Monday, August 11, 2008

Update on Mickey

oh, and on a side note-- that mouse that I caught the first time, Friday morning? It really WAS Mighty Mouse-- it managed to drag it's sorry a$$ all the way to a spot where it wedged the trap between the wall and a garbage container, turned the trap on it's side, and squeeeeeeezed it's trapped head out, releasing itself!!!

Now I'm left with a mouse somewhere in my garage with a vendetta! eeeeek.

Having told you the rest of the story, you may understand why I bought the SNAP traps (that usually squish the mouse in half) instead of the 'humane-er' ones. Nope, can't afford to have traps going off with mice who laugh when they get away!!!!!

And no. I don't need a cat. I don't have TIME for a cat!!! Besides, Mimi's nearly potty-trained, so I'm almost at the point of not having to clean up anyone else's poop-- why add a cat to that list!? At least, with dayhome kids, I'm PAID to do it now!! lol


Itworksforbobbi said...

ew. ew. ew. eeewwww! At least when the rodent is in the trap, you know where it is! Now it's who knows where? UGH!!! I feel for ya! And hooray on the potty training! How old is she? I'm thinking of starting on JJ, but not sure how to go about it.

Debbi said...

She's 2 and 1/2.. (three in December)

Anonymous said...

Your "eeeek" reminded me of Grampa's cat and mouse game. Oh how I wish that was still around so we could play old school style. Those mice aren't real. Neither is the cat.
Or the cheese.

The Bullknitter said...

That mouse has got to go. No need for super-human mice.