Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May Long Weekend

What a weekend-- I've been so 'absent' from the technology world, my inbox was crazy-filled. Which is a good thing-- I had no time to sit and be lazy in front of a computer screen-- I was out having fun.

I've kept up the running, for the most part, everyday. There's a 10k run coming up that I'm going to try *(having never ever ever done any sort of community run or marathon or anything) in about a month, so I need to get my running up and my time down. I am amazed at how good I'm feeling. The scale isn't reflecting anything exciting, but I'm just happy I'm out and doing it. I usually run alone, and then knock on a friend's door for walking company to cool down. It's good to have friends who will do that with me, and the conversation is good too. And I'm just loving my personal high of getting out there!

Friday, I still had children to watch, although LL had the day off school. Luckily the weather's been AWESOME, so the sprinkler busted out and kept the kids cool. Saturday, at +29' C, I realized I don't own ANY shorts that fit me still, so I drove to Reitmans and bought 2 pairs of shorts. I like being able to say I don't fit my old ones anymore, but I hate spending money every few months on new clothes.

I bought these shorts, and another, shorter skort-like jean pair.

After that, I took the kids with my slightly estranged friend and her kids to the McKenzie Towne waterpark in the morning. We're working on rebuilding our friendship, so this was one of our baby steps. I'll be having a heart-to-heart with her Wednesday night, which makes me nervous. But it's needed for us to move on past the hurt and build a new friendship. It was great to see her kids, though, as I had missed them, and my kids did too. And it turned out to be a good visit.

After we came home for lunch, we were lucky enough to be invited out with my girlfriend, Cyn and her family for a boating day. The morning was GREAT...It wasn't as nice an afternoon-- hot, but the sun disappeared behind clouds. :( let me tell you, that water was FREEZING!!! LL tried knee-boarding for the first time and she did AWESOME! But her face when she came into the shore and into the water was priceless. I thought she'd go into shock, it was that cold! lol

We had a good evening, I did my run, and everything for the night was quiet. Sunday, Chris got sick and so he stayed home from church while I took the kids. Simple, uneventful sunday. Cyn and crew joined us for a BBQ dinner at our place, and then we took the kids out for a walk.

Yesterday we met up with Cyn and crew again and drove out to Elbow falls. I was expecting better 'falls', but the water's pretty high so it's not as cool to look at. But we hiked a bit, which was fun. Throwing rocks in the water, checking out ants under rocks... and observing TONNES of garbage left behind from others. It was REDICULOUS how much garbage there was in the forest/campsites. Sad, actually. So, next time we go somewhere like that, we're going to bring a few garbage bags to collect the crap others have left behind. We came home, and shared pizza at their place. I've been craving pizza for WEEKS!!! mmm. Thanks, Cyn.
So, all in all, a great, outdoor weekend. Spent with family and close friends, good weather and great memories. I couldn't ask for anything better.


The Bullknitter said...

I might have to go get me some of those shorts!