Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday Ws

Who: 'F.B'
What: sent me this
Where: in my email inbox
When: sometime during the night
Why: Because I'm famous!! Because I'm fantastic. Because... uh....well, because I was part of their mass email group, most likely!


I'm the webmaster of

I wanted to know if by any chance you would be interested in doing an unbiased
review of our site on your

If you agree you can choose between receiving a product sample
or receiving a payment.

If you choose the product sample instead of the payment the sample is
yours to keep
and you don’t need to send it back.

The product sample that you can get is Peloop - a penis enhancer
and you can see it there:

Please let me know if you are interested.

Thank you
F. B
For a second there, I thought I was famous! They want ME to write a review! LOL How very Carrie Bradshaw of me-- a writer. Yay. lol
yah, after finding out it was a penis enhancer, I wasn't all that excited. I mean, there's a few problems with that. A) I'd be writing pretty rave reviews if they made my penis larger-- that would be a feat of fantastical proportions! LOL B) Bringing that up with Chris is just plain insulting. LOL There's conversation people just SHOULDN'T have with their spouse or Ex-to-be! (and yes, I think this picture is gosh-darn HILARIOUS!!!!!!)
But seriously, do people actually say YES to this type of mass-emailing?!!! Sent to me PERSONALLY from FB!!!! Uh, "Friggen Big"? perhaps "Found Bliss"? How about "Frightfully Blossomed"? Or, something my father would make up: "Fantastic Broduct"? LOL I particularly find the sentence "and you do not need to send it back" Roll-On-The-Floor-Laugh-Worthy! Who the heck would want to purchase a 'previously tested' penis enlarger!? HAHAHAHAHAHAH ew

Who: Me, the kids, and possibly Chris
What: are going to learn something new this winter, develop a new habit, and get some outdoor air and exercise
Where: In the snowy mountains in the powder
When: weekends and holidays
Why: Because we've always wanted to, and just never done it. And so this year, we're gonna look into snowboarding. Well, Chris and I are, the kids are either going to ski or snowboard, although I'd assume ski.
That's the good thing about us lately-- we have been just doing those things we always said we wanted to do. Why did we wait?! Well, no more 'waiting' for life to get easier or quieter or anything like that-- we're gonna go OUT and DO IT!! Life this way is sooo much more fun, and I like seeing Chris actually *DO* stuff now. Before, he'd complain about not having things in common, or not doing things together, and then would shut down any ideas I would give about fixing the situation. Yep- biggest pet peeve-- people complaining over and over about something they can fix! Grrr. Soooooo glad that's changing. He's also gonna buy a woman's helmet for the back of his motorcycle, for either me or future girls he wants to take for a ride. We've talked about purchasing a bike for me if we decide to stay together, but that's SOOO far from my list of priorities of fun right now. I would rather spend WAY LESS money and get my dream car! If we stay together, I may have to buy another garage! LOL *although, I DO have more space in there, since he did help me clean out my garage this weekend, including hanging all the bikes and taking all the junk to the dump, ect. . Of course, it was to make room for his motorcycle, but hey, he also picked up the latest Mighty, so I think it's fair!!!

Who: My Neighbour and Dayhome parent
What: told me to look outside!
Where: my back door
When: this morning
Why: To see this:
It's really fun to watch things happen. They've been putting the bricks on the other wall (you can't see here) but today, getting the steeple is kinda fun. Watching the big crane hoist it up and such. It's starting to look like an LDS chapel now, not just a big, long building.


Unknown said...

Bahahahaha. Doesn't every girl need a penis enlarger??

Debs, you crack me up. Seriously, your life is so interesting to read. Please don't ever stop posting or else I won't have any entertainment for my day!

Kat said...

hey, COP is a great place for beginners. Ethan is learning there and the prices are most reasonable, also when Elysia is in gr. 6 she can get a free pass for the year at practcally any mountain, I know there is another grade as well but I dont know which one? We should all go sometime! it would be fun. Caleb is a good teacher for adults. hes teaching me. He is really good. i love watching him, ina sick sort of way hee hee.

Claudine said...

Go have some fun Deb! Snowboarding sounds AWESOME!
As for the penis enlarger...I wonder what would happen if...nah. Nevermind!
But you could always be Carrie Bradshaw and put your female spin on whether it's worth it or not!

