Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Nothing Like Scoring!

Yesterday I worked for 14 hours. First kids arrived at 6 am, last kids left at 8 pm!! It was a LONG day, and I'm paying for it today-- I'm sooo sleepy.

And with a day like that, I don't have much to talk about. Wiping bums, cleaning peed pants, feeding lots of snacks, cleaning-- it's a regular, boring day. And I was so busy, I didn't THINK about other things, even. Just worked.
Watched Bear's soccer last night. He didn't play last year; we signed him up and brought him to a few games but he whined and cried on the sidelines. Shocker, I know-- my boy who doesn't like to try new things. So, this year, he said he wanted to play, and I got nervous. Will I spend another season on the side, trying to convince a child to go PLAY!?
He was excited, though, so we got to the pitch, and amazingly, he played with enthusiasm. On top of that, scored three times. They don't keep score at his age, so whatever. Just cheer when they score (on either net sometimes!) and try to keep the ball within the pylons. haha

At the beginning, he got conked in the head. They all run watching the ball, and bang into each other constantly. So he fell to the floor and cried, a big bump starting on his forehead.

After a bit of love, I tried to convince him to get out there and play again. He didn't want to. So, I offered to help him and hold his hand while he tentatively ventured onto the pitch. It was after that he scored his three goals.

I thought of times in my life when I've been hurt, or embarassed or afraid. How many times have I decided not to try again? How many times have the hands of family and friends given me the courage to try again, and succeed?


Carla McDaniel said...

Hey...when was that picture of you taken? I love it!! You look so happy and proud of yourself. You look good.

Debbi said...

It was taken on the second-last week of the show. Thanks for the compliment, Carla!