Monday, May 12, 2008

Tagged by Becka..

Totally long meme, but read ahead if you want.

1. Do you like blue cheese?
No. My favourite cheese is herb and garlic Havarti. mmm

2. Have you ever smoked?
Never. Didn't even get curious. I was curious ONCE about smoking pot, but that's cuz I had pot-smoking friends. Come on, now, I had my teenage years in BC!! I actually LIKE the smell of marijuana!

3. Do you own a gun?
No. I'm not a fan of having a gun in the house, although I grew up with one my whole life. I had an ex try to shot himself, and since then, guns bug me.

4. What flavor Kool Aid is your favorite?
Anything pink-- cherry? Raspberry? Who the heck drinks that crap anyways!?

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointment?
No. There's nothing that he hasn't encountered before, I'm sure. I don't LIKE my doctor, but that wasn't the question.

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
Ew. But I still eat them. How lame am I? In truth, I used to like them a lot more before X-weighted. Now I don't really like them.

7. Favorite Christmas movie?
Oh, that's easy. Elf.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
I prefer my shake.

9. Can you do push ups? Girl or boy version?
I can do both versions, yes. I have done 22 boy ones-- that was my limit with my trainer.

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
I actually don't have a favourite piece. I don't own much jewellery that's worth talking about! lol

11. Favorite hobby?
THis is a harder one. I like a lot of things, but chosing a favourite is hard. I'd have to answer dancing.

12. Do you have A.D.D.?
No. What a weird question

13. What's your weight?
HAHA, not that the whole country doesn't already know! I'm about 149 today, but only because I have been sick for a few days. It'll go back to 152 once I'm better, which sucks... maybe I'll start running more now that I'm below the 50s. It's a good incentive-- haven't weighed this weight since before Bear was born.

14. Middle name?
Ann. Like my Aunt. And part of LL's.

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
If Robyn doesn't stop whining I'm going to go crazy.
My stomach still hurts-- I probably shouldn't have eaten that shake for breakfast just yet.
I'm way illegal on my kid to adult ratio today.

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
Water, and I prefer sparkling over still. (like Perrier or Pellegrino)

Red Bull (don't get off your high horse to tell me how bad it is for me-- I know.)

That's it, actually. Water and Red bull. haha.

17. Current worry?
people's perception of my life since watching the show, how to tell Robyn's parent's that she can't come here anymore because she's too much work for me..

18. Current hate right now?

19. Favorite place to be?
Home. Or with my extended family.

20. How did you bring in the New Year?
There was a new year?! lol I stayed home, went to bed before midnight, and that was that. Pretty lame.

21. Where would you like to go?
On a hot vacation/honeymoon with Chris. He turns 30 this year, so I'm trying to surprise him with a trip from airmiles, but I don't know if I can do it by then.

22. Name three people who will complete this?
Well, I don't know that they will, but I'll tag them anyways-- Carla, Nikki, Marci, DJo, Bobbi Jo.

23. Do you own slippers?
Yes. Big, yellow VW bug ones from "Nacho" *(an ex). And white slip-on ones like from a hotel. No, I didn't steal them, I bought them.

24. What color shirt are you wearing right now?
I can't believe it either, but pink. It's almost too big for me now, so I like wearing it. haha-- makes me feel good.

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
Never tried it. I don't think I'd like it-- I don't like the thought of slipping around in bed. That, and I find silk too cold. I'm a plain-jane cotton girl.

26. Can you whistle?
Yes. In AND out.

27. Favorite color?
That depends on the day. Usually orange/red/yellow tones. And greens. And browns. Can you tell I'm a fall-baby!?

28. Would you be a pirate?
Um, no. I'd be a wench. haha

29. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Church songs come into my head first, but in truth, I don't sing in the shower.

30. Favorite Girl's Name?
I don't think like this anymore... I'm so done 'names'.

31. Favorite boy's name?
See above answer

32. What's in your pocket right now?
Nothing. Usually my bank card, like Becka, and, like Becka, I end up losing my card too often. Sometimes a chapstick.

33. Last thing that made you laugh?
Something on TV, I assume. Oh yah, The Office. Which is odd, because I don't ever watch it or even find it funny. But last night Uncle was watching it and I 'had' to.

34. Best bed sheets as a child?
I dont' know the BEST, but I know the worst! I was 12, and Santa got me Barbie Doll sheets and comforter set... I WAS 12!! Talk about social suicide!

35. Worst injury you've ever had?
Broken arm while running the Terry-Fox/cross country route in grade 7. I ran down a large hill, slipped on the dewy grass, and bent it like a W. After being taken to a specialist at a far away hospital, I had a cast up to my armpit. It sucked.

36. Do you love where you live?
Oh yah. Wouldn't want to move from here ever!!! unless it was to Arizona or somewhere warm. Then I'd leave.

37. How many TVs do you have in your house?
Three. The big one in the bonus room, the tiny one undermounted in my kitchen, and one in my bedroom. The one in my room hardly EVER gets used, unless I'm folding clothes.

38. Who is your loudest friend?
Loudest? Seriously? Not a clue. I have many friends who are full of pep, but they aren't 'louder' than anyone else I know-- just more confident

39. How many dogs do you have?
None. We've had two. But now we're animal free. yay.

40. Does someone have a crush on you?
Actually, I know the answer to this. Chris does. And a few other guys do-- weird to know, but I do.

41. What is your favorite book?
Ellen Degeneres "My Point... And I Do Have One". Hilarious. I've read it a few times, and it's always entertaining!!!

42. What is your favorite candy?
I like most candies, just depends on what I'm in the mood for. Usually chocolate. Is that considered candy?

43. Favorite Sports Team?
That's a tie between the Flames and Canucks. Hockey all the way.

44. What song do you want played at your funeral?
Three songs-- Why I've thought about this is beyond me, but I have. One is an LDS-ish song, "Be Still My Soul". One is a religious but not LDS song, "The Garden" (I think it's called that). And the last one is totally secular, Aaron Neville's "It's Alright". And in that order.--- LDS one to open the funeral, a soloist for the second one, and Aaron Neville at the end.


The Bullknitter said...

Even after you being on tv, I still learned something about you today, LOL.

Debbi said...

oh yah, what's that?