Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday Ws

Who: The dayhome
What: will be empty
Where: oh where have my children gone!?
When: T minus three days!
Why: Aside from losing that one little girl, the two full-timers I have are moving to Edmonton and Friday is their last day. (One of them being Angel. How sad! She's too cute) So, I'll have two part-timers (one drop-in, one twice a week). And I still haven't gotten a hold of EF to tell her that I'm not taking her kids afterall. I left a message for her to call me, but she hasn't. note to self: call her again today. Seeing as things with Chris are still so positive, it could well go into January if not longer. Of course, it could finish tomorrow. But so far, so good. So, I need her not to be here. Anyways. I'm actually kinda excited for a bit of time off, although, I need the money. It'll be nice to have days of just Mimi and I, since she's never really had any one-on-one attention. I've had the dayhome for nearly her whole life. It'll be nice to take her to the zoo, to have naps. LOL And I'll probably find less time to blog seeing as she'll be bored by herself once in a while after ALWAYS having someone to play with and I'll be busy playing barbies and dressup. I printed up more 'ads' for mailboxes and grocery-store bulletin boards, but I hate that part. Let the interviews commence. Blah.

Who: Fatty McBubberson
What: Wants to remind you
When: Today, of course
Where: Wherever you are. Whatever you're doing. Drop everything and commence
Why: Let us remember THIS post. Yes, you read it correctly, today is Chocolate Wednesday. And, for your sharing satisfaction, I have ONLY had four of these. (who cares that it's only 9:30 am... there's no time restrictions for Chocolate Wednesday! lol) I bought our Hallowe'en candy last night, and opened it up first thing this morning! hahaha. Okay, in defence of my lack of control, I opened it to give a peice to the school-kids on their way to school. I was being giving. Yah, that's it. Clearly I would NEVER have alternative, more selfish motives! Geez, what do you take me for!!? :P tee hee. (don't answer that!)

Who: Pessy McPessimistersons
What: should be happy
Where: uh...
When: once hearing this
Why: because I have nothing exciting to blog. So, my life is officially "boring". Boring is good, one anonymous said. So, there you have it. BOw-ring! As requested. :) (by the way, I love this store! And, yes, I recognize that it's not pronounced "BO-ring", but, in my ignorant defence, a bow-tie is pronounced "bo", so I say bow-ring! Don't ask for further explanation. It makes sense to me and my sista, Keeks. And sisters don't have to explain what's funny to them. Clearly. )


Anonymous said...

Pessy WHOOOOOO??!?!?!?!!?

Nice name. LOL

From Pessy (I guess)

Debbi said...

I actually laughed out loud, Anon. Thanks for your comment!! LOL

Kristi said...

BHAHAHAHAHAH oh boy, was that ONLY our joke? I thought more people knew about it. I saw the picture before I read the entry and I KNEW that you were talking about something being really 'boring'. ROFL

Debbi said...

I don't know if others call it that, but years ago, walking through a mall, Chris corrected me with the 'proper pronounciation', where I emphatically told him that my way was better, even if it's technically wrong.
And it's no wonder our marriage worked out so well, eh? lol