Monday, October 6, 2008

Now It's My Turn

So here goes.
I sat, watching my inbox grow with each minute, filled with new comments on the last post. I have pondered to myself on how to respond, and with WHAT I wanted to say and what I didn't. And although this post may come across as angry, please know that I'm just feeling defensive, as I'm sure you would all feel were you in my shoes. I have edited this post a few times. Written it and came back to it in the morning and decided that I can't reply to everything.

But there's a few things I'll mention. And then, it is my hope that we can all move past this, as it's creating a stress in my life that I'm not okay dealing with. I hate contention. I hate being the centre of arguments, I hate having people in my life attack others based on their opinions.

So, first thing of note.
Thank you. Every opinion is read. Every opinion touches my heart in some way. But I am also of the view that Kare expressed. The anonymous people have EVERY RIGHT to be anonymous, but I think that anonymity should be reserved merely for SELF-preservation-- not preservation of a relationship that you don't need to preserve. If you DO love me, you will know that your opinion, as harsh as it may feel to me, will be FAR GREATER VALUED than some 'stranger' who claims to know me. And worse yet, I have an idea who some of the anonymous people are-- which makes me feel that they don't respect my love for them if they think I'd stop talking to them or such. Maybe for a day, but most definitely not indefinitely. :) Kare said it most eloquently: Have faith that if your words are spoken from your heart, that (I) will take the time to hear them properly, and be able to separate how (I) FEEL about them, from the content and intent. If you do not trust (me) to do this, then you do not know (me), and you are not being as true a friend or family member as you are called to be. (And PS. . Sheelagh, thank you. Doesn't change our relationship-- at least, not for me. I still love you and respect your wisdom and opinions.)

Secondly. "If you can't say something nice.."
I do not care what we're talking about. I will NOT tolerate people attacking OTHER commentors' comments. If, for example, Marci wants to say something TO ME, you should not attack her for having a differing opinion than yours. Likewise, if you don't agree with one of the anonymouses...that's fine too. We dont' need to agree. But being petty and rude to someone else is NOT okay. These are ALL people I love or who love me. Please, in the future, state only YOUR opinion and state it to me-- not based on what others have said. It's not fair to anyone here. And it's my blog. Have what you want to say to me-- if you want to say something to someone else, say it on THEIR blog. Or don't say it.I think that's only respectful of ALL parties. If this isn't followed, I will erase people's comments. And I don't want to do that. So keep them geared to me only, please.

And lastly. What *I* think.

I would do it again. Apart from ONE of my friends who reads this, you do not know Beau-- not who he USED to be, nor who he is now. Spend more than 20 minutes alone in a room with him and then tell me you know him. And, I would venture to assume that NONE of you have been FIRST-HAND exposed to someone high on heroine. This is not what you watch on TV. (we know 'reality shows' like "X-Weighted" and "Intervention" are SOOOO unedited, don't we?!) Until you know Beau, and know the drugs and how he reacts to it, don't judge me and tell me I put people in danger. Chris was here. He sat face to face with Beau. He ate dinner with my family. Chris was not worried.. I mean, seriously, when Beau arrived, he could barely lift his hand to EAT! Chris agrees that we would do it again. And basically, it's MY home. My heart. And my children. And those children in my care's families trust my decisions, or they would not hire me. They would probably all recommend my home. But I'm not here to toot horns or anything. Point being, Chris is standing behind me 100% on this. We did NOT endanger anyone, nor would we have. And as for the conversation with my children after... You teach your children your way. I'll teach them my way. They were sent to me- and I will teach them the way that feels right to me because I know that when it feels 'right', I've done right.

I was NOT thinking I could 'save' Beau. I *DID* call his family FIRST- within minutes of his arrival. I made sure that having him here would not be an endangerment based on previous times of detox for him and according to his family who have been through this numerous times. I called Health Link to also talk with a registered nurse (in fact, I talked with three). I talked with AADAC to ensure that I knew what to expect and that it wasn't something I'd regret. And I don't. Nor will I ever.

