Monday, April 14, 2008

A Good Day In the Kingdom

Yesterday we got a new Bishop for our ward.

I loved our last bishop. How blessed I felt yesterday to have had Bishop S. at a time in my life when I REALLY needed someone like him.

I knew him from many, many moons ago when I was 9 yrs old and living in Pickering, Ontario. We were in the same ward and I 'dated' his son when I was about 12. They moved to Calgary, and 10 years later, so did I. As he stood to say his final 'bishop' remarks in sacrament meeting yesterday, a tear fell as I felt of his genuine love for our ward. And as I realized how much I'd miss him. He is a man who keeps the Lord close, and in his extremely non-judgemental and caring way, he taught by a fantastic example. He really wants to help, to heal. He is a phenominal Bishop, and will be great in the Stake Presidency now. I have had some really fantastic Bishops in my recent years, but none as close to my heart as this one. He knew me, he knew my immediate and extended family, and I felt he truly loved me. I'm also sad that Chris felt the same. It's been important for us to have a close connection with a good Bishop, and even Chris felt comfortable discussing intimate things with Bishop S. I hope that the next Bishop can also be someone with whom Chris has a connection.

But, the next Bishop and his counsellors will be great, I'm positive of that. I know they're truly great men of faith, and will love their stewards like the last bishopric did.

With a new Prophet and a new Bishopric and even Stake Presidency (kinda), there's been a lot of Priesthood leadership changes, and that's really exciting. But I will miss Bishop S.