Thursday, April 17, 2008

I Promise to Share and Be a Friend

I promise to share, and be a friend,
In showing I care, it's love we spend,
Oh, the world is so wide,
with love deep inside
I promise to share and be a friend.

Lyssie-loo sings this 'song' at Sparks each week, standing in a circle with her peers in their pink outfits. They're soooo tone-deaf but they sing with all their hearts and might.

I am so grateful for organizations like this-- that help my child to achieve great oppourtunities and experience. Tomorrow she's going for a sleepover at the Calgary Zoo-- she'll be sleeping with the elephants, including MALTI, the new baby elephant. I know-- it's going to STINK in there, but I'm thinking it's a pretty cool night for a 6-year old! Sparks wasn't around when I was young-- I was a Brownie, a Girl Guide, and a Pathfinder, but Sparks came out when I was done my Guiding years.

In guiding, I learned to have good friends. I was always accepted. I learned to make fun crafts, to use my imagination in silly skits, to challenge myself in gaining ALL the badges, and to enjoy and respect nature and my world. I was able to sing songs I still cherish, to camp and gain some outdoor survival skills in a fun, non-threatening way. I got to spin wool for a badge-- which, by the way, is WAY cool and TOtALLY harder than it looks. (Thanks Sister Wegemer!!) I learned to give service.

What else could I ask for in a program for my daughter than those things listed above!?

What I'm really thankful for? The leaders. It's all volunteer, and without them, Lyssie would miss out on these valuable life-skills. I appreciate their inability to carry a tune :) and their desire to serve my daughter.

Oh, yah, and I'm also thankful for Girl Guides in April ---- the good vanilla and chocolate sandwich cookies come out! If they don't come to your door, find a Girl Guide you know to puchase these decadent treats! :)


Unknown said...

I love how you colour-coded each organization based on their uniform. haha, oh Debbi. You're cute. ;)

Debbie Jo said...

I can't wait till Anthony is 6, and he can go to Sparks....oh wait. nevermind. He'll still be involved in whatever is out there. Sounds like a blast for the kids! I was in brownies for a year (My mother loved to torture is by only putting us in 1 thing for 1 year...jazz dance, t-ball, brownies etc, just as we were starting to love it!) oh well. thanks for the experiences mom

The Bullknitter said...

So, when are you going to teach me to spin wool? And whenever they sell the mint chocolate cookies, I'll buy a case!!!