Saturday, August 30, 2008

Day Dreamin'

Today, I found something I want. Badly.

CLICK HERE to meet the new love of my life.

Okay, so it's not the right colour, but she's so pretty.
*thinks- odd-- I just named it a 'she'. First car I've ever owned that I considered a 'she'. Kinda. We had a VW Jetta we called Lucy, but Chris kinda started that one. Maybe I just consider VWs girls???
She's pretty, though, hey? And, lemme tell you- I like the price. I could afford her. I don't know that I'd WANT to spend that kind of money-- this was an already expensive month. But, this is my dream-- my dream car! And cheap. And pretty. and so mine.

I called them. But they didn't answer, so I left a msg for more info. Chris was beside me when I found her, and he's all, 'let's go to Edmonton. I'll drive the kids home and you can drive the car!'. He was not being the devil's advocate at that point-- so, IF they had phoned and the car was still for sale, I would be in Edmonton right now. So it's probably a good thing they weren't home. he knows I want this, though, and have for YEARS AND YEARS. Like, longer than probably 15 years!

hah, and because I have a 2-car garage and only ME to park in it, it's not like there's not room in my garage! lol. In fact, speaking of room in my garage- I will be housing a crotchrocket over the winter. :S whatever. I reminded him that I'm not responsible for scratches from children or mice. HAHA. (found this picture of a yellow beetle, with ears and a mouse-tail-- seemed too funnily coincidental to my life lately! LOL)

We picked up a movie for the kids for 'datenight' tonight with them. And, in the store, I saw Prison Break Season Two and Season Three for sale. Season Three was 68 bucks... and way more money than I wanted to spend. Season 2 was 42 bucks. Still expensive, but more reasonable. (Season One is already in my hot-little-fist; bought that a while back) I asked the cashier if they were on sale or anything. She told me they weren't, but she'd sell me season Three previously viewed for only 18 bucks! WHAT WHAT WHAAATT?!?! 18 bucks?! I didn't even flinch-- "sold!" I told her. She took them off the shelves, and proceeded to put them into their proper cases. Then rang them through. And season two-- which WAS on sale! I got BOTH seasons for less than the price of one by itself! I was soooo super thrilled.

And those who are excited like me: Prison Break, Season 4 starts on Monday night. For those who AREN'T Fanattics like me-- Do NOT phone my house on Monday nights starting this week, okay? Because I won't answer. Or I'll be annoyed if I do. :) Monday nights I do not exist to you. So don't phone! lol love ya, but don't phone.

yesterday I spent the entire day without a bra or the 'restraints' on. To let the blisters finally scab and start to heal. Putting the bra and tensors back on hurt like crazy. And today, one boob is a bit of a different shape than the other. Not that anyone else would notice (no, it's not like one's a ball and the other's a pentagon...) but there's a TINY difference. I am hoping that's just part of healing-- they won't heal exactly the same. And this boob is also the one that hurts a bit at one particular spot of the muscle-- like I pulled it or something. So that's probably contributing to it too. I'll keep you updated. Good thing it's not noticable in case this was a serious 'malfunction' in my healing process. I can't believe I've had these things for a week and a half already! That's nuts!


holymotherofgod said...

omg I LOVE PRISON BREAK! And I'm so glad to be reading your blog again; I've missed out on the last couple weeks. YAY !

Debbi said...

I know-- I've missed your posts too! And your hilarious replies to mine! lol