Anonymous said...

"....if we decide to stay together...""

????WHAT???? You freaking don't make sense.

Either you jumped into a divorce way too quick without trying to stick it out and make it work....or you are so stupidly insecure of yourself that you can't stick with a decision that you have already made to move forward without this guy who cheated on you.

You (and Chris) have mid-life crisis written allll over yourself with boob jobs, motor cycles and talks of new adventures, whatever the costs. You are looking for happiness in all the wrong places, girl.

Debbi said...

Anon, I don't think you're fully understanding where I'm coming from. (I mentioned the whole "if we decide to stay together" thing in the past post.. it may help you understand if you read that first.)

I have wanted a boob-job for years, so it's not a midlife crisis. Chris wanted a bike for years too. As mentioned in this post, we're just finally DOING what we wanted, instead of sitting on our butts wishing for life to happen to us.

I'm not insecure with myself. I love Chris. I always have. He left the marriage because he wasn't sure he wanted to be married. And people grow up and change. He is a great man. As for the cheating- no one's saying that it didn't happen. It's big, but it's workable-- and my children and my happiness with the man I WANTED to be with for the rest of my life is worth taking one or one hundred double-checks on!

And I haven't said we ARE getting back together, as noted yesterday. And, not that it matters, but aren't we ALL a little insecure about things?! Everyone *I* know has something they're vulnerable about. I'm sure you do too. Difference between you and me is that I'm not afraid to admit (and share) my human-ness.

I AM looking for happiness. And I'm going to make sure that I find it. For the first time in my life, I am taking care of ME. And I am proud of that search. You are welcome to find your happiness where you want, but please don't tell me that where I'm looking for mine is the wrong place. If it makes me happy, it's the right place for me. your path is not my path, and I thank God for diversity and the fact that you don't pick my path for me. Because, honestly, I don't find your comments very loving, and I'd venture to assume that that's a direct indication of the happiness in your OWN life. Seeing as you're so quick to assume and judge, let's just play equally.

Anonymous said...

Okay... this is not the same Anon.
This other person is annoying the heck out of me, because to be quite honest with you, I dont think it matters what you say or write, they have it out for you.
When they said they were'nt going to comment anymore, i was soooo looking forward to that. Finally we could read your blog without all the nasty comments.
Honestly... if I did'nt know better, I would say they were jealous... they just cant stay away... either that or they just dont have a life.
Enjoyed your post AND your reply

Debbi said...

(just to clarify, anon #2, the first anonymous person is a different anonymous person that said they were not going to comment anymore. There's quite a few different anonymous people who comment.)

Anonymous said...

Anon #1 again.

So interesting....actually I have never commented before.

Obviously there are other anons who see things the same way. And btw, not out to get you at all Debbi. Just trying to get you to see things from another view.

mskaz said...

I know I shouldn't bother and also, Debbi requested friends don't attack the anon posts, but I just had to say something.

Anon #1, you said you aren't out to get Debbi but are wanting her to see things another way. Don't you think your words would hold more weight if you put your name to it? And suggesting that she is "stupidly insecure" and that she's looking for happiness in the wrong places isn't really supportive. It sounds hostile and judgemental. So don't pretend that you are just trying to be helpful.

I'd like to think that most people have the sense to realize that what one shares on a blog is not the whole story and timeline of events. I don't know Debbi very well, but I know enough from reading this blog that she's a very thoughtful person, as in she thinks. A lot. You and I have no idea how long divorce was discussed as an option. I highly doubt it was a quick decision.

Nonetheless, all these anon posters are sorta lame. Nobody says you need to agree with everything Debbi does in her life, but guess what? It's her freaking life! If you are a friend and have some constructive criticism, I'm sure she can take it. When it's given while you are hiding behind your keyboard, it doesn't hold a lot of weight.

Say what you will about Debbi and her choices, at least she owns up to her thoughts and words and actions. She doesn't snipe at people anonymously. (She snipes out loud! Ha.) She is refreshingly honest. Some people could really learn from that.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog through a friends blog, and I think that people who are going to comment through anonymous and be rude, should mind their own darn beeze wax and stop being rude. Please keep your rude comments to your self.

Anonymous said...

We accept the love we think we deserve.
Good Luck, whatever your future holds, with or without Chris