Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Virgin Post

Okay, so I'm trying this site out-- although I already have a blog at

point is, this blogger thing seems to be more reliable of a site-- and my friends are bloggers, so it seems a little more natural. I'm going to repost yesterday's livejournal post to catch you up to where I am and why I'm posting the next few things in the course of the upcoming weeks.

Here it is:

So, I have two reasons for writing that title (Sisters of Inspiration). First, is my literal sister. Lola sent out an email about her journal writing. She read a conference talk (,5232,23-1-775-24,00.html )entitled "O remember, Remember" which inspired her to more fully seek and recognize the blessings in her life. Writing in journals when you're a mother takes time you normally don't have, so I'm inspired by her resolve to write ONE thing each day that acknowledges this. Her writings were so simple, and yet so astounding to me.. and I, TOO, need to more fully recognize the blessings in my life! So, taking a cue from my sister (and a day late), I'm going to try to do the same thing for the month of April that she did for March.

Second, I'm inspired by a sister in my ward who's running a marathon in a few weeks. She's JUST started preparing for it, and I find it fascinating to follow her through her blog in her quest to set such a great goal and overcome the natural obstacles to achieve it. I *would* run with her (not physically WITH, but supportingly on my own) but I am too afraid to fail. Lame, hey? Still, her inspiration for health and fitness inspires me everyday to get out there and DO IT!! She's got legs to kill for, so she OBVIOUSLY knows something I don't. haha.

SOOOO,Yesterday I was thankful for truth. Seems awfully vague of something to be thankful for, but in recent I've been lied to, manipulated, and deceived. I have also had the truth given to me, even if it was hard to hear. I've had to GIVE truth that sometimes is easier not to give. After going through these things, I've realized that truth, even if it hurts, is always better in the end. If you face the truth that you don't want to face in yourself, you're able to overcome that fear and MOVE ON. Read "Living the Truth" by Keith Ablow, MD to really understand where I'm coming from ...

In reading this book, I may ask you, the people I cherish in my life, to give me some truthful insights into who you perceive me as and my flaws and shortcomings. NO, that is NOT an invitation just yet... but prepare yourself to tell me truth that you may think I don't want to hear. I DO want to hear it. I will need to hear it. Truth is underrated.

Today, I write about how music has been so integral in my life. My head is never without song. Really. NEVER without a song. I can sing, albeit not very well, but no matter what-- in my head the song is beautiful. (lol, how lame does that sound) Often times a song hits me before the spoken word does-- this was no exception. Have you ever heard Michael Maclean's song, "Let It Go"? The words are better with the tune, so if I knew how to upload the song, I would. Since I don't, I'll just write the lyrics..they go like this..


I can still recall

the hour my father told me it was time

to let it go.

Though it's mended wing

had made it sing,

he said the bird I cared for was not really mine..

"Let it go."

"Letting go," he said,

"Seems to break your heart.

Though it will heal,it feels slow to start."

Though the pain

burned within me so.

He held me tight,

so I could let it go.

Years have passed since then,

and so has he, but I still hear his words,

"Let it go".

There's so much of life

that can't be lived

if you're still holding on to hurt and anguish deep inside.

Let it go.

Letting go

opens up the heart.

There is a new day hungry to start.





All that's wrong in your life,Let it go.

All that is worth saving is love.

Love will hold you tight.

Love lifts the burden

and love shines a light.

Only love nourishes the soul.

And you will heal,

if you can let it go


Marci said...

Welcome to the world of Blogspot! Can't wait to read about all your daily blessings. :)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Inside and out - You: quite simply....are beautiful.