Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday Ws

Who: Mimi, my 2 1/2 year old adorable munchkin
What: is potty training
Where: uh, pretty much whereever I take her little potty-- the kitchen, the toy room, outside. Where she is, there is a potty.
When: We started yesterday morning and continued (THROUGH THE NIGHT) through today.
Why: It's potty training-- why do you THINK? But seriously! I'm sooooo excited! She's been good the entire time with average of one 'accident' a day! That's pretty impressive, if you ask me, considering that just last week she had NO interest in potty-training! AT ALL. I don't know what it was, but I'm thanking Sin for the bag of 'potty candies' for motivation. It's not against my religion to bribe my children with sugar... no sir-ee. It's working, and why mess with what works? Given, she's now figured out that NO MATTER WHAT she does in the potty, she gets to get a candy, so she has pooped a nugget a few times less than the size of a pea just to get that candy. LOL. Whatever. Once the bag of candy is gone, she'll be trained, and it won't matter.
I'm only slightly afraid for this weekend at Daddy's house. Will he be vigilant enough to continue such great progress? Will she feel out of her element and forget to tell him she needs to go?? Will he remember that if he leaves the house he needs to take the potty (and a bottle of water to wash it out with) with him?!!!!!

Who: me
What: bought hand weights
Where: does it matter? Well, if you really cared, they're from Walmart. But seriously, not important to the story.
When: a few weekends ago.
Why: I want to work on my arms more. My legs get worked out through the running and rollerblading and walking and stairs and blah blah blah, but my arms only get worked out by push-ups and tricep dips on the bench. I don't know how to work my biceps or shoulders without weights. It's only my second night of doing my exercises, and let me tell ya, they're hurtin' today! mmmm, I love the feel of my muscles when they've worked hard. Once the boobjob happens, I probably won't be doing much upper-body for a bit, so I have 2 weeks-ish to get as much as I can. :)

Who: Uncle A and Auntie Jo and their kids
What: are coming over for dinner tonight
Where: um... my kitchen. ???
When: when I see the whites of their eyes, but probably somewhere around 6ish.
Why: Uncle A is Chris' best friend... they are like brothers (hence the Uncle part) and he and his fiance, Jo, are in town. They live in Sylvan Lake, but came down here for the day. I love them so much, and have never met her kids, so that'll be nice. They're gonna join us for dinner, and I invited Chris too- I'm sure he'd like to see them too. So it'll be a busy night here. I'm annoyed with Chris again-- yesterday he managed to annoy me yet once more, but I don't know why I expect maturity from him-- that's not really his strongpoint these days. *cue bitterness rant over*