Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Shout Outs!

Hola! So, Thanksgiving dinner has made its way into the ever-common, always-feared air-poohs (ROFL-- MC, the Sophster's word for fart makes me laugh EVERY TIME!!) and I'm back at home amidst the mounds of laundry and piles of dishes. And yet, here I sit, wasting time and blogging.

no no, I jest. In truth, I've had a VERY productive day. And tonight, after the yummy roast dinner and Yorkshires I'm making (shout out to Marce who, with her OWN Thanksgiving pictures inspired my dinner for the evening) I'll be heading out with the kidlets to LL's Brownie Enrollment ceremony at Cardel Place. Fancy Schmancy. And I love that 'admission' is a food bank donation. Side note-- did you hear about THIS???? Yep, we rock. (haha, don't you love these uniforms from WAYYY long ago? They were HAWT! lol)

Aside from the many loads of dishes and laundry already done, the vacuuming finished, and yes, even another visit from the police (nothing of note, no worries), I also managed to do a few other things. I packed all the dayhome kids into the van this morning, and managed to head to my favourite consignment shop to return 2 pairs of pants that don't fit my kids.

Then, headed around the corner to vote. Shout out to my neighbours who were volunteering at my polling station! It's kinda fun to joke around with them about finding out which neighbours to be 'friends' with based on their political standpoints, but really, they're good people. Who occasionally mow my lawn and show me up in the 'taking care of your garden' areas. Also ran into a girlfriend and her entire adorable family. Shout out to her for voting too-- I'm always happy that people vote, in spite of most people believing that voting in AB is a bit of a lost cause. Sorry, Dore-- didn't mean to completely brush you off, but I know you understood... we'll have to catch up later! ;)

Trekked on over to the grocery store. Ran into Dore again-- haha- we obviously are two great minds who think alike. Did my quick shopping list of the daily necessities (ie: groceries for dinner today, seeing as my understocked fridge was empty ON PURPOSE so food didn't go bad in the 5 days we were gone, and toilet paper...running out of that really STINKS! har har har)

And here's my shout out to Amy. We famous peeps have a word for when you're recognized in public. As incognito as I was in my hoodie and jeans, hair tied back in a "I'm just a housewife" fashion, I got recognized, foo! Yep. Wurd. Got 'WALMARTED". It's a term I was told by Amy, another X-weighted participant from a season before me, and it's like... when you're standing in line at Walmart and someone kinda looks at you funny, or is checking out what's in your cart in a very discriminating way, or even says something like, "do I know you?" or "I've seen you on TV!"...you get the point.

Well, I got Walmarted today. Kinda. Sorta. Okay, not really, but it made me smile. Shout out to the pretty lady in the checkout line behind me. Not only did she wait VERY patiently for me to run out to my car to get my money, but she reads this blog. As I apologize for making her wait, she says, "I read your blog". never got that from a random stranger... so shout out to her! And thanks to the people who I DON'T know who find my ridiculous life fun to read! It's good she didn't Walmart me because of the TV show, because she would have found it incredibly humourous as to what I was stuffing into my cart!! That's the WORST part about being Walmarted when grocery shopping!

And then I ran off to pick up the Bear and Sars from school, back to Sar's house, (amazingly, sucky boy didn't SCREAM the entire drive like on THIS day!) and to the busstop to pick up Kale from kindergarten. THEN, I drove up the street half a block to give my girlfriend, Cyn, some flowers, laughing my HUGE BUTT OFF during the whole thing.

Story behind the flowers.

One day, Cyn, her man (Vegan-- he's gonna LOVE that I gave him that name! LOL) and I were all driving around in their car. We drove past a house with BEAUTIFUL colourful flowers all around it-- but upon closer inspection, noticed that they were silk, fake flowers!! In the outside garden! LMBO!! Who does that!?!! So, we laughed pretty hard about people we know who did that, and I hardly thought about it again. Until I got home from vacation, and went to put my new pumpkins on the front step. There, in my front garden, were a few bunches of fake, silk flowers! LOL. So, yah, I went and returned the loving gesture to Cyn and Vegan's house.

Came home, made lunch, and sent the kids into the backyard. Much to my laughter, there were MORE flowers awaiting my picking. LOL.. oh Cyn, you make me laugh. Shout out to good friends like you.

