Saturday, June 6, 2009

Six Word Saturday-Whoa

What else could possibly happen next?!

Remember yesterday's post? Remember how it was Divorce Day for Will? Remember how, in the comment section, Sarah was sure there'd be no problems? Remember how everyone said they'd be celebrating in their own ways?

Divorce didn't go through.

Why am I not surprised.

Another 90 days (september 11th). That is, if Sarah does the filing in Washington. I'm looking into how to help Will file here in Canada, maybe it'll work out better. There's ways.

Finding the silver lining. WHY is every decision being made FOR me lately!? grrr. Needless to say, the celebrations and "un-gramma-fying" me are on hold.

What a week! I'm soooo ready and deserving to sit here with Will and our seven kids, and enjoy my Saturday. Oh, wait. I'm moving. So we're not gonna 'sit'. We're going to paint and clean. Nothing like that kind of fun on your weekend, hey!? ;)

Join Cate (and her button above) while she punches a few people in the face, and start your own Six Word Saturday. You'll like it!

Sincerely yours,

PS: just kidding.

I wrote the above portion of this post yesterday afternoon.

Then Sarah posted an entry on her blog, saying she was finally divorced.
So, she's either lying on the blog to the entire world, or lying to Will. Either way, she's lying. This is on top of the fraudulent charges to Will's credit card in the past month or two, which we're pressing charges about. Sarah, I don't deal with that kind of (im)maturity. Go away.

Will is officially divorced. Sarah, for some unknown reason, decided to play some stupid game and texted Will saying that the divorce didn't go through, which is when I wrote the part above. Will was, understandably, upset. So I called Sarah, to find out what happened. She didn't answer, so I left a message. Instead, she texted Will back to say that she got the message but wasn't 'in the mood to talk right now'. Understandably to me, and according to what she wrote in my comments yesterday, she was probably upset too.

When I called my lawyer to see if the divorce in Canada would be faster, he said that there was something 'fishy' about her reasons she gave. (Will being Canadian, and her being from the USA-- yah, cuz that's something the judge has NEVER seen happen before???) You see, my lawyer knows USA law, because he got his education from a USA school. Told me to call the courthouse personally.

I call the courthouse, and jump through the phone-hoops to get to the clerk. When I give her the case number and Sarah's name, she confirmed I had the right information and asked what I wanted.

We're just trying to figure out why the case wasn't upheld. Unfortunately, I can't get a hold of Sarah to get answers directly from her. She says she's too upset to talk right now. Why didn't it go through?

Why didn't the divorce go through? Um, Let me go talk to the clerk who was in the courtroom for that case.
*****pause, on hold****
The case was approved. The divorce is final.

HUH!? He's divorced?

Yes. I don't know why she said that, but the case is done.

Are you sure? it's final final?? Like, is there a waiting period? In Canada, there's still a 31 day holding period after the judge signs.

Nope. They're done. It's over. In a few days he can go online and get the documents himself.

For sure? They're divorced?!?!

*laughs* yes. DONE. He can go online in a few days and he'll see his copy of the papers. Normally she would be in charge of sending those papers to him herself, but I take it because of what she told you, she probably won't do that.

No, I'd think not.

Is this normal behaviour for her?

Uh... well... trying to be nice here, but they ARE getting divorced for a reason.

HAHA, yah, I guess so! Oh, well, congratulations. If you have further questions, just call again.


????? Is it just me, or does this confuse people? Sarah, if you wonder why you're 29 years old and divorced now for the FOURTH time?!?!? yah. See above.



Lizze said...

Wow. That's all I've got. Okay, that and we should hook her up with my ex-husband so they can self-destruct together...I hear he's single again. ;) lol

Call Me Cate said...

Wow, you weren't kidding when you mentioned drama! But I'm glad it's all worked out finally. She sounds like a real winner...

Thanks for playing!

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Congratulations to Will! (and you).

What a relief that must be.

holymotherofgod said...


Our Family Adventure said...

Party like a rock star!

Nikki said...

Deb, I'm thinking someone wanted Grannies night to get run over by a reindeer.

rachaelgking said...

Two words:




Alison said...

Haha! My word verification today is pordear :) Like "that poor dear - she's got some serious issues". Good for you for taking it into your own hands and finding out the facts. Divorce is expensive, but freedom is priceless :) Yay for Will, and of course, for you too!!

Hailey said...


Seriously - this is fab news - and yay for finding out the information yourself!

*sheesh* playing games until the bitter end....

now get on with your *happily ever after* :D I'm tired of reading posts from an ol' gramma - *snicker*

love ya

Kevin K said...

Make sure to ask the missionaries to help you with the painting.

Mamí♥Picture said...

lol, good post!!!!!!

betty said...

hi; just visiting all the 6-word Saturday participants; so glad it worked out in the end for what you were hoping with regarding Will; sorry it seemed like it was such a drama! I can only hope next week will be better!


Becca said...

If someone is 29 and divorced 4 times, maybe marriage isn't for them!!

Rhonda said...

Wow, you totally had me! I guess like Sara had you. sheesh-what ridiculousness! Glad it's over. upward and onward!

p.s. my word verification is comint..kinda like a distorted version of COMMIT! teehee

Anonymous said...

What did Will ever see in this girl, his ex????
Wow, she has ISSUES!
Good riddance
Have fun celebrating with Will

Brandi said...

seriously, i love your last paragraph "...yay. see above"

that's awesomeness right there folks!

Grand Pooba said...

So are you going to link up to Sarah's blog so we can start blog stocking?

Megan said...

Wow, drama for sure! Glad it is actually final though and you two can move onto planning your wedding now. ;0)