Saturday, October 25, 2008

Me? A Bookworm?!

I have been given my first award from Lyn at Adventures of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. And no, it's not another request from my best friend F.B.!!

Standing here, award in my hand, a tear on my cheek. I'd like to thank the little people. My family for always putting up with me. My mother. And Kazim from Mac's up the street who always tells me in a sultry, East Indian accent (think Apu on Simpsons) that he wants me and that I should leave my husband. And then tries to hug me. And the other men in the store are jealous of my vivacious attention to Mr. Kazim and all confess their dying adoration to my genuine ability to practically light up a room upon entering it. Mac's has never had it so good. ;P


Here are the rules for accepting the Bookworm Award:

Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences...The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL!!

Okay, slightly odd. Now, I am NOT looking for brownie points from anyone who feels this DESERVES brownie points, but the nearest book, no word of a lie, is The Book Of Mormon. Again, don't expect it to ever happen again-- my scriptures are NEVER near the computer (they're in the laundry room, truth be told-- hey now, I never said I was good at reading them) but these are Bear's scriptures.

Okay, everyone open your scriptures to page 56. What? You don't have them beside your computer too!??!! lol ohhhh, you don't OWN a Book Of Mormon. No worries, I'll get you one! ;P

Seriously, I'm getting to the point. Okay.
Page 56: 2 Nephi 1:27
"And it must needs be that the power of God must be with him, even unto his commanding you that ye must obey. But behold, it was no he, but it was the Spirit of the Lord which was with him, which opened his mouth to utterance that he could not shut it."

I now pass the torch to five others:
Monkey Claire
DJo D'jour
and Holy Mother Of God

Enjoy your awards! Don't say I never give you anything!


mcdltdsy said...

Thanks Debbi... could you not have called or emailed me before posting this?! Hello... You could have told be ahead of time to keep some sort of interesting book near my computer. Thanks :)

Now everyone gets to see how lame my family is.

Debbi said...

why? What book did you have by the computer???!!!

Debbie Jo said...

Um, thanks Deb! I'm posting my award in my blog. Check it out.

Carla McDaniel said...

thanks debbie...

mine won't be that interesting, but i'll post it on my blog. so i pass it on to others.