Monday, April 28, 2008

Small Rant

(prŏd'ə-jē) n. pl. prod·i·gies

  • A person with exceptional talents or powers: a math prodigy.

  • An act or event so extraordinary or rare as to inspire wonder. See Synonyms at wonder.

  • A portentous sign or event; an omen.

THIS is not a child prodigy. This is rediculous and should NOT have that title.. What's this kid gonna grow up and DO with his 'talent'? (okay, there's a FEW things he could do, but seriously!?) Given the above definition, yes, there's exceptional talents. And yes, he inspires wonder. But really, prodigy!?!? Let's celebrate TRUE achievements...

THIS *is* a child prodigy. THIS is a child prodigy. And THIS is a child prodigy.

Seriously people... just because your kid has no life and has mastered a VIDEO GAME, doesn't make them prodigies!


Marci said...

Andrew and I enjoyed those clips. And it's SO true. DDR...whatever. Try *actual* talent next time.