Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mi Vida Loca?

(no Wednesday Ws today)

It's finally time in my life to blog about this.
I've struggled for a few weeks with these thoughts, but in the past three days, it all came down and I've really had a hard time.

Ever since the whole Beau thing, I have taken a lot of time pondering and evaluating the type of mother and dayhome provider I am. I have NEVER doubted my love for my kids or my charges, and I have hardly doubted my abilities to take care of such. I mean, every mother does, to an extent, feel unprepared and unqualified to lead another life in the proper direction. Every mother, I don't care who you are, wonders if they could have done something different. Or better. Or loved more. Or with a firmer hand. Or. or... or.

But I can't shake the things that were typed and said to me about my mothering abilities. This is not a plea for a million comments of "Oh, Debbi, you're a good mother". I don't want to hear that. But thanks anyways. And this is not an invitation for "I told you so" or something like that. This is just me sorting through my thoughts and sharing my insecurities with you.

I lost a dayhome child the other day. because I was 5 minutes late for picking her up from the bus. Now, given, I'm PAID to be there for her. But I was late. SOOOO not excusing myself. There are three other mothers there who have been part of the 'busstop mamma' group for three years now. We have been there through divorces and births and miscarriages and weightloss... we have become FRIENDS while waiting in the cold and sleet for that yellow bus to appear over the hill. We have ALL been late, and when it happened, someone else took that child home until the mother was able to pick them up. It is nothing among friends. And the mother of the dayhome child WAS PART OF THAT. We've all taken her children. We've all had her take ours. It's just what we do.

So, when I was late, in my worried haste, I still knew another busstop Mamma would be there to pick her off the bus and take her home. I pulled up just as they were leaving the busstop in their own cars.

The mother fired me for being late and having that happen. Which confused me. A) she knows of the busstop mamma 'code'. B) she has BEEN LATE HERSELF. C) I told her that, because of Bear's school not having a bus for the ride home, that when I was carpooling him, I MAY be a few minutes later if the weather was bad or the roads were clogged, etc. She knew that, agreed to that, and knew that another mother would be there for her daughter.

As a dayhome provider, I deserve to be fired for that. As a friend, I was shocked. And when you're friends with the dayhome families, things can get cloudy if you let them. Case in point, EF.

I'm telling this story because it upset me, yes. But what upset me more is what this blog is about.

She came over to pay me, and, with tears in her eyes and worry over our friendship, asked if I was 'mad'. I'm not mad, no. I explained how I was feeling, and then she said something that bit. She said, "I was talking with (the busstop mammas), and we think that you just have too much going on right now, it's probably better that you don't have as many children with so much going on." And she made some motion with her hands around her head, as in, "too much in your head going on".


The other week, I mentioned to a family member that I thought being a Brite Consultant would be good because I know A LOT of young mothers. Mostly, I thought about being a consultant to get the books for a better price than retail! :) I wouldn't actually DO parties, any more than I'm doing Pampered Chef ones. But I'd use the products, just like I do with the Pampered Chef stuff! They then told me that I had enough going on in my life and shouldn't take on anything else. (not that I was going to) On another instance, I had another family member tell me that I have too much 'drama' in my life and that I needed to simplify it.

Fast forward to yesterday.
I was out shopping, and a lady freaked out on me. She told me I was an unfit mother, and a bunch of other things. Basically, she didn't like the way I was mothering. I drove away, in near tears and shaking. Of course, I thought of all the good comebacks as I was driving away, but it managed to sting really badly and somewhat hurt for the rest of the day.

I have started wondering- does everyone else see something I don't see? One Anon said, "You are very good about convincing yourself you have done the right thing, or finding the good in situations even when you have screwed up, instead of just admitting you made a mistake." Am I as horrible as people are saying I am? I mean, *I* never thought I was HORRIBLE. And I don't claim to be perfect. But I thought I was pretty well-qualified. I thought I could handle it better than most (and have been told that I DO by others, and by people who are in the home with all the kids and can't 'keep their cool' the way I can). Maybe I am deluded? Maybe EVERYONE else thinks I've got too much going on. Even my friends said, "I truly hope that things settle down again and you can have some more peaceful moments in your life."

Do you ALL think I have no peace in my life? That I'm in a constant upheaval? Seriously?

