Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Neighbourhood 'Park'

It was a perfect day yesterday.

The weather was gorgeous (I know-- didn't we JUST get a foot of snow?!) and there was no place we had to be or anything we HAD to do. So, I slept in. :)

We had lunch, and then Chris and I took the kids to look at showhomes- one of our pastimes for some reason. It's all about decorating and style and stuff like that, and it's fun to 'imagine' having this or that. We looked at houses that were no bigger than ours now, on really lame lots, and realized that we're still feeling great about our location. Then we plunked the kids on their bikes and with Mimi in the stroller, we walked through our community and into the pathways of Fish Creek Park. It's only about 5 minutes from the house, and it's our favourite place to walk in good weather. Turns out that we were walking the pathways for over 2 hours!! It rocked! Surprisingly the kids were fairly cooperative for the most part. It was so sweet to see a little coyote run through the hills and the kids' reactions. And the smell of FRESH air and spring and the scents from the tree buds. The moisture-soaked ground, the sounds (and sights) of twitterpated birds! And the sun on our faces. BEST PART OF ALL--It was so warm and sunny, that I got my first sunburn of 2008! :D Yes, I know it's bad for my skin, but I like a nice tan-- I feel sexier with a tan.

As we walked home, back through the community, we ran into old church friends of ours who are soon moving to the area. It's nice to reunite with friends from the past. Then we pulled into our quiet cul-de-sac and our neighbours were outside chatting. We probably spent another hour outside, enjoying our neighbours. There's much to say about neighbours you love! I feel VERY lucky with what we're surrounded by.

Why would I ever want to move?!


The Bullknitter said...

I'm enjoying your blog, Debbi