Monday, September 22, 2008

Dancing Queens

I know-- it's well into the afternoon on Monday, and I haven't posted yet. What is the world coming to?! ;P

So, Friday night rocked. It was an eye-opening experience, in a way. I went to dinner with some girlfriends, their hubbies and their kids. I, of course, was alone, as Chris had the kids this weekend. No worries. I hadn't seen Becka for WAY too long, and wasn't even worried about it, since I knew most of the people there already. There wasn't any awkwardness, at least, not on my part.

It was fun to hang out with some really great gals-- having good times and eating yummy foods.

After, a few of us girls hootchie-mamma'd ourselves up, and went clubbing.

PREFACE: I have not entered a club without Chris for ANY reason since before meeting him! So, for 8 years, *if* I went to a club, I had Chris beside me. He knew my 'save me' face. He would dance with me and we had a good rhythm, or he let me dance with someone else. He and I had fun. SOOOO, here I am with girlfriends. 4 of us were married, moms, and slightly verging on cougar age to some of those boys there. (yes, 19 yr old boys abounded.. it was a sad realization that I had armpit hairs older than some of these boys!!!) Sadder yet-- there were a few people there whose gender I couldn't figure out. I'm outta practise on the Tranny-vision. Next thing to go is gay-dar, and you just can't lose that without serious consequenses. Oh, lucky thing I wasn't trying to pick anyone UP that night!

But we danced. And I had a blast. I just love love LOVE dancing, so it was exactly what I wanted and needed. I hope to do it again- it totally rekindled a love of music I miss dearly! There wasn't a whole lot to look at, in regards to hot guys. LOL Which is always a nice bonus, but not important. Eye candy is so underrated! ;P There were a few guys breave enough to try to get into our boob-circle, but it's fun to get all ''tude" on them and 'jock-block' them. Unless they're cute enough.. then we MAY entertain them. For a minute.

Saturday, I cleaned carpets again. Had a nap. And went to our church chili/wings/pie contest. Chris brought the kids, too, so I'm sure we confused a few people at church with him showing up with me. Meh. Whatever. Talking with a girl friend this morning, I'm realizing that the only people who have an issue with Chris and I being together at functions are everyone else!! I think it's sad that we're NOT the norm.


Carla McDaniel said...

Friday night was awkward as I felt at first...the dancing was a blast..oh..and even some the guys who tried to pick us up I guess were good for the self image!!!

Unknown said...

that picture makes me gag

Anonymous said...

LMGBO @ the thought of your ancient armpit hair.

The Bullknitter said...

So Deb, I have a friend from high school who has been divorced at least once (but I think more than once) and remarried the same guy each time. It happens. And define normal - everything is relative and subjective. Every situation is unique. Your life is your own.