After these few instances, and a few other random comments from people, I have come to some personal thoughts and theories and feelings. You may not agree, but (TODAY) I see it this way;

  1. Theory: People say "you have too much going on and you can't handle it" because if THEY were in the situation I'm in, THEY couldn't handle it. I haven't said that I had too much going on (in the grand scene-- given, on a day-to-day basis, some days are busier than others) so I don't know why people want to TELL me that I do. I do NOT complain about my lot in life-- in most cases, I have CHOSEN this path. And most importantly, I am more happy with my life TODAY than I have been in a VERY long time. As disillusioned as you may think I am, it's the truth.
  2. People are quick to tell me I have too much going on because my crap is out there for the world to see. I don't hide it behind platitudes and masks of happiness. The mother of that dayhome child suffers from SEVERE depression and is unhappy with her marriage. But, no one can LITERALLY see that. I only know that because we talk as friends. I even asked her, "you mean to tell me you don't think others have a lot going on? " She just teared up and nodded in agreement with my train of thought. "Because, really," I continued, "I have the same amount of stuff going on as others, but mine is just out there for people to see." And it's true. I may have 'drama'. But you do too.
    This, I KNOW, is the truth for many people. Don't tell me that your life is so 'peaceful', because EVERY SINGLE PERSON I KNOW has something they're dealing with. Something they struggle with, and something in their life they are working on improving. I, for one, hope I've never told someone they were dealing with their stuff wrong. Yes, we all strive to bring MORE peace into our lives, but don't try to convince me that your life is heaven. It just doesn't work that way.
    What REALLY hurt-- she is letting another busstop Mamma watch her daughter. The other busstop mamma is ALSO going through a divorce, only, her ex is the ex from you-know-where. They don't talk in polite terms, let alone spend ANY time together, and she constantly fights with him. How is that person MORE qualified than I am to 'handle' things? I'm trying not to judge, but in my hurt, it's been really tough to understand.
  3. I know my children are healthy, educated to the best extent that I know how, fed, clothed, and socialized in many ways. They are entertained, they are loved and loved, and they are surrounded by many uplifting things. I do not think I am a perfect mother, but I believe I am the perfect mother for THEM! I am not a bad mother. And having ANYONE, especially other mothers, try to tell me otherwise is probably MORE hurtful than someone else.
forget the pity party- unlike Anon who said, "which is probably why you write this blog so that you can get someone to make you feel better about what you have done", I DO NOT write this blog for that reason. I am upset, and I vent through my writing. AND, I want you to know why I may act certain ways in the future.

But, those of you who made some of these blue comments, if you wanted your opinion to hurt, it did. I think most of the time, that was the intent. So good on you for achieving it. For making another human doubt their abilities. For taking away some personal pride in my job and my role as a mother. For tearing me down with simple words.


Carla McDaniel said...

Debbie, we all have 'STUFF'-'CRAP' do deal with in our lives. Each individual deals with it in different ways and copes in different ways.
We all make mistakes, we all strive to do the best we can the best way we know how and that's what should count. We all DEAL differently. We are here to learn from eachother, and hopefully uplift and help eachother out through our 'pitfalls' in life. No one has the right to tell us that we are doing a crappy job with what we've been dealt. Only we know and understand the feelings in our heart and mind. I would hope that if someone did feel I was making mistakes, wrong choices, etc, that it would be done in a loving and understanding manner. With that person's feelings and thoughts in mind. There is no purpose to tearing anyone down when we think they are acting wrong. NO ONE is perfect. But that's why we are here. We hopefully learn, accept, deal, cope and move on the best way we know how. We just do the best we know!

Debbi said...

I think SOME people are saying things out of love, yes. But doesn't mean that it doesn't still sting.

Anonymous said...

I original wrote this:

"Thank goodness he left! No matter how "nice" of a guy, you don't need the police showing up with your kids and your day home kids there. No offence but if I had kids that were in your care and you continued to have this fugitive there, you wouldn't be running a day home again. (I know this doesn't sound nice, but this your livelihood and even us anonymous people care about you!)"

I am sorry to hear that things are going tough for your dayhome. It's easy for the mom to criticize you for being late and forget to look at her own actions. (Isn't that true for all of us??) I apologize if you felt hurt or attacked by my original post, my intention was not to hurt. As for feeling beaten and down about mothering, NO mother is perfect. I don't care who you are, we all make mistakes. We all have bad days and we all make choices we wish we could change. Stay close to your faith and beliefs. You may want to talk to your bishop and maybe going to family services for counselling. It would be a great way to help you deal with all the "stuff" in your head. (At least you have stuff in your head! lol)

Lyn said...

I think when you ended up on our blogsite the other day, it wasn't random...I think divine intervention took you there so that I could be led to your blog..
(not trying to creep you out or anything)...just want you to know, I can appreciate all the drama/struggles...if the writing is good therapy for you, then don't worry what anyone's opinion of why you do it is!

p.s. (we're LDS, family is the only active family left out of my WHOLE family...and I haven't been quite as active as I should be lately...long story)

Debbi said...

thanks. For the apology and the advice.
and, they are good suggestions. I have seen a counsellor and I have talked with my Bishop. 'staying close to my faith and beliefs' is what I'm currently working on defining, exactly, for ME.

Debbi said...

lyn- TOTALLY divine intervention on that one, I'm sure!!!
Crazy how things like that work.

