Sunday, May 4, 2008

Onions and Tigers and Grease, oh my.

Finished the book, "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. It is an easy read, so I started it last night and finished it this morning. But it's a thought-provoking read, and in many cases I agree with his perception of love. I recommend this book. I think everyone will learn something positive about how to love their marriage and spouse, their children, their parents, and most definitely themselves in doing so. Read it. trust me.

If you HAVE read it, and wonder about me...

I scored exactly evenly on two 'love languages'; words of affirmation and quality time. Then, one point below that was physical touch. You want to show me you love me? Give me words of affirmation (compliments, supportive words, encouragement) and spend time with me. I think physical touch isn't something that, other than Chris, I really agree with. I'm not a hugger of friends, in general, and I don't touch people when I'm talking with them or anything. But I need to be touched by Chris, so I guess that's why I scored the way I did. I scored equally low (2 points only) on receiving gifts and acts of service. Not that I'd say NO to those things, they're just not as important to me as the others.

Yesterday was great.

We chilled for the morning- after I slept in, Chris took an early nap. I took Bear and Mimi to grab a few more of those books (Value Tales) from someone off Kijiji again so he could catch a nap. Then we got geared up and walked down the street to the site of the new Cranston chapel.
It will look like this. It also has a park with a 'pavillion' in the back for community and family functions.
I'm so excited to have it at the end of my cul-de-sac. We can see it from the house, and that's special to me for my kids' sake.
The ground-breaking ceremony was short, but cute. They gave shovels to every child and let them all 'ground break'. There was light refreshments and it was a fun half-hour. We got home, jumped in the van, and drove to Peter's Drive-In. mmmmm. Grease and milkshakes. gotta love a little indulgence. mmmm If you've ever been to Peter's, you know what I'm talking about. It hasn't changed in years and years, and that's what makes it great. I got onion rings for the family to share (trust me, their servings are HUGE, you HAVE to share!) and a tiger milkshake (black licorish/orange), Chris got a cheeseburger and Raspberry shake, Pooh got a bubblegum shake, and Mimi got an ice cream cone. (LL's at Girl Guide Camp until this morning.)

Then we came home, and had LATE naps. Which meant we'd be up late...No matter- Chris went out with a friend, and I read my book while the kids stayed up. I had hoped they'd sleep in today, but alas, 'twas not so. :(

I have a feeling today's going to be a good day. I like that thought.