Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday *Tunes

September!? Boo. I was barely THERE for August. Of ALL the months this year, my August went the fastest. I don't anticipate having *September move very quickly in comparison.

LL went to school this morning. I remember what I hate about the school year: making lunches. Grr. Least favourite thing ever. THANKFULLY she's getting old enough to make her own lunch now, so that's a relief. Bear starts school on Thursday. I will admit, though, that she's cute in her little uniform! How can you not love this?

Today is my *monday. Cleaning. Sorting. Pitching. Cleaning. *Oooda-lalee, how exciting. If you can't hear the sarcasm ROLLING through my teeth, I'll put it plainly that I have NO interest in folding ANY more laundry! But, I finally vacuumed. lol-- after a week! It was scary! As someone once said, some people's floors are clean enough to eat off of... MY floors are dirty enough to eat off of too! (if you like meals of spilt chocolate milk and milk-laden, soggy mini-wheats.) *wanna know annoying?? you know you wanna click this link!!

But I did enjoy my Prison Break last night. With Chris and Kannie. Some people already know, but Kannie and Uncle broke up this past weekend. She's doing about as good as I was doing the first few days after finding out about Chris and EF. I talked with her for a while last night- and, it was crazy hearing her say some things that I said EXACTLY the same to MY girlfriends! It reminded me how far I had come in *6 1/2 months. Wow.

I have NOTHING entertaining to talk about. Blah. lame post. okay, so I'll entertain MYSELF by posting a few, random funny songs to check out!

Okay, you MAY know *the original song. But you probably haven't seen THIS version! haha

  • Britney Spears
She's singing *my old theme song. LOL

* = Links of the songs-a-la day


Nikki said...

What a doll! Isn't it amazing to recognize ourselves so quickly, in the experiences of others. It must be the secret to healing.