But let's make this clear-- I DO NOT CONDONE BEAU'S BEHAVIOUR! I have done everything I can to get him caught. I have worked with Police when I have no legal need to. I am NOT blind to what's right and what's not. When he arrived at my house, I had NO knowledge of his robberies-- no one did! The warrants weren't out for 3 days after his arrival. I *DID* worry that while he was getting 'air', he would find trouble. I didn't think it'd be robbing banks, no. But drugs, yes. And I told him that if he came back high, he would not be stepping another foot in my door. I layed down rules the moment he got here. And, might I add, I never needed to enforce them. I'm not dumb. (In spite of what some of you have made me feel.)

I am not 'entangled' in a web of mess. I am no longer a part of this. And the police know that and have told me that. Because I told the truth to them the same way I stated it here. They know I knew about the car, they know everything. I will NOT lie for Beau. Or anyone.

I admit first off- I made a mistake- the stolen car. And I fully accept that. And agree that I should have handled that one better. I do not need for my nose to be rubbed in my own crap-- I get it enough from myself for that one.

You love me? Yet you think I love Beau more than my three children or even the children I have in my home for sometimes 12 hours of the day-- treating them like my own!??? You think I'd love him more?!! In this case... you DO NOT KNOW ME!

I will ALWAYS state that EVERYONE I associate with in my life are not 'bad people'. We ALL make crappy choices... and some more than others. And I'm no better either. So let's stop assuming that we're sooooo much better than someone else. That your 'beams and motes' are sooooo much more acceptable than your neighbour's. And let's remember who Jesus spent most of his time with-- the whores and sick and loneliest people. I'm not Jesus, but He did ask me to follow Him, and in this case, I believe I did. If Beau doesn't qualify as 'the least of these', I don't know who would. And especially please stop judging these two men who are being attacked on my blog (namely, Beau and Chris). I love these men, and attacking them doesn't change how I feel about them. Maybe only changes how I feel about your perception of them and I'm not asking you to love them.

PS- not that it's anyone's business, but Chris has NOT been dating anyone else since July ended. He is not thinking that 'dating' while married to me is a characteristic he's proud of. He's not proud of a lot of things. People DO change. Which is why hanging with him right now is much easier. I don't have to hear about his dates- because he's not on them.

I have said my 'peace'. I'm sorry if you felt I endangered my children. I'm sorry you felt that I let these two men 'abuse' me. I do not feel that way. But I've stated how I feel. And you love me for me- This IS me. I own this. And in whom I love or how I treat them, you will not change my convictions. Love me for it or in spite of it. But I hope you've seen that no matter what you do (or anonymously write), I will always love you back.


Unknown said...

Debbi, you're so amazing. Thanks for your input and clarification.

I don't think you need to apologize for anything, though. Don't apologize for how people think or react to. This is YOUR life--you've said that yourself. You own this. You shouldn't need to apologize for the way you run your life just to suit others.

I love you so much.

Debbi said...

no, I'm not apologizing for my actions.

I just feel sad that others are offended. I don't intend to offend people.

Andrew said...

In response to your Blog Debbi, one word: Amen.

mcdltdsy said...

I feel privileged to call you my friend.

Erin said...

Intense feelings (both good & bad) cause both good & bad reactions. I honestly believe that everyone who posted on your previous blog did so out of love & concern.
Like my parents, who kicked me OUT of my home as a teenager after they were worried for me coming home late (SAY WHAT?!) - we don't always react the best way when we are truly concerned for someone we care about.

The deeper the caring, the deeper the concern, the more intense the reaction.

I definitely felt the sting as I read some of the comments on your previous blog, but hope you can see that it pretty much came down to a debate of differing opinions &, like political debate, the REAL reason for the discussion gets lost.

I'm sorry that anyone who cares for you has EVER made you sad. Like I said on the previous post...

YOU have a GOOD heart... be careful with it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should take your own advise, you attacked someone who comented on Becka's blog a few weeks ago. That comment was for Becka not you.

Debbi said...

That's may be partially true, Anon. But remember, *I HAD THE BALLS TO PUT MY NAME TO MY COMMENT.*

Secondly, I defended a friend who was RUDELY attacked when expressing her vulnerabilities. ONLY PATHETIC WHORES ATTACK PEOPLE WHEN THEY'RE ALREADY DOWN.

