Monday, June 15, 2009

Why Love is Indescribable

Saying that you love someone romantically for the first time is never a small deal.

  • Maybe you shouldn't love them? Perchance you feel it's too early to love them. Likely, you've said it one too many times when you didn't mean it, and you worry about doing that again. But, when you really discover that you love someone, you probably knew it a while before. You DID love them even then, but admitting it out loud to ANYONE just wasn't 'safe'. Even to yourself. You tried to convince yourself that you didn't... but you knew better.

Saying that you love someone romantically for the first time, after being divorced is one hundred times MORE never a small deal.

  • You're hurt. You're scared that THIS love will be as fleeting, perhaps, as the love you said goodbye to with the bang of the judge's gavel. You worry that maybe you can't love ever as much as the last time. That your broken heart is too flawed to love again. That your judgement didn't exactly work out in your favour last time, so why trust it now?

Hearing for the first time that you are loved is scary and ethereal and euphoric and terrifying. Hearing for the first time that you are loved, after divorcing, is one hundred times MORE scary than anything else. Shocking. Exciting. Engulfing . Validating.


We knew we loved each other before it was said on either side. Just something you could just.. know. It. just. was. And that made it beautiful. And scary. SO scary. It was too early, it was intimidating-- "what if I love them, and they don't love me back? How can I handle that AGAIN after my last love died so similarly?!"

I remember sitting on the couch, cuddling with kids, and I felt perfect. Felt like I was where I needed to be, right at that moment. Soooo many times before that, I had wanted to tell him I loved him. I'd open my mouth, yet, stopped myself; I didn't say it. It wasn't the right time, and although I was sure I knew I did love him, I didn't want to say it then.

A few days passed, and we were in a phone conversation, where we were kinda discussing how we weren't allowed to say that we loved each other because we were worried about the timing of it all. Frustrated, Will decided to call it a night.

Will: Well, it's getting late and I'm tired.
Me: Yah, me too.
Will: Okay. Well, goodnight then. And just so you know, I do love you. OkayIgottago,goodnight!

Me: uh. WHAT?! *smiles, butterflies and shock take over.*
Will: Yah. uh. Talk to you tomorrow, kay?
Me: *giggles* okay. Goodnight.

I smiled all night. He loved me. I knew he did, but saying it was different. And hearing it was rapturous.

Another day, a few weeks later. Another phone conversation.

Will: *finishing a conversation about something totally banal, when I cut him off:*
Me: I love you.
Will: *pause* Just like that, eh?
Me: Yah. Just like that!
*pause*- I start kinda worrying that I've wierded him out.

Will: Well, it's about freaking time!!! *laugh*

I hung up the phone that night, expecting to regret saying it. But instead, I just wanted to shout it from the rooftops. Only one other time in my life had saying "I love you" for the first time ever made it into my memory. And I had said it more than twice, believe me. This, though, this was... perfect. It was awesome and sensational and if it culminates me ever falling in love again (here's hoping I don't have to) I'm happy knowing that it could be this incredible.


Kristi said...

LOVED the blog today! As Amanda Bynes says best on She's The Man, "I can reel-eight" to when to say I love you out loud. Even though you figured you already did, it was too early! Yeah, for sure!

You should have heard my heart go pitty pat when I heard "I think I'm falling in love with you" for the first time in my life. I'll never forget it.

You won't either, I know. I mean, when it comes from the right person at the right time. Which it totally did. YAYYYYY!!!!

Unknown said...

YES YES!! Me love this post too. Super cute, super vulnerable, and super awesome, all in one. Way to go. I'm thrilled for you guys. :) :) :)

The Bullknitter said...

Heh, heh, I think I see fireworks here. And it's not even the first of July.

Debbie Jo said...

I am giddy...thanks.

Insert firefighter photo....

Now my day is perfect.

Jillene said...

Aaaawwww....I am SOOOOOOOOOO freaking happy for you!!

Grand Pooba said...

Oh my gosh! Yay! I am so happy for you and I don't even know you! Well in person at least.

You wrote that just beautifully and perfect, just like your I love you was!

I am so hooked on your love story!

Tanis, said...

That was such a sweet post! How excited you must feel about life right now!

Hailey said...

*eeee* I'm beyond excited for you *pee my pants* excited for you guys!

This just is perfect...beautiful...and I love that you aren't just keeping it to yourself :)

I'm all tickled and giddy right now - THAT moment changes makes an already perfect and beautiful reality even moreso!

You both deserve it...each other...the best!

I know it won't have the same impact, but I LOVE YOU TOO :D (*will* - no need to be jealous....she may smile all day after I've said it, but I can guarantee she isn't itching to kiss my face off too!! *phew*)

Rhonda said...

That's so awesome! Love rocks! And have I mentioned what a GORGEOUS couple you are? No? Well you are.

Alison said...

Oh. My. Word! Girl!! YAAAAY!!! I have this stupid dopey grin on my face because I'm just so thrilled for you both :) And the part about trusting your judgement this time around? - I can so relate - well said girl!

holymotherofgod said...

THE sweetest post, omg.

Word verification

Known in Charlenese as
Perfect Intention


Anonymous said...

SEXY couple

Anonymous said...

I had a chance to read your blog today, from the start of your divorce to are amazing. You should write this in a book, it's very real and would hit home to a lot of people. So glad you kept it real, and that in the end you and your ex have kept it 'nice' for the children. You are an inspiration to the many of us who suffer various trials in our lives and have to keep've been truly blessed and rewarded with such an awesome 'new' life! Enjoy and congratulations!

EmmaP said...

awwww...he is the cheese to your macaroni... i am happy about your love!!! :)

Megan said...

I love this post! So stinkin sweet and perfectly said! =D