Friday, April 4, 2008

Talk it Out

NO, I didn't forget yesterday. I think it's easier to write the day AFTER, so I can fully look at the entire day to see what 'main topic' was predominant.

I am super blessed. I have incredible communication with my husband. In general, we can talk AND DO TALK about everything in a very positive way that moves our relationship in a productive manner. We've had friends, family and even marriage counsellors (more than one!) tell us that they haven't seen communication at the level that Chris and I are at, and I pride myself on that validation. I think, after talking with others and their communication issues in marriage, that I realize my blessings more fully when I see what they don't have. (does that make sense?)

I can only think of ONE time in my marriage when our communication was crappy. It was only surrounding one topic of concern, and it wasn't for very long. Since then, it's great, and getting better than I thought we had room to grow. ( haha, like I'm perfect. ya right. ) I'm just lucky to have found someone with whom I communicate so easily.


Nikki said...

That is such an amazing gift to have with your partner!

PS. Welcome to bloggerland!