Thursday, June 18, 2009

Will Tends to My Plumbing!

I only have a few brain cells minutes to update today, while paint and the flooded basement dry.

Yes. you read that right.

I had a pipe burst in the basement the other day, so yesterday was spent cleaning up the basement. How lucky am I that I had BARELY finished cleaning everything up down there-- there wasn't much to get ruined by the water. Apparently, when I turned on the outside sprinkler, and couldn't figure out why there was no water pressure-- yah. It's because the putonincorrectlybyamoron broken pipe was busy making a pool in the basement.

When dayhome kid came up to me with a soaking wet butt FROM THE OUTSIDE, and the kids tell me she got into the 'poison' in the basement, I didn't even get concerned. Seeing as I knew there WASN'T poison in the basement. Bear said it was just water.

So, I'm expecting to clean up a water bottle they opened.

Uh. Or not.

So, I freaked out, knowing that my realtor is arriving TODAY to list my house.

Yesterday, I called the plumbers. Will drove up in the middle of the night to make me feel better and give me a hug help. So, when the plumber arrived, and told me it would cost me another 300+ bucks to fix (which, you that movie where Demi Moore is naked (uh? I have NO idea which one it is, cuz she's naked in EVERY movieI've never seen it), I'm just ROLLING in that kind of 'spare' cash) I was SUPER grateful when Will convinced the plumber to teach him what to do. The plumber left after giving me a free home inspection, and Will and I were off to fix it ourselves.

Things to fix all the other junk around here? Check.
Pipe to fix the other, burst one? 20 bucks
Paint? 50 bucks
Someone incredibly handy and sexy who saved the day? PRICELESS!

Will fixed my pipes-- for 20 bucks at Home Depot and a half-hour lesson from the plumber. The basement is drying. He is now half-way through painting the house. My deck is pressure-washed and ready for stain. We were up far too late last night painting, so I'm SOOO ready for a nap. But, uh. You should see this place-- I won't be sleeping.

So. Blogging will be sporadic for a bit while I spend as much time as possible getting everything cleaned and ready.



Grand Pooba said...

Well, maybe I can forgive you for the following sporadic posts, but just this once. However I am dissapointed that you didn't take any pictures of this incident! Especially of Will fixing it!

hello? Can't you share the sexiness?

Kare said...

Thank goodness for Will!!!!! Give that man a hug for me... :) (OK, *from* me.)

And then enjoy slurpees to celebrate and cool down later today. You guys deserve it!

Jillene said...

Will is the BEST!! I am SO glad that you have him!!

Kristi said...

"Indecent Proposal", ROFLMBO

Unknown said...

Wow. That sucks. That sucks a lot.

Didn't you already pressure wash and stain your deck??? I'm feeling deja vu.

Anyway, good luck. I'm sad I won't be able to say goodbye to your house! :( But I'm excited to see what you do with your next one. <3

Rhonda said...

oh noOOOOoOOOoOOo!!!! That's awful! so glad Will could save the day! What a nice plumber to teach him for no charge! You are getting some pretty sweet tender mercies there...even in the midst of chaos! Good luck and I hope you can get a nap eventually!!

EmmaP said...

i am so glad you have will. seriously. i can picture it all like it was happening to me... but in another space and time continuum... make sense? anyway... i am glad you got your "hug" in the middle of the night too.

Megan said...

Ugh! What a nightmare! But you've got a night in shining armor to save the day! Whew! =)