I had such a good long weekend, though. We drove out on Thursday night, which I absolutely HATE-- I don't like driving in the night because it's unexciting and hard to sleep in the car and, yes, more dangerous-- although, shout out to Chris who drives really well at night and is a really safe driver when the kids and I are in the car. (don't ask me what type of driver he is when we're NOT in the car-- I'd rather not have a hairy conniption fit about it just now! ;) )

We played outside a lot. The weather the entire weekend was HEAVENLY! A perfect combination of sunny and chilly-- nothing like a brisk fall breeze to blow the few crunchy leaves to the ground. We had fun around the firepit, we played in dirt, and went for a fun hike through the mountains.

And a huge shout out to the in-laws. Chris and I managed to con his parents into watching the monkeys not once, but TWICE while we went out. (yes, they were 'sleeping' when we left, so it wasn't a HUGE deal, but we appreciate the fact that they weren't able to quite sleep as soundly because of it). The first night, we went to a club in Castlegar and met up with his friend from here. It was nice to see him and we had a really really fun time. The band there was from Vancouver, and they were freaking awesome. Mad that I don't remember their name (and they don't have a CD, which I only know because they were SO good that I asked them if they DID). So, shout out to the really really really incredible cover-band whose name I can't recall. Started with an E. Evermore? Embers? (OOOH-- edit: When searching for the link to the club, I found the name of the group: Ettinger. "Haha, Samsonite! I was WAY off!" and here's their link. Really good band, as noted above.)

And we visited with one of his best friends as well on the second night out.

Other than that, we had a good thanksgiving. Dinner was yummy, the environment and hosts were super, and being with my adorable family rocked!

We drove home yesterday, and passed Creston. It's always the BEST place to buy fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, and we pretty much stop there EVERY time we drive through and purchase whatever's in season. This stop I gathered peaches, pears, plums, nectarines, apples, carrots, and pumpkins. YAY for harvest season! And it was SOOOO cheap, considering what I'd pay for the equivalent here in Calgary! Now I have all this yummy tree-fruit and no where to keep it! I had already considered getting a second fridge for the basement, so I may look online for a free one that someone's giving away. There's quite a few on "kijiji" that I'm looking into.After having dinner, I started putting stuff away. Mimi was far too quiet, and there was a good reason for her to be. She didn't want to get caught doing THIS!!!Yah, as if that wasn't bad enough... we turned around to go get a cloth for her to start scrubbing the walls, and saw THIS!!! In fact, Chris and I just started laughing!! It took us nearly the rest of the night to scrub off. LOL

And, amazingly, I went to bed at 8:15 pm!! Lately, I've been SOOO tired. I think it's because my exercise is down significantly, so I need to start that back up again.

Okay. That's enough rambling about a million things for one day.


Anonymous said...

I've been "Walmarted" by strangers who recognized ME from the show... wow, they must have really been paying attention!! This has happened at Starbucks, Walmart, Safeway, Chapters, and most weirdly, at my garage sale. Apparently, my 15 seconds made quite an impression on all those poor people... Must have been all my crying..... ;)

Glad you had a great Thanksgiving - love the pics, and LOL at the fake flowers!!

Carla McDaniel said...

ohhhh MIMI...reminds me when my son decided to do the same thing. and when Lia took my (none washable-permanent) black scrapbooking ink pad and decided to paint her face with it!!! it took a week to finally fade enough that we couldn't notice. lucky i had the forethought to get the camera before i got upset. but after taking the pictures and looking at them, i just laughed...
aren't they JUST SOOOOOO CUTE!

Claudine said...

Looks like you had a LOT of fun! I'm glad you enjoyed yourself...and now after seeing the pictures of Mimi and her wonderful talent...I'm very scared for what Dex is gonna get into. Oh good times my friend...good times!!

Kat said...

Oh i just recalled a most traumatic moment in my life.I was proabaly about 8 years old. Just got a brand new room with a brand new canopy bed and pink walls and white furniture. I loved my room. I awoke suddenly to my brother Michael drawing allover EVRYTHING, with permanent black marker. (he also pulled the head off my princess Leah doll.) I think I screamed my head off

Debbi said...

HAHAH, you guys make me laugh.
Kare, I can't believe you get Walmarted! I hardly EVER get Walmarted!! ANd I TOTALLY cried! lol

Oh, Carla, that does NOT sound like a fun day, although, it is really funny. At least it was her face and not the carpet.

Cloe-- you're in for it-- just you wait! ;)

And Kat-- BAAHAHAHAHA!! That's a horrible, brother-like thing to do!!

Anonymous said...

Aw, no shout out to me. Oh darn. I guess I will have to call you more often.
That was a fun post, thanks!!! Got me doing nothing in my office for a good half hour! Love ya and your airpoo!