Sunday, April 6, 2008

Rams in Thickets

It's the end of Sunday, so I'm going to put BOTH Saturday and today on my list, since they're both so similar.

I watched conference yesterday (afternoon session) and today's morning session. It's lovely being able to watch conference at home. Yesterday, the heathen in me didn't really get anything out of that session, and only one talk sticks out in my memory. But today's talks were great. I got to hear the new Prophet speak-- which is still ahrd for me to say President Monson instead of President Hinkley-- but that will come in time. The talk today that I loved was the previous YW general President (name is escaping me). She said something I loved--

She spoke of Abraham, taking Isaac to the alter to sacrifice him. She said something about how Abraham kept going, not knowing about the angel and the ram in the thicket ahead. I loved that. How many times have I lost faith because I didn't trek allllll the way to the end of the 'road'. How many rams were waiting in thickets for me, but I missed the chance to obey and show my true colours and the rams were never found! It gives me such hope to know that no matter how dismal the task ahead of me seems, I cannot see what lies in front of me and I need to have more faith in the Plan. Endure to the end, but look positively for those rams that are probably all around me.


The Bullknitter said...

I liked that talk too. I also liked M. Russell Ballard's talk.

Nikki said...

I wrote down that exact line from her talk into my church notebook and that was it! LOL. For real.