Friday, August 29, 2008

You Never Get a Second Chance

To Make a First Impression....

Friday morning--
Meet and greet the teachers at the new-to-us school that Bear and LL got accepted into. I only had one extra kid today for the dayhome, so both Chris and I took our three monkeys and the import to meet the teachers.

I was getting ready in the shower, so when Chris arrived at the house (we figured it's just easier to carpool), he got the kids dressed and ready. Conversation ensues:

Chris: Mimi's not wearing a diaper, okay?
Me: uh. Well, okay. But is she wearing pants or a skirt? (my thinking behind this, is that, if she's wearing pants, she tends to think she can get away with peeing them. If she's wearing a skirt, she's less likely, as there's nothing there to 'hide' it.)
Chris: oh, I put her in a skirt. (he knew the 'rules' of Mimi's training)

Bear's teacher was first. Mrs. D sounds wonderful, and, although Bear had a few listening issues, we all know it's only because he was so excited to be there. The other kids were playing at the back of the classroom with the toys. 1/2 hour later, we're getting ready to leave. And we discover it. The pile of POOH on the floor! POOH!!

On my way to clean it up.. like, literally, two feet away from it, the imported dayhome kid STEPS RIGHT IN IT. And walks on. GAHHHH!! This is a series of horrible moments! As Kiala takes a step, little Hershey Kisses are dropping out of her skirt, down her leg to the floor.

That is NOT the first impression at this school that I was hoping to make. We apologized profusely, but seriously-- it was so humiliating! I cleaned it up, and took the poopy children out to the van to clean them up... when I discovered the TRUE culprit. No, it wasn't my lovely (albeit stinky) daughter's fault she pooped on the floor (well, not entirely). That skirt that Daddy put her in? Yah. A skirt with ATTACHED SHORTS UNDERNEATH! Not quite the same thing as a skirt, Daddy. grr. he and I giggled, and he said with a muffled laugh, "well, I learned something new today, hey?". :/

I cleaned the kids up, while Daddy and LL met her teacher, Ms. L. Both seem to be perfect fits for the kids, and I hope that once school starts, it will be manifested then too! They're going to do well with this school. I'm happy. And in three years when Mimi goes to this school, hopefully she'll make a better lasting impression than the stench she left in that room today!

(BHAHAHAHAHA, searching "smelly things" on google, and I came across this gem. Truer words were never spoken-- why Chinese proverbs are always so insightful is beyond me! LOL)


Becka. said...

I reeeeeeeealllllyyyyyy miss you. Are you free this weekend? Maybe for me AND Rach?

Anonymous said...

ummmmm. Send the teachers a bunch of flowers. She will appreciate it, and it will make the room smell better.


Suze said...

Omigosh Debbi! You've got to watch the internet show "In The Motherhood"'s your life....well actually you could send them ideas is what I'm saying.


Anonymous said...

I WANT THAT smelly smell smell shirt SOOOOOO bad! Where can I buy it?

holymotherofgod said...

Omg what a s*itty experience =P