Carla McDaniel said...

From experience, I know it stings and hurts when people share with you what they think you are doing wrong. Only you know the best way for YOU to deal with YOUR STUFF!! You are the only one living your life. The sting does go away...and hopefully even though it hurts for a time, it helps us look at our life a little more closely than we perhaps were. I only say that from experience and what I have learned when things like this have happened to me.
love ya

Nikki said...

It's a blog people...take note!

Do not assume that your knowledge of me is more accurate than mine. You only know what I have told you. That is only a part of me.

Do not ever think that you know what I should do. You don't. I may be confused, but I am still the expert about me.

Let me tell my story, the whole story, in my own way.

Please accept that whatever I have done and whatever I may do is the best I have to offer and seemed right at the time.

I am not a person. I am this person - unique and special.

Don't judge me as right or wrong, bad or good. I am what I am that is all that I have got.

Debbie Jo said...

Debbi, its super hard to "hear" everyone's point of view and still be able to stand tall for what you believe to be true. As easy as it would be to just sluff off all those hurtful comments (and boy were those hard to read as a friend of yours), some still manages to sink in and sting. Not sure that came out right...I do not write as eloquent as you do.

I do not believe that you have too much crap going on, its a lot, but not "TOO MUCH". Too much wouldn't exist...since Heavenly Father doesn't give us more than we can handle. I think you are handling as best as you can and still managing to do your daily life. Kids, mothering, dayhome, schedules, brownies, church etc. Kudos to you.

Vanessa said...

Hey Debbie- I don't usually comment on blog entries, but as another day home provider, it seems to me that this mom was probably a little unsettled about the personal things going on in your life, and she was looking for a reason to take her child out. You're absolutely right that EVERYONE deals with trials and have issues, but a lot of us discuss only with our family members and close firends. When you post these personal matters on the web, you are opening up the door to hurtful, and unhelpful comments.
I also love to write, because it seems helpful for me when I'm trying to sort things out- so can I suggest a journal? That way, you have something tangible to hold onto and a great resource to look back to later in life when you want to see how much you've truely grown.

Debbi said...

Thanks V. I know she was unsettled about things in my life, but putting her child into another home just like mine was the part that hurt and confused me.

Yes, most people don't share some stuff that I do. But I don't regret sharing it. That's just the person I am.

I DO have a journal (paper one) where more personal thoughts are spilt. This blog, although personal, is carefully worded and edited. It's still honest, but it's a surface example of my thoughts. (for the most part, at least)

Anonymous said...

The other day when you were shopping, what was "the way you were mothering" that this stranger took offense to? Was she just some lunatic or did she have *any* legitimate reason for saying what she did? It's just very bizarre for someone to say those things out of the blue, so I'm wondering what possible reason she'd have? (for example did you leave the kids unattended in the vehicle while shopping? hit them?) something like that? Curious.

Debbi said...

Anon. This is one of those moments where I KNOW people have differing opinions on what actions I did to make her angry, and I don't want to start another blog-attack against differing opinions. So, I don't want to open that can of worms.
Suffice it to say, many mothers I know do it, many do not.

Kat said...

Some great comments today.
As you experience life, you learn and grow (like we all do) things will settle down, Im sure! they did for me!
I also agree that everyone else has stuff going on. EVERYone!
Its easier I think for some people to look at you and crticize you because of how open you are.
I used to be more like you, I just don't want the crap that sometimes comes along with being an openbook.

Kat said...

by the way by easier- I mean they have nothing better to do, the ones that criticize mean spiritetdly(Is that a word?)

Itworksforbobbi said...

I can see where you are coming from, though I don't claim to have experienced the same thing. I think it's been tough having the kinds of comments you've been getting - many of them uncalled for, but at the same time, a blog kind of turns into a public forum, doesn't it? You get all sorts coming out of the woodwork.

I don't think you're a bad mom, I don't think you're in denial, or naive, or unaware. In fact, I think you're MORE aware than most as we can see from your honesty in your blog entries. If I could seriously get one point across to all women everywhere, it would be that we need to stop competing with each other, categorizing each other, comparing our weaknesses to other's strengths (or vice versa). As Sheir Dew said, "If we all had the capacity to work at our peak everyday to build the kingdom, which none of us have, there would still be more to do , more to accomplish, more to get done, more people to influence. Why do we not therefore cheer for each other's gifts, contributions, and sincere efforts to make a difference in the world? Why do we make comparisons that are never fair? Why do we have an insatiable urge to label and categorize everyone when no one can be defined by one dimensional category?
We are not supposed to be alike. We weren't given the same gifts. None of us were given all the gifts of God, we were each given at least one spiritual gift. And the reason seems obvious: The Lord needs a full spectrum of talent consecrated to His work. He also wants us to work together, rejoice in each other's strengths and together compensating for each other's weaknesses." We are each different with unique strengths and weaknesses. If we cheered for one another and worked together, all of our lives would be so much happier. SHEESH!

