Thursday, May 1, 2008

In Like a Lion

This is it. One month of reflecting and 'blogging'. And it's been so much fun, actually!

I can't believe it's MAY! And, in true Cow-town form, we wake up to snow. And alarm-clocks that aren't working! Were it not for Uncle coming into our room this morning to tell us the electricity was out, we would have slept in and I would have missed busses and children being dropped off! Ick.

Calgary's snow last night. It rained right after it snowed, so there's a layer of ice on top-- kinda fun to walk on as you ALMOST walk 'on water'. haha

Last night was Little Lyssie's (LL's) last day of Sparks. She was soooo excited, as I had recently sewn all her badges onto her sash so she would be in FULL uniform. By the way, I really LIKE to sew, but I'm terribly horrible at it! You don't want to see the outfit I made for myself once!

If I find a picture, I'll add it.

ANYWHO, we all got to her ceremony, where she would be 'graduating' to Brownies. They called all the girls up, but they didn't call LL's name. I was really confused. So, while they're 'flying up' or whatever it's called from Sparks to Brownies, I'm trying to get the attention of the leader.

All the girls had 'flown up', when I finally catch the leader. I told her LL should be advancing, and she asks what grade she's in. "One"..

Her face said it all. OH CRAP. Too late for LL, they shuffle her to the leader's table to give her a badge and pin for advancement. I was so blinking upsetted for her. Lucky for us, LL didn't mention it or even know she missed out on stuff. She was just happy to get another badge. But Chris and I weren't impressed.

The pin they give the girls from Sparks to Brownies

So, gripe finished.

Chris got home early yesterday, and spent half the day napping, half the day playing with me. It was nice for him to be home. And I hated sleeping in a big bed all by myself. Last night, both of us were pooped, so we went to bed at, like, 9 o'clock! I don't remember my head even hitting the pillow-- I was out in a second!

Midday, we sat at the table watching the monkeys all play in the newly-stocked sandbox. We talked about how I can support him and his needs versus his wants. We talked about moving to Estevan, SK because that's where his job could take him. (EW DOUBLE EW EW, neither of us WANT to move there-- we are NOT made for a town/city like that!). We talked about how today we're going to get a multi-million dollar house in the Foothills Home Lottery. hahaha. Wouldn't that be friggen AWESOME!? yep.. that house was made for us-- we're going to move in June! :P

Isn't it just beautiful!? Lucky for us, it's also in the most perfect community! We'd still have the same neighbours!