told me that even many Americans carry the old maple leaf so they will have a more positive experience there. I don't know about THAT, but it really made me proud of my country. We're not perfect anymore than ANY country is perfect, but I love the beauty and diversity here. I love that we are known for being polite! There are many things I don't love - but I won't get into it. I will be happy to live and die Canadian - whatever that means :)

Rach and Tay Campbell said...

I JUST WANTED TO SAY! - that I love this post! haha I love bieng Canadian. I wrote a paper at school while I attended UVSC in Utah...and like...it was full of totally bogus information on Canada... im not kidding, polar bears, dog sleds in my hometown ect...it was meant to be an informative paper meant to educate my class...but the only person who it educated was me...on how dumb Americans are...eh? haha jk jk...sort of...i got an A on the paper because my teacher is a tool.
I just love bieng Canadian. I have freedom and brutally slow, but there nonetheless healthcare...and maple syrup...and smarties, and people who love me when i travel simply because I have a flag with a maple leaf on it on my back!
great post Deb, I love it!

holymotherofgod said...

What the hell is a canadian anyways!?? I mean, I LOVE LOVE LOVE being one but pick one out in a crowd, eh? Hard to have Canadian content when so much of our influence is from the south. Good blog article; I like discussing this!!