I agree that we all have a lot on our plates, and we all handle that differently. I get the same comments all the time. However, when someone makes such comments, perhaps it is their way of trying to help, trying to work together with you. I don't know. I just hope that somehow you can look at each other with the kind of understanding that will strengthen your relationships - I'd let more roll of my back. I'm cheering for ya!

Heather May said...

Debbi, I can relate to the comments on being a bad parent. I think most of us have had them, though we don't get them hurricane style. They don't come in and beat us up and leave us broken into unrecognizable pieces It seems like you have had a huge hurricane come in and destroy you in the guise of "well meaning" comments. That sucks. I've had them, too, but mostly from close family members, and not all at the same time. They didn't destroy me because I had time between them all to heal and decide what I wanted to do with the blemish on my countenance. After MUCH hard thinking I came to the opinion that although they disagree with MY parenting, I WOULD NOT parent the way they do. The things that others expected of me go against my nature, and against my soul. I cannot be what others want of me. I must be who I am. Things that would bother others, don't matter to me. That's just who I am. I was raised by parents (who I love and appreciate) that didn't get ME. And it was very hard at times. The way they parented me was the best they knew, and I love them for it. However, I can't change the way I deal with my children to make others happy. I won't parent the way they want me to. I defend my children and my parenting. I am NOT perfect, but I am perfect for them. My kids are not perfect, but how I choose to deal with that is up to me.
I still hurt over the comments I received. That won't go away completely. I have decided that it doesn't matter.
I am okay with me.
If I could have a do-over, I wouldn't. When I got pregnant with my fourth baby, I heard about comments of how I couldn't handle the ones I've got, so why would I want more? Well, I was handling them just fine. I wasn't stressed out, I wasn't angry all the time, I loved them. I dealt with them MY way, which, I guess wasn't what the world wanted to see. I catered to their personalities. Was I wrong? I don't think so.
It really sucks when people tell you their opinions, and crush you. It sucks that people gossip. It sucks when strangers lash out. You'll get past this. The hurt goes away, and you will be okay with you. Your kids LOVE YOU. They don't judge you. They don't criticize you. They have the only opinion that matters. Don't let the comments of a few destroy your self worth and identity, and pride as a mother. I'm sure it was not the intentions of commenters to bring you down.

Anonymous said...

So, being late to pick up a child is unacceptable. Five minutes may not seem like long for us, but to a child it's an eternity. I hate to think what that child would have done if another mother wasn't there to take them. As a dayhome provider, you are expected to be there, 100% of the time. So this mother had every right to remove her child from your care, friend or not. The care of her child is her number one priority and if that means hurting a friend then so be it.I would have done the same thing.

Debbi said...

No offence, but go back and read the WHOLE entry. Where I said I SOOOO wasn't excusing myself. Where I said "as a dayhome provider I deserve to be fired for that". Where I said that the being late part and being fired part wasn't the subject of the blog-- you apparently missed those.

But, not that it matters-- since you brought it up though: if another mother hadn't been there, she's not allowed off the bus. So the busdriver would have waited for me. It's the rules. She would have been safe. Not the point.

Anon. I agreed with what you said in the POST before you wrote your 'reply' to what I already said. So, next time, read the fine-print and see that my rebuttle to your reply is already in the original material you're replying to!

Anonymous said...

Deb, you are trying to justify your actions as most people would do. Your behaviour and judgement are clouded. Your tardiness and your approval to allow Beau in to your home are disgraceful. May I suggest clearing your head before a child in your care (yours or someone elses) gets hurt.
Sometimes the truth hurts. Face it, embrace it and respect it. Your number one priority needs to be those children.

Anonymous said...

Really, Anon?? Is it truly "disgraceful" to be tardy? Disgraceful is a pretty loaded word for an act most human beings have committed at one time or another. Ever heard of traffic? Unforeseen circumstances? Real life intervening with previously well-thought-out plans? I'm assuming, then, that you've NEVER been tardy. Ever. Either that, or you're comfortable with being a hypocrite. Or, I suppose you could consider yourself a tardy disgrace, and just forgot to mention it.

No one, including Debbi, if you take the time to actually READ her post, is claiming that being late was a good thing - she in fact admits that, "As a day-home provider, I deserve to be fired for that."

So why the personal, insulting comment on her tardiness? Were you just looking for an excuse to bring up your distate for her situation with Beau? Because if you were, you should hopefully realize that the past cannot be changed, no matter how hard you bang her head against the wall. So unless your intent is to shame or bully her into feeling horrible about something she cannot change, what's the point in regurgitating something that is months-old news?

And oh yeah - kudos on the courage you display in remaining anonymous. I have a great read for you on that topic, should you choose to search for it.