Wednesday, September 17, 2008

20/20 Hindsight

Things I miss!!

  1. sex. Let's be serious. It'd be the first thing on your list too, after 8 years.
  2. someone else to deal with the Mighties. Ew. That is SO a man's job. I do it, but I hate it.
  3. Saturday morning sleep-ins. (technically, I get this every other week, so I'm not totally deprived.)
  4. Breakfasts....pancakes, french toast, and his specialty-- poachies on toast. MMMM I do NOT make breakfast.
  5. someone else to giggle with when the kids have temper tantrums or say funny things, or, as in the case of yesterday, someone naked full-moons the neighbours in order to smell the flowers outside.
  7. knowing how much food to make at mealtimes. I need to get used to this 'me and three kids who eat like birds' thing. It's harder than I thought!
  8. help with cleaning, cooking, putting kids to bed
  9. 'honey, I'm home' kisses on the back of the neck
  10. griping about people we mutually get annoyed with, hate, disagree with, etc.
  11. someone who laughed at my little idiosyncrasies... but made me laugh at them too.
  12. 8 Gothic Vagina night OUT-- where it didn't always have to be at my house. I feel bad for making the girls always trek 1/2 way to California to get here!
  13. Work Christmas parties. His jobs were always the funnest Christmas parties. At least, for a stay-at-home mom, they were better than a kick in the pants. (is that a guy-only phrase? Cuz it seems to me it would be, although, lemme tell you guys out there-- kicking a girl in the pants don't feel a whole lot like a tickle-fest either!)
  14. Always knowing who I would take to a dinner, a dance, a social (hahah, a social?! What the? Am I 60 years old?! Who goes to things called SOCIALS!?)
  15. Someone to hold my hand through a pap smear. And don't you all dare laugh. I'm dead serious.
  16. long weekends of travelling to see his family. This can and will still happen, but it's not the same.
  17. Someone who understood my lack of mathematical skills, and could help me understand the issue better than ANYONE else
  18. the way he smelt/ smelled (?)- and I mean that as in, "Chris smells like roses", instead of "Chris smelt the roses". Clearly. (And let's not let that sentence example delude you-- he did NOT smell like roses!)
  19. someone else taking out the garbage.
  20. cuddling, crying on a shoulder, snuggling in bed, a kiss on the forehead, a hand brushing my hair away from my face, a quick massage of the shoulders while I make dinner... the little 'touches'.

Things I DON'T miss!!
  1. cheese and crackers all over the clean counters
  2. TOTALLY clean laundry in the dirty laundry piles.. thus, laundry takes FOREVER
  3. raiding the fridge 10 minutes before dinner's ready!
  4. the smell of alcohol breath, the knowledge of how much money was SPENT on that alcohol, and the amount of money spent to get his car home from a 'designated driver service' because of drinking that amount of money through that alcohol. (nope, not bitter about this one)
  5. going to bed alone, waiting for him to come home until about 4:30 AM! (again, tied to #4, but deserves it's own number for sure!)
  6. sharing a bank account
  7. going to church alone when I didn't have to
  8. Freshly made bed with clean sheets, and HE gets in first and untucks all the sheets. GRRRR
  9. snoring
  10. someone complaining about the messy house while sitting playing video games on the computer!
  11. crappy crap TV shows and movies like Blade Trinity, the Matrix, KillBill, Star Trek: Voyager, and Stargate SG1, although I kinda liked that once in a while
  12. someone who doesn't know the songs to GREAT musical movies, or has never even SEEN The Sound Of Music!!! SERIOUSLY!?
  13. coming home from a vacation/time away without the kids, to a VERY messy house that hasn't been touched ONCE
  14. listening to someone's new business idea, or "life long dream" change with the weather. Last I checked, if it was 'life long', it shouldn't be changing.
  15. Priorities that differed GREATLY from mine
  16. crappy music choices where the singer is usually screaming obscenities. Not saying he needed to like some of the country I like, but we had happy mediums.
  17. toenails. clipped. on the floor/table/night stand,..etc. Need I say more? GRRRRR. In all fairness, I leave hair in the drain, which REALLY bothered him (as it should), so I'd say we're even on 'discarded body part issues'.
  18. Feeling like I'm intellectually inferior to the "math and science" dude. Or, being asked an english or biology question, only to be told I'm wrong when I can prove it to him. >:X (someday I may talk about this one in more detail, because, MAN, was I mad that day. OOOOHH, wait. I did--but somehow the link I posted doesn't work, so who knows where in the abyss of internet garbage it went.) You know, if I had only known that his reaction was purely guilt over his affair, that would have possibly made things WAY clearer.
    Meh. 20/20 hindsight.
  19. Open drawers in the dresser.
  20. The incessant "I'm not sure I wanna be married. I don't think I love you. We have nothing in common." conversations. Shoot me now.


So@24 said...

You didn't like Kill Bill or the Matrix?

I... I... I don't know what to say.

Debbi said...

I'm not smart enough to follow the Matrix, one. (I can't get into such non-reality stuff). Kill Bill- too violent.

Erin said...

k, on #17... toenails vs. hair... so NOT even!! Hair in the drain is just a side effect of having sexy, long hair & is not controllable...
CHOOSING not to discard toenails that you have CLIPPED?? EWWWWWW!

Anonymous said...

Oh WOW I have so much to say about this post!
I'd enjoy the breakfasts too. Actually this month I'm cooking a breakfast recipe. I can't wait. And you remember that I have a cell on me at all times for work purposes, but that doesn't mean that anytime your kids do some moon shining business I don't want to hear about it!!! CALL ME NEXT TIME! the pap smear was definitely TMI.
I don't like those types of movies either.
You opened my eyes as to why you married him though...because you loved him despite the disagreeableness of the music or movies, and toenails. I don't like to keep mine, does HE???!? Gross. Either way I really enjoyed this post, as much as I loved Marci's opposites attract post. :)

The Bullknitter said...

you must be a fast typer. Cause that was a lot of typing.

Carla McDaniel said...

Debs, good post. there's always 20/20 hindsight isn't there.
you are one of the strongest women I know!!! loves ya

Suze said...

8 Years? Seriously? Oh man woman! I'd go insane! I don't know how single people do it.....or I guess I should say do without it! LOL!

On the subject of "Pap Smears" when I had my first one I was totally freaked out, cause of all the horror stories I'd heard and then my OB/GYN was totally sympathetic and told me it was all a myth and that if you feel anything of if it hurts you either have a sucky doctor who does it have a sucky doctor! lol....after she was "done" I was like, "you're done?!?".....yeah.....she's amazing. I almost felt like tipping her, but then I don't think doctors accept tips.

Now...Stargate SG-1...don't ever knock that show in front of me again Debbi! Your only saving grace was saying that you didn't mind it every once in a while....phew!

Hang in there babe! There's the perfect man for you out there somewhere! The sign shoulda been that he'd never seen the Sound Of Music....I would've dumped him right then and there!!!

Debbi said...

NONO Suze.. We had sex. It's just gone now from after HAVING it for 8 years!

It's not about the Dr. I have had lots of different people put the duckbill inside me. Doesn't matter. I usually cry. I'm retarded.

Suze said...

Oh....ha ha ha....I'm retarded. I forgot that you were married to him less than 10 years! Man I feel StOOpid! Not really...but still sucks not having sex.

I'm sorry you cry during paps.

Hey did I ever tell you I had a client once who's name was "Pat Smear"? LOL (no joke)'d think she'd go by Patricia or something....Yeesh!....So think of her on your next visit....maybe you'll cry of laughter!