Saturday, May 24, 2008

My Last Secret

My kids know now, so the 'cat's out of the bag,' so to speak. Now, it's time to let you know what's been going on in my life to the extent of what my children know.

Tonight, we told my three kids that Chris will be leaving June 1st. He's going to go live somewhere else for at least the month of June, possibly returning in July, possibly not returning at all. This decision has been in the works for about 4 months now, since THIS livejournal entry. It's hard to fully explain everything to everyone, as some details are more meant for family and some are just meant for Chris and I. But some things need to be said.

Chris and I love each other. If you saw the show you'll see that there are issues with Chris' desire to be married. It's not about being married to me specifically, but about being part of a family. And we both know that no marriage will survive if both parties aren't FULLY committed to working on it. We have done so much growth in these past 4 months, more than can be shared. We have learned how to communicate in a whole other language. We have learned what we each NEED versus WANT in a marriage, and neither of us believe that the other should have to lose their needs just to stay married.

Because I love him so deeply like I do, I know this is essential to his growth. There's no other option. And our marriage counsellors and clergy are behind us, working with us and guiding us in proper directions. We aren't fighting or angry. We are doing this for the betterment of our marriage, the betterment of ourselves and in time, the betterment of our children. They deserve to be part of a family where love, respect and commitment are strong and obvious. If I can't find that in this marriage, with God's plan, I hope to find it elsewhere. They deserve that. As do I.

Ask questions. It's okay to be confused and sad and even angry... It's the same thing we told our children. The next few days are going to be tough-- prayers tonight invoked tears from both LL and Bear for their father's choice. They asked me lots of questions, and I believe LL cried herself to sleep. Bear is still awake, and asked me to sleep in bed with him. Obviously, they're going to be dealing with the aftermath of their father's choices for a long time. I just hope that the positive in the long run outweighs the negative we feel now.


Becka. said...

Love ya. I'm sorry.


Nikki said...

Hugs to you and your sweet little babies...

Debbie Jo said...

Let me know if can do anything for you. I love ya sweets.

Marci said...

I love you.

Itworksforbobbi said...

It sounds like you've thought this through, and it's the best thing for you. I'll pray for you all - I know the Lord will strenghten you no matter what plays out. Take care of yourself and those sweet kiddos. HUGS

Unknown said...

As the others have said - my thoughts are with you, and I am confident that this experience will work itself out in whatever way is best for you, Chris, and the kids. I'll be thinking of you!

Carla McDaniel said...

Thinking of you during this time. Pls let me know if there is anything that I can do. Really!!!! (not just saying that)

love ya