Thirdly, if Becka had a problem with it, she could have ALSO asked her commentators to refrain like I have asked mine. However, this is MY blog, so frankly, fuck off if you have nothing nice to say. You seem to want to create havoc, yet you can't seem to leave reading about my life alone. Seriously, why are you even reading?!

You wanna be petty and insulting? Okay, I can play that game.. Try spell-check once in a while you dimwitted lowlife.

mskaz said...

Hi Debbi, it's Danielle here. All I have to say in regards to your last comment is HAHAHAHAHAH! You have big balls girl, and I love it.

I also love your blog and your honesty about your life. It's so refreshing. And also: my life is freaking boring. You are hogging all the interesting life on this side of town!

Anonymous said...

I'm Anon #2

Boring is good.

However mad, don't swear. You are above that.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I've never left a comment on your blog before, but I just had to today. I read some of the comments from your last post, and they got me all riled up after like, 7 of them.

First of all, we all make mistakes. Chris, Beau, you me. So I'm so not going to even comment on whether or not you made the best choices with this whole thing, because frankly, it's none of my business and I an not perfect enough to judge.

Secondly, holy monkeys. Your life right now is straight from a soap or something. I truly hope that things settle down again and you can have some more peaceful moments in your life. They say bad experiences can make us into stronger people, and baby, if that's true you're gonna be like Wonderwoman.

Thirdly, those who really do count know that you try to make the best choices you can, will be honest without being hurtful, and love you back no matter what happens in your life. So ignore those buttheads (yes, I said butthead) and know that on my list, you're awesome!

Hugs and keese,
Elise :D

P.S. Ignore my bad grammar and stuff, I'm tired and lazy.

Suze said...

I wanted to comment on the last post, but after reading all of the comments I decided not to. I wasn't going to add my comment to the list of, well....

But I will comment now.

You are one of the most Christlike people I have ever met. Your example has strengthened my testimony and I thankyou for it. I was going to mention in my comment before about doing it "unto the least of these" but you said it here and I'm so glad you did. Maybe most of your friends who read your blog haven't read the scriptures or have a testimony of Christ, but how could you not be kind to those you love, despite their actions or how much they've hurt you. It doesn't mean you have to give them all you have, but BE like the Savior and help those in need. He, fortunately for us, DID give all that He had, and through His atonement we can learn to forgive and GIVE to those who have none. Like your friend Beau. There's no reason to defend yourself on why you did the things that you did. The Savior simply says "Love One Another" and by loving him, you did all that you could to help him. I commend you. But no matter how many people commend you or persecute you for your actions, the only judgemnt that will count in the end will be two people....and that's Beau & Jesus Christ.

The same goes for Chris. You are one STRONG woman. The only thing that you are teaching your children is FORGIVENESS. As a child of parents who divorced, it was full of bitterness and spite (on my mother's part) and I LEARNED that from my mother. It was unhealthy in my relationships with people and I would hold grudges and it was very hard to forgive them. It's actually been difficult in my relationships with men and especially with my marriage, but thank the heavens that I married the man that I did, cause he understands that. Anyways I didn't want to rattle on about me...I wanted you to know that keeping a healthy relationship with Chris is only going to SAVE your children in the end. Trust me.

I love you Debbi. I've grown to love the woman you've become from the girl I met years ago. This comment is intended for you and only YOU. (Although I want it to be public otherwise I would've emailed it to you.) Take care and God bless.

Claudine said...

I'm a so proud of you Deb! I read the other blogs and comments and was disturbed by people butting their noses into something they knew nothing of.
Good for you for standing up for yourself! You are rightly justified in your convictions.
How you deal with loved ones in your life is your business.
I trust you. I know WHO YOU ARE!! You've never done anything to hurt your family and you never will.
Kudos to you! I support you and love you 1000% (is that even a real percent? Who knows...but it's A LOT!!)

Anonymous said...

If you put it out to the blogging world you have to expect some opinions.

Just take the good with the bad and become stronger from it.

Debbi said...

oh, absolutely right, latest Anon. :) Good advice.